Crossing the world without relying on chat groups is no longer a fantasy.

It's a bit more difficult.

But in the end, their strength is still insufficient. If they could be stronger, they wouldn't be as miserable as Kaguya Horaisan.

This is like a shot in the arm, motivating the concerned people in the group.

Aran Sosuke and others left directly, while Xiao Yichen said to Bayi Yonglin and others: "I'll take you back first.

Bayi Yonglin nodded, and then asked: "How long are you going to play there, Your Highness the Princess?"

Xiao Yichen shrugged: "This kind of thing depends on her mood."

Bayi Yonglin was silent: ""

The permission to go to Gensokyo has been granted by Horaisan Kaguya.

As soon as they thought about it, they had arrived at a bamboo forest from inside Eden Star Plain.

Xiao Yichen then said: "Let's go get a set of clothes first. Kaguya is waiting for them."

Bayi Yonglin was stunned for a moment, and quickly made arrangements: "Lingxian, go get a set of clothes for Her Royal Highness the Princess.

Lingxian responded: "Yes!"

He trotted into the room and came out after a while holding a set of clothes.

Xiao Yichen had no intention of appreciating it, so he took it and sent it to Penglai Mountain 073 Huiye.

Horaishan Kaguya: [I guess you still have some conscience. 】

Xiao Yichen:【???】

Horaisan Kaguya: [Let’s talk about it first, don’t go too far in Gensokyo. 】

Xiao Yichen:【Who do you think I am?】

Horaizan Kaguya: [If you weren’t so stubborn about race, everyone in Gensokyo should be considered beauties, right? Aren’t you interested? 】

Xiao Yichen:【Haha!】

He had no intention of staying in Gensokyo for any longer.

This is not the beginning of the plug-in.

What's more, even at the beginning, he basically adhered to the principle of no refusal, no initiative, and no commitment.

Liu was the only person he had actively pursued.

Others, including Demeter, got mixed up with him in a daze.

As soon as Yakumo Murasaki returned to Gensokyo, she got into the gap.

At this moment, he poked his head out of the gap and looked at Xiao Yichen curiously: "Hey, are you leaving now?"

Xiao Yichen asked, "What else?"

Yakumo covered his face with a purple folding fan, hiding most of his face: "But Kaguya told us that your young Mu (cgfj) Ai is a hero."

If Xiao Yichen hadn't felt uncomfortable in his eyes at the moment, he would have really wanted to reward him with a roll of his eyes: "I didn't know Kaguya could chew the tongue like this."

Bayi Yonglin said at this time: "Since you are here, it means that Her Highness the Princess has made a decision. Please come with me, Her Highness the Princess has prepared something to give to you."

what's the situation?

Although he was confused, Xiao Yichen followed Bayi Yonglin into the Japanese room.

Yakumo Purple didn't follow, and she didn't need to.

That guy appears and disappears, who knows where he is peeping at right now?

The mysteries of space are endless, and Yakumo Purple is uniquely endowed with them.

Unless he opens his senses without scruples, it will be difficult for Xiao Yichen to accurately capture the opponent even if his clairvoyance is turned on.

"these are?"

Xiao Yichen couldn't help but be a little surprised after receiving the pile of documents and ancient books handed over by Ba Yi Yong Lin.

Bayi Yonglin said lightly: "These are all the records of humans transforming into gods collected by the Moon City from ancient times to the present, as well as the information about the virtual godhead in the Moon City. In addition, "It is the secrets of the world that she has explored."

Xiao Yichen was silent for a moment: "What's the price?"

Bayi Yonglin stared at him for a long time, and then uttered two words one by one: "Human! Love!"

Xiao Yichen couldn't help but think for a long time, and then nodded: "Okay."

Will these things be useful to him?

Of course there is.

According to Demeter's judgment, he is now at the threshold of becoming a god.

Although they belong to different world systems, the experience of becoming a god from a human can serve as a reference to some extent.

The value of several other items is equally high, and can even be said to be immeasurable.

It is indeed enough to exchange these for a favor from him.

Bayi Yonglin showed a slightly faint smile: "Lingxian, get ready, we are going to entertain guests."

Xiao Yichen declined politely: "There is no need to entertain, I have to go back. Kaguya is alone in the universe now. Although there is no danger, it is not good to leave it alone."

Bayi Yonglin was slightly startled: "In that case, I'll trouble you."

Xiao Yichen smiled and said: "You're welcome, after all, I was the one who asked Kaguya to help.

He said no more, waved his hand, and returned to the TO-LOVE world.

Here, the Eden Star has arrived outside the Debbie Luke planet and is preparing to land.

While landing, Xiao Yichen explained the situation to everyone.


"Friends... Goodbye everyone!"

Xiqi cried immediately after learning that he could return to his original world community.

It's not because he's excited, it's just because he feels that the friends he made here may never be seen again in the future.

Xiao Yichen held his chin: "That's not necessarily the case."

Rebecca asked curiously: "Can we come back again?"

Xiao Yichen shook his head: "Not sure, I just think there are only zero and countless times for everything. Since you can come here, and now Kaguya can go there, then I might not be able to go back and forth frequently in the future."

But this time, sending Kaguya to Mount Horai alone required the right time, place, and people, and she had to die countless times before it could be considered successful.

I don’t know how long it will take to succeed next time.

Vaiz got to the point: "It should be very dangerous to cross the world community, right?"

Xiao Yichen said: "It is indeed dangerous, but only by conventional methods. We have special means to safely transfer people between each other.

The nun was more interested in another thing: "I would rather know, you all seem to be very strong? So, how strong are you?"

Xiao Yichen thought for a while and said: "If I must say it, it would probably be similar to His Majesty Qi Duo."

Qi Duo is the ceiling of the TO-LOVE world, with a combat power of the level of the shattered stars. On the Eden Star, he is also the top powerhouse among the top powerhouses.

The people of Eden Star are still far from him now.

In terms of hard power, Xiao Yichen is indeed about the same as the current Qida.

But this does not include the special effects of the Death Eye, otherwise he would be sure to kill at first sight.


After the spaceship landed, Xiao Yichen clapped his hands twice and said, "Okay, you guys know what happened, so do you plan to go back now or play for a while longer?"

Xiqi didn't care, after all, he had nothing to worry about.

Rebecca and the others looked at each other for a moment, and soon they made a decision: "We'd better go back, after all, that's our world.

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