"Taoist talismans!" The dean of the academy tore off a piece of white paper with a powerful secret method engraved on it. He had watched a Taoist ancestor of a very high generation take action, secretly observed, and recorded it on the talisman.



In the academy tower.

One after another, magical Taoist talismans condensed, each of which condensed a terrible aura. Some talismans contained endless oceans, and the stars in the sky were floating in them like gravel. Some were as heavy as mountains, condensing countless essences of stars, and extracting a majestic gravity. Each rune has different effects.

Wind, fire, thunder and lightning.

Innate Bagua.

Yin and Yang.

All bloomed under his feet.

Those who didn't know thought that it was a Taoist who was doing this, but those who were familiar with Confucianism knew that this was a group of hateful, disgusting and helpless little white mice, so that those top battles in Jiuzhou could frequently ignore Confucianism and avoid them, always worried that their methods were stolen quietly.



"You're really serious!"

The leader of the Supreme Saint Palace also took a breath of cold air, puffing his beard and staring, never expecting that just because of the symbol of a disciple, the dean of the academy would take it seriously. He couldn't help but feel a little angry in his heart, staring at him and said: "But do you really think I'm a vegetarian?"

"Swords come!"




The sword energy soared into the sky.

There are still some Confucian saints in the academy who like to wear swords, but now the long swords they wear beside them have escaped and turned into lightning and disappeared into the academy tower.

Those great scholars didn't care about the quasi-emperor, but looked inside in horror. They vaguely sensed the glory of Taoism condensed in the tower of the academy, as if the ancient incarnations of Taoist gods were invited down. Then the outside world was filled with monstrous sword energy. They couldn't help but whispered: "This is the sword intent of the Sword Ancestor from Jianzhou!"


"It's serious!"

The great scholars of the academy and the great scholars of the Supreme Taoist Palace all looked solemn. They knew that the two of them, as the masters of their respective holy places, would definitely have to fight a battle, but they didn't expect it to be so terrifying. This was not an ordinary fight. They used this level right away, which was both the Taoist method of a Taoist ancestor and the sword intent of the Sword Ancestor of Jianzhou.

Too scary!

It didn't look like an ordinary fight.

It was more like playing with life.

"Doing this... is it worth it!" A great scholar moved his lips. The academy and the Supreme Saint Dao Palace have been living in peace for tens of thousands of years. Even if there were conflicts and contradictions in the middle, they were limited to the realm of great scholars. There were very few frictions between quasi-emperors. Now the leaders of both sides have made such a terrifying noise, which also scared them.

"Is it worth it...?"

"It's worth it!"

It was just a brief hesitation.

In an instant.

They were sure.

Thinking of the previous words, it was deafening. The academy had regretted missing a Zhenwu Great Sage for a long time before. Now there is a disciple who is quite amazing. If this is missed, I don't know how much regret it will be. It is a chance to suppress the academy for a long time. No one wants to miss it.


A faint sigh.

Resounded in the academy tower.

At this time,

The only person who could make a sound was the old man in white with long eyebrows. As the spirit of the weapon here, there was no possibility of being expelled. Looking at the two sides of the fight, he whispered, "Have you really prepared for a fight?"

The dean of the academy also hesitated. He just wanted to intimidate the other party and show his determination to win. At the same time, he did have some intentions, but they were not very firm. He was reluctant to give in, even if both sides cultivated Chu Xun together. The regret of missing the Great Saint Zhenwu made him put this intention on Chu Xun.

That's why he was so determined to start just now.

Now with the reminder.

Does he really want to fight?

Both sides will suffer.

Forced competition?

Is it really okay!

The dean of the Supreme Taoist Palace also had red eyes. The dean of the academy started with a big move, summoning the means of an old ancestor of Taoism, forcing him to use the sword ancestor's sword intent, and he was still holding his breath in his chest.

"It's not too late to see him and then decide!" The old man in white clothes and long eyebrows looked at Chu Xun, with endless amazement in his eyes. At this time, he realized that Chu Xun was less than a hundred years old.

How shocking this is. Looking at his appearance that has gone through vicissitudes and settled, he thought he was wise but foolish, and experienced a long period of enlightenment. Who would have thought that he was a child of destiny who was less than a hundred years old, even though he was younger than Jian Qingzhu, but now he looked like this. When he recited the two lines of poetry again, he understood the true meaning of them.

"A thousand sails pass by the side of the sunken boat, and thousands of trees bloom in front of the dead tree!"

"The road is long and far, I will search up and down!"

If he had not experienced a major change and had some enlightenment in his heart, he would not have said such a poem. He sighed, but seeing that the two Taoist leaders were not thinking about it, he shook his head slightly and did not tell Chu Xun's age. Otherwise, with the temperament of these two people, I am afraid that they would have to fight again immediately.


The dean of the academy had a square face, was tall, and was dressed in a neat and tidy Confucian robe. He looked like a serious and meticulous elder, especially the slightly furrowed nasolabial folds between his brows, which made him look more serious and made people feel a little timid.

The helmsman of the Supreme Palace of Dao also put away the slovenly and casual look on his face. His cloudy eyes were full of confusion as he stared at the figure that was looming in the light and shadow. He seemed to be not in the academy tower, nor in this time and space, as if he was alone in a world. They knew about this change earlier but did not pay attention to it. As they gradually observed, they noticed that there was a different breath in Chu Xun's body?

That breath!

Somewhat familiar!

As if I had felt it there before.

Very real.

Very clear.

But I couldn't help it.

This made the two Confucian masters scratch their heads and muttered: "Where have I seen this familiar breath before? Why is it so familiar? I just can't think of it for a while!"

"Think about it again!"

"Take a look again!"

The old man in white clothes with long eyebrows said softly.


The two were struck by lightning.

Their bodies trembled.

They woke up suddenly.

This aura...isn't it the luck of the Confucian lineage? This made the pupils of the two people shrink continuously, and their fingers fell into a second stiffness. They stared at Chu Xun in disbelief and said in horror: "Confucian luck!"

"How is it possible!" Chu Xun only studied in Ruzhou for a year, what does it have to do with Ruzhou's luck? Just now, the two of them didn't think about it, but as the spirit of the weapon pointed out, they stared at it and it was exactly the luck of Confucianism.

"How could he...!"

"Carry it!"

"Confucian luck!"

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