

Ice cold.

"Is this hell?"

A silent murmur came from the corner of Chu Xun's lips, followed by a rather unexpected and surprising murmur: "Interesting, it's the little guy who fainted when he entered!"


Chu Xun's consciousness.

Become unconscious.

And the outside world.

at this point.

There is endless sorrow, and countless monks in Jiuzhou are looking up at the sky. There is a heavy rain of blood, and there are monks in the imperial realm who have died and passed away here. The aura of sadness from the great avenue envelopes them, and countless people are crying, and This time it was not for the emperor, but for Chu Xun.



People trilled.

His eyes were aching. For the rangers of Tianji City, they had only heard that Chu Xun’s name was the best in Jiuzhou, and his reputation became more and more popular every time, but he didn’t have much impression of him. But in recent days, in Jiuzhou When being robbed, which heroic figure will be the first to stand up and fight against the Supreme Being until he is exhausted.

There was an emperor who sublimated to the extreme in a desperate situation and used supreme secret techniques to briefly stop, and killed the Dark Lord one after another. He powerfully suppressed Yu Ling and made the master of Yu Ling sublime in the restricted area. He killed three emperors in succession on the same day. Even though the last Lord of Yuling was hunted by the powerful powers of the Nine Continents, people believed that it was Chu Xun's credit.


Starry sky.

These people also stood there in silence. They slaughtered the emperor and killed an emperor who had fallen into the imperial realm. However, they could not feel any joy. Only hot tears were flowing from the corners of their eyes. The dean of the academy said in a hoarse voice: "This is Chu." Thanks to Xun’s credit, even if we don’t take action, the master of Yuling is doomed!”


The ancestor of Jianzhou said in a low voice, according to common sense, people like them cannot kill the emperor, even if they are the supreme ones who have fallen to the imperial realm, but the Lord of Yuling is too weak, and the terrible Confucian Sage carving knife has penetrated his body, putting an end to He lost his ability to recover, and was stained with a curse. His aura plummeted from the imperial realm, and in the end even the quasi-emperor realm was unstable.

And a group of them swarmed over and joined forces to hunt down the lord of the restricted area. Even though they also killed several quasi-emperors, no one wanted to take the credit.

"Elder Chu...!" Donglin Sect, the treasure left by Chu Xun showed the battle in the starry sky. When he saw Chu Xun's body disintegrating in the starry sky, burning in the flames, and turning into fly ash, The spiritual will of the fanatics who believe in Chu Xun is tantamount to collapse and collapse.

"Chu Xun~!" Xiao Rongyu saw this scene and her legs became weak. As a saint, she could not even stand at this moment. Her delicate and pretty face was already covered with tears. At this moment, she could only She felt her heart was broken, and the whole world turned into darkness. She no longer had the demeanor of a leader in front of the sect hall, she was just a poor woman living alone.

Tears flowed uncontrollably, and she sobbed silently. She witnessed Chu Xun's unparalleled elegance and the sedimentation of his broken Taoist heart. She also witnessed him conquering his inner demons and rising step by step. She watched him go further and further away. Watching his back getting higher and higher until she could no longer chase him, and now watching his body turn into flames and melt in the starry sky, her heart was buried together.


Elder Jiang and others hurriedly came forward, with tears streaming down their faces. They were greatly heartbroken but were afraid that Master Xiao would follow Elder Chu. They said in a trembling voice: "Quandary emperors are invincible creatures. They can be reborn with a drop of blood, not to mention Elder Chu." He has become the Great Emperor and there is no strange phenomenon in the sky. Maybe Elder Chu is not dead? "

Before he finished speaking, a vision descended from heaven to earth, and it was the vision of the death of the Lord of Yuling. However, everyone couldn't hold back at this moment and yelled: "The way of heaven is like a dog, I am like your ancestors!"




In Chenzhou.

Those figures witnessed the death of their master who turned into flames. The thread in their hearts could no longer be stretched. The hot water flowed from their cheeks and forced against the starry sky. It was clear that their early cultivation level as quasi-emperors was not suitable for participating. That great battle could no longer be held at this moment, and turned into a stream of light, with tears in his eyes.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

"Take me with you!" Li Yaochi, who was below Chenzhou, also shouted anxiously. There was mist swirling in his dark and watery eyes, and the tears inside fell out of control as soon as they fell. No matter how I wiped away the tears with my thin wrist, they kept flowing and could not be wiped clean.

At this moment, the entire Jiuzhou was immersed in weeping. Chu Xun died, calming the resurgence of darkness and turmoil. But while people were crying, they were still panicking. Their biggest supporter was gone, leaving them panicked. There was weeping.

Tianji City.

Wu Zhenjun.

Yang Yiyi.

Fire girl.

Lord Red Dragon.

They were lucky enough to witness Chu Xun's glorious achievements, and even passers-by came to challenge him personally. In Chu Xun's eyes, they were just passers-by, but in their hearts Chu Xun was a towering mountain, with provocations leading to subsequent fanatical worship, especially Wu Zhenjun is Chu Xun’s number one fan.

He was still naked from the waist up, exposing his bronzed skin, but now he was twitching slightly, and tears flowed out of his usually numb cheeks at some point. Yang Yiyi said in a crying voice: "Big guy, you're crying!"

"Am I crying?" Wu Zhenjun wiped away his tears with his big hand. He already felt that he was indifferent to everything. There was no emotion in his life and he would not cry. But the hot tears flowing were so real. Looking outside the territory, he clenched the sword behind his back. Said: "That's what I owe him, that's what all the creatures in Jiuzhou owe him!"


Falling into chaos.

Tired as never before.

So intense.

Just think.

This sleep.

So long~!

As if he couldn't wake up, his consciousness fell into a ray of wakefulness, and sleepiness came over him. Unconsciously, he was immersed in sleep again, and so on, like a big dream, but also like a big dream for thousands of years.

"you're awake!"

No matter how beautiful the dream is, there is a moment of awakening. When Chu Xun woke up from the nightmare, he heard a voice and his thoughts and consciousness returned in all aspects. All the things related to before going to bed kept pouring in, which made him He opened his eyes from the darkness and murmured: "Am I dead?"



Ice cold.


All kinds of negative emotions.

They came one after another.

If a person is weak-minded, he will turn into an idiot if he is hit face to face, but he was like a big dream, softly murmuring: "Is this hell?"

"Hell?" A slightly playful dark eye fell on him, looking at him with interest, the corners of his lips pursed slightly, and said: "This is not hell, this is a devil's prison!"

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