"Where are the people!"

The helmsman of the Holy Palace couldn't help but say, without mentioning anything else, just this sentence was worthy of their surprise.


The old man in white with long eyebrows pointed.

Everyone looked around.

The light and shadow are hazy.


Under the refraction of the rays, I could vaguely see a gentle old man with a kind face. He was wearing a green shirt and had his eyes slightly closed, but his body was still filled with the fresh air of Confucianism and the wind of Confucian books flowing out.

"As expected of a wise man who wrote such a rich artistic conception!" The great scholars from the Holy Academy all exclaimed, with surprise in their eyes. From this gentle elder, they smelled the wisdom that had gone through many hardships and setbacks. , finally returned to his true nature and became an old man with great wisdom.



These people are admiring.

"But... this sentence doesn't seem to be enough to alarm the two saints, right?" Some scholars finally revealed their confusion. Although this poem is good, it can only ring six times at most, so it is impossible to disturb the saints.

[The road is long and far away, I will search up and down! 】

A brand-new famous sentence was read out. It came from the mouth of a great scholar. People looked at it and realized that the sentence they had just ignored was also so new. Everyone couldn't help but realize it and think of the previous sentence. You can imagine his experience, and then see this clear-cut statement.

The road to spiritual practice is long and far away. I will persevere and spare no effort to pursue and explore. This is almost like a famous oath that declares that even if my body declines, I will continue to explore unyieldingly and burst forward to the end of spiritual practice. This will undoubtedly make these readers His heart was moved, and he was vaguely aware of the purpose of practice.

Not for myself.

Nor for others.

But for the long and unknown mysterious road, constant exploration and constant pursuit made some great scholars look ashamed and murmured: "I'm not as good as that!"

Many of them, when they reached the realm of Confucianism, realized that their practice was futile, so they had the idea of ​​wasting their time, and many of them were taking action. These words of caution made them wake up, even if their path to practice was gone, they would still have nothing to lose. Why can’t I continue to read books and explore unknown and mysterious areas?

"Great wisdom!"

There are great Confucians who have great principles.

Two sentences.

Let them know something about Chu Xun.

From the setbacks in life to enlightenment, to the subsequent blooming, and the yearning for the future, they understand how this person is in line with Confucianism. If he is placed in the Sutra Pavilion and studied for ten or eight years, he will become a quasi-emperor and even achieve greatness. Confucianism and emperors are not delusions.

"Dang eight bells!"

The scholar from the academy said repeatedly that these two sentences contain extraordinary philosophy. If they fit together, even if the bell rings eight times, it is reasonable. There should not be any surprises. Immediately, confusion in people's hearts came. Over the years, Even if there are still people who have become Confucian emperors, they have not disturbed one of the two saints, let alone the two saints coming in person now?

"Look at the stone tablet!"

The old man in white clothes with long eyebrows said.


Only then did people discover.

On the stone tablet.

There are still words.

"Establish a heart for heaven and earth!"



The great scholars present nodded and understood the meaning of this sentence at a glance.

"Establish a destiny for the people!"

In an instant.

Many great scholars and even the dean of the academy became silent. Even their waists straightened involuntarily. There was no longer any expression of comment on their faces. Some of them just read carefully, word by word.

"Continue the unique learning for the Holy Spirit!"

"To create peace for all eternity!"


Almost when they read the third sentence, their souls started to tremble inexplicably, as if their heads were being gently scratched with five fingers, and even their souls were about to leave their bodies. They looked at the fourth sentence almost breathlessly. , when I finished reading, all the great scholars, all the elders, and all the visitors were all made of clay and wood.

[Establish a heart for heaven and earth, establish a name for the living people, carry on the unique knowledge for the saints, and create peace for all generations! 】


Shocked and numb!

Su Yaoyao.

Jian Qingzhu.

The two young people's eyes widened and their mouths opened wide. Even the Dean of the Academy and the helmsman of the Holy Palace, the two most powerful and powerful people in Confucianism, were both in Muggles. They forgot everything. My mind fell into an unprecedented emptiness. The shock of these two sentences was too great.

First reading.

It's enough to shock people's souls.

The higher the cultivation level.

The more you can understand.

These two sentences.

More than worth a thousand pieces of gold.




"Boom boom boom!"

The hearts of these two people are constantly stirring up waves, their pupils are shrinking, and their fingers are making patterns. Even the cultivation of quasi-emperors cannot control themselves. They are so shocked that the gods are trembling, which is more serious than the impact of the emperor's law. This is Those who read the book were shocked and numbed by the impact on their souls.



Their breathing was rapid, and a terrifying aura gradually filled their bodies. Earlier, the dean of the academy felt that Chu Xun was not a member of the academy, and he might not stay in the academy. He might leave after studying like the Zhenwu Great Sage, but now in his heart I only have one thought, who said Chu Xun is not from my academy, I will beat him to death!

The leader of the Supreme Saint Dao Palace originally just wanted to figure out what happened. When he knew that it was because of an outsider, he was not very upset. Especially in this era, he did not want to have any conflict with the academy. But now he only had one thought in his mind. He was just an outsider from another world. Why should he enter your academy!

The Supreme Saint Dao Palace is the orthodox Confucianism!


As the aura of the two people continued to accumulate.

They themselves were still unable to move, and were overwhelmed by the shock of this sentence; and the great scholars and elders in the academy, as they murmured the first, second, and third times, blood spurted out of their mouths, their bodies were struck by lightning, and they kept falling, their faces pale and said: "I have studied all my life, but I am not as good as an outsider who studies for one year!"



This state kept happening, which woke up the dean of the academy and the helmsman of the Supreme Saint Palace. They didn't care to take action, and swept all the great scholars to the back with a flick of their sleeves, and said solemnly: "This sentence can be called the holy words of the heavenly way. You can't stare at it for too long, even if you murmur, you can't repeat it too many times!"


The two of them joined forces to cut off the space here first, so that others can't see this stone tablet again. At the same time, they also vaguely understood why they couldn't peek in with the quasi-emperor's eyes before, and they also knew why Confucius and Li Sheng, the two saints, came here. It's not without reason. It's really that this sentence is too shocking and has too much impact on the practitioners.


Jian Qingzhu also took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He didn't even look at Chu Xun, because this also hurt him. He had always claimed to be a genius in the academy, and even the two holy places of Ruzhou were willing to acquiesce to his identity as a Confucian scholar. Now, he was jealous of a person who had only studied for one year.

He even regretted it.

He regretted inviting Chu Xun to Ruzhou.

The dean of the academy suddenly changed color. He also noticed that Jian Qingzhu's heart of Taoism collapsed. His Confucianism was constantly disintegrating. Fortunately, the Confucian scholar still had some reason left. He closed his eyes and forced the conflict to end. After trying his best to suppress it, he looked at the inscription on the stone tablet and said, "What kind of devil word is this!"

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