The atmosphere in the group is quite harmonious.

But netizens are just netizens after all, even if there is some cooperation, or even the phenomenon of online dating.

But when it comes to larger exchanges of interests, some barriers inevitably arise.


It's unclear what exactly the administrator rights represent, so the situation is not serious.

However, including Xiao Yichen, it is impossible for everyone to help Penglai Mountain Kaguya to collect indicators for nothing.

It’s not necessarily that I really care about that authority, it’s just that our relationship is not that important.

Fubuki from Hell: [@ Xiao Yichen, are you free? 】

Xiao Yichen: [Yes. 】

Hell's Fubuki: [The association is urgently concerned about all S-level and above heroes. It should be that Boros you mentioned is coming. Do you want to come and take a look? 】

Xiao Yichen: [The current Boros may not be enough. 】

Xiao Yichen: [However, Qiyu may be a good opponent. 】

Xiao Yichen: [I’ll be there right away. 】

After saying hello to Mengmeng, Dimit and the others, Xiao Yichen directly traveled to the world of One Punch Man.

"What a coincidence!"

As soon as Fang landed, Xiao Yichen26 looked up to the sky before he even had time to say hello.

He couldn't help but tear the minister apart with the black feather sword.

The flying slash collided with the suddenly falling light cannon, but it was torn apart in an instant.

The next moment, a huge spaceship appeared in the field of vision, and a large number of attacks appeared at the same time, constantly eliminating the remaining power of the attack.

In the end, the weakened slash failed to destroy the spacecraft together.

Xiao Yichen sheathed his sword and said, "It seems we don't have time to chat anymore. Don't move around here. I'll come as soon as I go."

Fubuki opened her mouth, but in the end she couldn't say what she wanted to say: "Be safe.

Xiao Yichen smiled slightly: "The Cosmic Dark Matter Pirates can't threaten me yet."

He paused with his feet and leaped away.

Relying on the ability to control gravity, the speed is getting faster and faster.

In almost the blink of an eye, he had already rushed to the spaceship.

Draw the sword, put the sword away.

A group of strange-looking guys who came to stop them were torn into pieces directly on the spot.


However, the aftermath of this slashing attack was crushed by a violent punch.

Xiao Yichen stopped and said, "Not bad!"

Boros is a Cyclops-like alien with spiky light pink hair and bangs hanging naturally on his face.

He has sharp teeth and pointed ears, with a row of gold earrings on them.

The details of hair color made Xiao Yichen squint his eyes slightly.

If I remember correctly, his hair color was changed to silver in the animated version.

Of course, this doesn't mean anything.

When doing animation, many people's hair will be changed to a more vivid color in order to show their characteristics.

But in the setting, most people actually still have black hair.

Boros has a huge blue eye and light blue skin with dark blue slit-like markings.

Starting from his eyes and covering most of his body.

He wears a suit of armor with spikes on the shoulders and forearms, as well as a pair of matching curved armor.

The skin under the armor is purple, with dark purple stripes on the face.

He also has a red sphere on his chest and purple stripes on his abdomen and arms.

He wore a pair of white bloomers with a magenta belt around his waist, and a purple blade inlaid with silver hung from the belt.

"You are strong!"

"It seems that you are the person I am looking for!"

Boros didn't care at all about the death of his subordinates. He stared at Xiao Yichen.

The fighting spirit that filled his body was about to solidify.

Xiao Yichen didn't say anything, just put away the black feather sword.

He came here to increase his ability points. If he used a sword, wouldn't this trip be in vain?

Boros's single eye burst into anger: "Arrogant!"

Xiao Yichen didn't care and just punched out.

The punch driven by the huge force suppressed the Gangqi, giving Boros a chance to speak.


The two punches collided with each other and actually blew away the tens of thousands of meters long spaceship behind Boros.

Boros didn't know what it was, but he could feel that Xiao Yichen's attitude was much more serious.

"Shinra Tenzheng!"

As the armor faded away, Boros' appearance changed.

Boros took the opportunity to get closer, his fists like waves.

The hair that stands upright becomes slightly darker in color.

"Now, let's start the real battle!"

The two of them didn't use any fancy moves, they just went fist to fist, leg to leg, and started a head-to-head battle in the sky.

Amid laughter, he took the initiative to take off his broken armor.

There is an eye under his chest that moves in sync with his original eye.

However, Boros is still wearing armor. The armor restrains Boros' power, which makes Xiao Yichen not very happy.

"Energy cannon!"

Poros responded tit for tat: "Come again!"

The Sea Buckthorn Martial Spirit appeared behind Xiao Yichen, and the nine soul rings complemented each other, but the color of the soul skill did not shine.

Naturally, Boros would not die so easily. Almost in the blink of an eye, his broken body was put back together again.

And his skin turned dark blue, with light blue stripes, bursting out with huge energy.

The violent energy bombardment covered all the gaps that Xiao Yichen could dodge, and this was just the appetizer.

Punch after punch, taking aim every day.

His muscles increased and his body grew spike-like plates, exposing his spine and surrounding tissue.

Xiao Yichen nodded with satisfaction: "Not bad!"

Xiao Yichen flashed some kind of rainbow light, and the extremely sharp golden wheel reincarnated and exploded, like a hot knife cutting through butter, easily tearing a hole in Boros' energy cannon.


"It was indeed my fault to face a strong man like you with an incomplete attitude!"

"Haha! Hahaha! Ahhahaha——"

Xiao Yichen did not use the power of the magic eye this time, and the bottomless magic power in his body also exploded.

This kind of battle is most suitable for training ability values.

Boros, who was unprepared, was cut into two pieces by the lightsaber which was not damaged at all.

Boros immediately activated the huge energy accumulated in his body: "Energy Cannon!"

"Continuous beating!"

Xiao Yichen followed the same example, waving his fists again, and once again challenged Boros head-on. .

While Boros was being bounced away, he continued to attack, "Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion!"

Along with the punch, a massive amount of magic power also formed a light cannon, which canceled out Boros's energy cannon.

After that, he rushed towards Xiao Yichen again.

that's enough.

In view of this, after some testing, he suddenly increased his strength.

Several green rosary beads transformed into a huge golden chakra lightsaber and slashed straight towards Boros.

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