Magic word!

This is not just the dean of the academy.

The helmsman of the Palace of Holy Saints also believes that it is not that this sentence is magical, but that the impact of the thoughts in it is too great. It has a great impact on these great scholars who have read the books of saints and sages, and almost overturns their world. Let them deeply feel their own powerlessness. If this sentence appears after a long time, it will not matter if future generations read it.

This is the legacy of our ancestors.

Ancient sages.

That's how it should be.

And now.

They witnessed Chu Xun enter the academy for a year, study and become a saint, and even shocked two sages to come in person, and now even write such shocking remarks, so what does it mean that they have spent their whole life studying?

between people.


Is it that big?

Especially the literati look down upon each other.

Originally, these great Confucian scholars secretly despised each other and thought highly of themselves. Now these few words shocked their Taoist hearts. If they continue to observe and observe, their Confucianism and Taoist cultivation will collapse. That is a terrible thing. .

"The Tao should not be taught lightly!" The helmsman of the Holy Taoist Palace suddenly understood. This is a saying that has been circulated among Taoists for a long time. The reason why the Tao should not be taught lightly does not mean that it cannot be easily taught to outsiders. There is also another main reason for forcing people to observe the Tao without being able to practice it. Law will only be counterproductive.

Not only can you not understand the essence of it, but you will overturn what you know and fall into a state of confusion. If you are lucky, you will get out of it quickly, but if you are unlucky, you will be unable to escape for the rest of your life. This will have a great impact on young people who have not yet mastered the practice, which is why these None of the younger generation has mastered the Imperial Scripture, and even if they observe it, they are only fragments of it. How many people have truly understood the complete Imperial Scripture?


The dean of the academy took a breath of cold air, and when he looked at the blurry figure with hazy light and shadow, his eyes were completely different. He had only been studying for a year and yet he wrote such shocking words. Even the sage master and the sage of the academy were alarmed. The engraved characters are transformed into eternal scriptures, perhaps even the Imperial Scriptures are nothing more than this.

Such talent.

How could you miss it.




Not just him.

The helmsman of the Supreme Holy Palace also had the same idea. If Chu Xun was a real member of the academy, it would be unrealistic for him to take him away by force. However, he knew that Chu Xun had only been in the academy for a year and had been living in the academy. In the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, to put it bluntly, Chu Xun might not even be able to find it in the back of the academy. How can such a person have a sense of belonging?

I can also get it from the Holy Palace!

The two people's thoughts changed.

each other's eyes.

Already filled with a strong smell of gunpowder.

"Everyone is waiting!"

"Don't show up in the academy!"


All of a sudden.

A great scholar in the academy.

Academy elder.

Jian Qingzhu.

Su Yaoyao.

A large group of people were pushed out in an instant and fell from the sky like dumplings. This made a group of curious onlookers outside the Academy Tower scratch their heads and scratch their heads as they watched so many people fall. Dodge.



But look at the person falling to the ground.

The corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch: "Is this a scholar from the academy?"

The faces of the great scholars in the Holy Palace were also twitching. Even they did not expect that the leader of the Double Holy Land would actually take action so quickly, without giving them any time to react. They also sighed: "I'm afraid only the quasi-emperor... …!”


Three more figures were thrown out.

An extremely embarrassing fall.


These three are not weak. The power of a single word of Dharma can make them sit cross-legged in the void. However, this scene still shocks the people below. They are as powerful as the Confucian quasi-emperor. The leaders of the Twin Holy Lands showed no resistance. Like them, they couldn't even hold a single breath, so they threw them out one after another.


"Such a big deal!"

"Just let the two of you decide!"

Sitting cross-legged in the void, a quasi-emperor surging with hazy immortal energy spoke up, trying his best to save the situation; but below, a scholar curled his lips slightly and said disdainfully: "Scholars don't talk big words!"


A thunder struck.

Which quasi-emperor.

The corners of his mouth twitched.

Even though such a thunderbolt could not hurt him, it was really shameful that his thin face was humiliated in such a public way. Veins popped out on his forehead, and he whispered to himself: "Great scholar here, keep silent!"

"Teacher, what happened inside? Did senior Chu Xun really write the incredible words in it?" Nie Yong's eyes gleamed, and even Chu Xun's name was filled with respect. This former number one anti-fan has transformed into Loyal fans.

"That's not true!" Not only Master Nie Yong, these great scholars thought of the deafening inscription they had just seen on the forty-ninth floor. Each of them had bright eyes, with brilliant and proud expressions, and wanted to show off, but they found themselves I couldn’t even utter the first word, especially the noble scholar just now:? ? ?



"Why are not you talking?"


"Master Kong Sheng, is Li Sheng still there?"

"How is Senior Chu Xun doing now?"

One question after another.

Keep throwing.

Looking at the sincere disciples, these great scholars' desire to share turned into the three quasi-emperors looking up at the sky, silently cursing in their hearts: Shameless!


"This is about it!"

"I happen to know a little bit!"

The quasi-emperor who was struck by lightning spoke lightly and indifferently, instantly attracting everyone's attention. The eyes full of admiration and knowledge made the quasi-emperor say proudly: "A thousand sails pass by the side of the sunken boat, and thousands of trees bloom in front of the dead tree...!"




These great scholars spit in unison. Damn, they put a silence package on these great scholars right from the start. Now they can only watch this guy pretend to be powerful and show off in front of people, and they are so angry that their teeth itch.



Inside the academy tower.

It was another scene.

After clearing these onlookers, the leader of the academy and the leader of the Supreme Dao Palace looked at each other, and lightning arcs splashed in their eyes. One was the tall dean of the academy, with eyes like lightning, wearing a Confucian robe and a Confucian cap, and he looked like an ancient great scholar.

On the contrary, it was another leader of the Supreme Saint Palace, wearing a linen robe, with gray hair casually scattered, highlighting a bit of slovenliness and unrestrainedness. It was hard to imagine that this was the leader of the orthodox Supreme Saint Palace in Ruzhou.

"Chu Xun is not from your academy, and he doesn't even know where your academy's forbidden area is. You still have the nerve to tell me that you are from your academy. Pfft, you are shameless!" The helmsman of the Supreme Saint Palace directly tore.

The dean of the academy was also unceremonious, and he sneered at the beginning: "With your sloppy appearance, you still claim to be the orthodox leader of Confucianism. Isn't it shameful? With a teacher like you, I am worried that all the disciples will learn bad things from you!"

"Don't accept it?"

"Come on!"

"What I Confucians believe in is 'convincing people with reason!'" The dean of the academy rolled up his sleeves, and a pile of white paper appeared in his hand, all of which were powerful cultivation methods that had been recorded.

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