Mechanical ascension is also a good way. As long as the technology can keep up, the upper limit is definitely not lower than other systems.

There are three thousand avenues and eight hundred side doors, all of which can lead to enlightenment.

Although these words are spoken by a novelist, they are not without purpose.

Yan·Jiangyue:【Is this everyone’s secret?】

Mi Toma: [It’s not really a secret. In fact, some people who are not members of the group also know about the existence of the group. It depends on the individual circumstances of all members. 】

Tsuchima Mi: [At present, each world in the group will only add one person to the group. After a certain period of time, some group members will be automatically selected to join. 】

Mi Toma: [But now it seems that there are other ways to attract people. 】

Xiao Yichen: [You don’t need to worry about this kind of thing. Finding ways to improve yourself through this platform is what you need to worry about. 】

Xiao Yan: [Speaking of improving yourself, is there any "490" method in the group to speed up early practice? 】

Zhang Chulan: [This has to mention Orario’s favor system. Lao Xiao is the most familiar with it. Just ask him. 】

Xiao Yichen:【What level are you at now?】

Xiao Yan: [I just became a fighting master. 】

Xiao Yichen: [The three-year contract period is just right. You can go directly to Orario to find a family member to join. 】

Xiao Yichen: [If you are worried that the favor effect will not be retained, then go to @千亿雪 to awaken a martial spirit, so that you can easily upgrade. 】

Xiao Yichen: [Of course, this is the old path I have taken. I am not sure whether it will be suitable for you. 】

Xiao Yichen: [After all, the favor system is subject to the favor of the gods. Although the early progress is very fast, the later stages of advancement may be very confusing. 】

Xiao Yichen: [To be honest, I have entered a bottleneck period now. 】

Xiao Yichen: [The other issue is personal suitability and luck. The awakening of the martial spirit depends on luck. 】

Xiao Yichen: [I am lucky enough to have twin martial souls. It is probably because of this, so even at the same level, I am much stronger than Lyu who is also taking this route. 1

Xiao Yichen: [In my personal opinion, if it is just to develop basic attributes, compared to the favor system, the genetic enhancement route will be more effective. 】

Xiao Yichen: [The only problem is that it costs a bit more and it hurts a bit. 】

Xiao Yichen: [Also, you are an alchemist and have relatively high requirements for soul power. Have you ever considered becoming a Shinigami like Kurosaki Ichigo? 】

Zhang Chulan: [Huh? Can you still do this? 】

Xiao Yichen:【Why not?】

Xiao Yichen: [The spirit leaving the body is a very advanced spell. Improving the soul in this state will definitely make you one step ahead of others. 】

Xiao Yichen: [If you can awaken your own Zanpakutō, it will also be of great benefit to @小禞 when you face the Soul Palace in the future. 】

Xiao Yichen: [Similarly, for Yao Lao who is now a soul body, the benefits are also not small. 】

Xiao Yan: [...Thanks for the advice!]

Mengmeng Belia Debiruke: [If you need the same genetic medicine as @Xiao Yichen, then I suggest you come to me for a comprehensive physical examination first. 】

Mengmeng Belia Debiruke: [My dear, I was very strong at that time and could withstand the maximum power of the medicine in the shortest time. For you, it may take longer. 】

Mengmeng Belia Debiluk: [The final strengthening effect may be worse. 】

Xiao Yan: [Understandable. 】

Mengmeng Belia Debiruke: [As for the price, screenshot JPG][

Mengmeng Beilebiluk: [This is a screenshot of the mall valuation of the full set of genetic potions given to him at that time. If it were customized for you, the value should be similar. 】

Mengmeng Belia Debiruke: [In addition, the strengthening time may be extended to a certain extent, probably about two years. 】

But compared to the harvest, it is not worth mentioning at all.

Aizen Sosuke: [I want to see if Death is the exclusive system of my world, or if anyone with a soul can practice it. 】

Xiao Yan:【Why do you want a body?】

After all, it was just for exploration before, but now it involves administrator rights. .

He was originally planning to prepare his body by giving medicine, and bringing an extra Aizen Soyousuke was just a 3.2 incidental matter.

What's more, this is only talking about the strengthening effect of genetic medicine...

Xiao Yan:【......】

If it doesn't work, go to Xiao Yichen for help.

If he really had strength comparable to Dou Zun, then he wouldn't be able to walk sideways on Dou Qi Continent?

Aizen Sosuke: [In addition, I remember they said before that your future achievements will be very high. 】

Aizen Sosuke: [If Mr. @小琰 wants to become the God of Death, I can help you for free. 】

Between destroying the country and destroying the continent, even if you take the lowest level of destroying the country, Xiao Yan is almost at the level of Douzong.

Besides, with Yao Lao protecting him, he didn't think there would be much risk just by awakening as a god of death.

Xiao Yichen: [My side has been strengthened from the continental level to the surface level. Your level is still low now, and the basic strengthening may be worse. 】

For the time being, he still trusted this fellow with the same surname.

A mere ten million points seems like a lot now.

After being promoted to Douzong in two years, even if his destructive power reaches the level of Douzong, it is enough for Xiao Yan to give it a try.

Tony Stark: [Not expensive. 】

Horaisan Kaguya: [Tsk, I have already returned to Gensokyo. Exploring another world seems to be no fun, so I won’t go there next time. 】

Xiao Yichen: [Basically estimated, it should be able to be strengthened to between national level and continental level?]

Xiao Yan: [Miss Mengmeng, I will raise 10 million as soon as possible! 】

Aizen Sosuke:【So, what's your answer?】

Even if you didn't know it before, you should know it after seeing the fate of the group.

Xiao Yan: [What about the strengthening effect?]

Tsuchima Mi: [Hiss————It actually costs 10 million! 】

Xiao Yan:【Okay!】

Aizen Soyousuke: [In your words, it is difficult for the Yin spirit of all tribulations to become a saint. The technique of arresting the spirit and sending generals is too restrained for me as a soul. 】

Xiao Yan: [...Okay, it’s true. 】

This kind of thing is not a problem as long as he is strong enough.

As for saying that Aizen Sosuke is a villain, there must be a lot of calculations involved.

If you take into account his own cultivation and the blessings of various opportunities, it might be even stronger!

Whether she didn't want to go or knew that no one would help her anymore, she expressed her attitude in a subtle way. No one knows for the time being.

As a time traveler, Xiao Yan certainly knew that Aizen Sosuke was the villain.

Aizen Sosuke: [So if possible, I hope you can let me have a body that matches my strength in the future. 】

Xiao Yan:【Oh?】

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