Returning to the Eden Star Plain, Kaguya of Mount Horai finally no longer has to wander alone in the universe.

Although she won't die, being alone in an empty, dim universe is no different from being in a small dark room.

Horaishan Kaguya: [Let me tell you something, the chat group just reminded me that I entered an unknown area and encountered life forms in an unknown area, and asked me if I wanted to invite a group member. 】

Zhang Chulan:【Is there more later?】

Horaishan Kaguya: [No more. 】

Zhang Chulan:【Yes!】

Horaishan Kaguya: [No more. 】

Zhang Chulan: [Let me ask you, are there no conditions? 】

Horaishan Kaguya~:【No conditions?】

Zhang Chulan: [Nonsense, who will do the work if you don’t have the conditions-?]

Horaishan Kaguya:【】

Xiao Yan: [It sounds familiar. 】

Xiao Yichen: [Are you two doing a skit here?]

Xiao Yan: [I remembered it!]

Tsuchima Mi:【What do you remember?】

Xiao Yichen: [How much is the palace jade liquor plus a sledgehammer and a smaller hammer?]

Xiao Yan:【How much is it?】

Zhang Chulan: [The five hundred thousand upstairs, everyone knows the answer is a lie. 】

Xiao Yan:【】

Mi Toma: [So what on earth are you talking about? 】

Huanwen:【I know! I know!】

Huanwen: [They are talking about Zhu Xia's sketch. Because it is well known to every household, it is jokingly called a secret code in Zhu Xia. 】

Huanwen: [Looking at the news on the Internet, it seems that someone really used the sentence "Palace Jade Liquid Wine to catch a spy, but I don't know whether it is true or not?"

Xiao Yichen: [Although it is incredible, it is true. 】

Xiao Yan: [I know this, ‘palace jade liquid wine, one hundred and eighty glasses a day’. 】

Zhang Chulan: [The big hammer is eighty, the small hammer is forty. 】

Wuhe Shizhi: [So a pair of crutches is worth two hundred and twenty?]

Xiao Yichen: [From "Working Adventures", "Decoration", and "Selling Kidnappings" respectively. 】

Xiao Yichen: [The resources have been uploaded. If you are interested, you can take a look. 】

Xiao Yan: [This must be recalled. After traveling for more than ten years, I almost forgot what my hometown looked like. 】

It’s normal to have a vague impression after not seeing each other for a long time.

Besides, he was still focused on practicing, and things around him were happening one after another.

It's no wonder that he was completely assimilated into the different world later, and he really didn't have the free time to think about other things.

Horaishan Kaguya:【????????】

Horaisan Kaguya: [Shouldn’t we discuss who to invite to the group now? 】

Xiao Yichen: [You can just make the decision on this kind of thing. Do you think you will listen when we say it? 】

Horaishan Kaguya:【Hey.JPG】

Finished sending the expression.

A reminder came from the group -


[Group member Horaizan Kaguya invites new member Homura Ezuki to join the group!]

[Special reward: one million points, administrator status (progress 1/5)]

One million points doesn't matter. There are several people in the group who have such assets.

But the administrator identity behind...

Mi Toma: [What the hell? Does this group have an administrator? 】

Zhang Chulan: [There are five new people in the first phase, so you need to invite five new people to become an administrator? 】

Tony Stark: [That should be true, but I don’t know if there is a limit on the number of administrators? And the identity of the administrator, is there any other way to obtain it? 】

Lux Klein: [I think there should be more. After all, the risk of crossing an unknown world is too high. No one in the group currently has such ability. 】

Qian Renxue: [It’s impossible to tell. The group gives everyone the opportunity to become stronger. I am not strong enough, so there is no reason why I have to be accommodated. 】

Qingque: [I don’t intend to fight anyway, isn’t it good to fish? 】

Takamachi Nanoha: [I shouldn’t be able to do it now. It would be nice if I grew up. 】

Huanwen: [There must be more than one administrator. After all, new group members will definitely continue to join in the future. There is no reason not to give them a chance. 】

If you insist on speaking, magic, chakra, internal power, etc. can actually be classified into the ranks of external power.

Xiao Yichen: [That’s the power he can control, so what doesn’t it count?]

Xiao Yichen: [The paragraph before entering the single universe can indeed be used to express the level of strength. Forget about the latter ones, they are already infinite, how can they be stacked?】

Xiao Yichen: [In modern society, human beings can be said to succeed or fail with nuclear weapons. Even if we enter the space era, it will be impossible for human beings to surpass nuclear weapons for a long time in the future. 】

In other words, what is the difference between these powers and things like swords, guns, swords and halberds?

There can be many administrators, but there can only be one group owner.

If you can understand it, you probably won't be dragged into the group.

Zhang Chulan: [Martial arts can kill people, and guns and cannons can also kill people. They are all killing people anyway, so what are they not used for?]

Yuuki Asuna: [Are you using celestial bodies to express combat power? 】

Zhang Chulan: [Planet, star, galaxy, known universe, single universe, super single, multiple, super multiple, high-order multiple, infinite box, infinite order infinite box, infinite power infinite box or above. 】

Wuhe Shizhi:【Hey!】

Mi Toma: [It’s so bloody!]

Aizen Sosuke: [I'm afraid it won't stop. 】

It was only through some means that it was brought into human hands.

Tony Stark: [I can't do it unless I use unconventional weapons. 】

Toma Mi: [Eh? Is Mengmeng okay? 】

Tony Stark: [Although this is indeed the case, the progress of science and technology has not stopped. At most, it is not as rapid as it was at the beginning. people】.

Xiao Yan: [Hiss——real or fake? 】

Takamachi Nanoha:【......】

Mengmeng Belia Debiruke: [It wasn’t very good before, but I can barely do it recently. "

Xiao Yichen: [According to the current intelligence, the existence of this group will not be lower than the demon god level at least. According to the previous discussion, this group is at least at the level of the full power field. 】

Xiao Yichen: [I can barely count as one, Mengmeng can also count as one. 】

Zhang Chulan: [From a conspiracy theory perspective, might it make us kill each other?]

Misaka Mikoto: [So, what is the election method for group leaders? 】

Xiao Yichen: [I believe that when the group leader is elected, the true face of this group will be revealed. 】

Rainer Ronte: [Too high-end, incomprehensible. 】


Xiao Yan: [Who in the group has reached the lowest planet level? 】

Huanwen: [However, since there are administrators, are there still living beings? 】

Xiao Yichen: [In terms of destructive power, maybe Tony can do it too. 】

Nakiri Erina:【Technological weapons also count?】

After all, these powers did not originally belong to humans.

Not to mention relying on external force, swords, guns, swords and halberds are also external forces.

Buried by Doma:【???】

Fulilian: [There is no pie in the sky. It is better to be more vigilant about such unknown things. 】

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