The mouthpieces and agents under the World Government have already compiled countless news about smearing Walding, waiting to be sent quickly after this war is over!

After the Warring States period finished, the CP agents who controlled the image worm were unmoved, but only for a moment, after the orders of the Five Old Stars arrived quickly.

Those cp agents immediately started shutting down image bugs!

However, how can the world's top stage for the whole world, which the world government has built with great difficulty, just end so easily?

The area that Saga actually controls now is only more than half of the first half of the Great Route.

The new world is still the paradise of pirates and the territory of the four emperors!

And the incomparably vast world is still firmly in the hands of the world government.

The Walding Navy attacked and hunted down many pirates who escaped in the four seas, but the naval bases established in the four seas, like the Walding naval base in the New World, were few and far between.

The control of the world government-government over the four seas has long been deeply ingrained.

Seeing that the image bug was about to close, Saga waved his hand gently, and a large number of Vardin's elite combat power even the tornado shot again, directly controlling a large number of World Government CP agents.

The image bugs facing countless towns around the world suddenly extinguished a few screens, but a large number of screens are still faithfully doing their work!

There is even the largest screen, which has been directly aimed at Saga's face!

Saga held the strange video phone bug in his hand, smiled softly at countless civilians around the world who were watching the war, and then continued unabashedly,

"Ace is my last relative in this world,"

"Although that's not the most important reason I'm here today,"

"Just today, if I want to take Ace,"

"There will be no one-person in this world that can stop my will!"

"I am the Lord of Vardin, and I am the King of the World!"

"But, I won't do it!"

"The pursuit of justice and respect for the law surpasses my relationship with Ace, and also surpasses my kingship!"

"At this moment, right here, I am willing to conduct the fairest trial on my relative Ace in front of countless people in the world!"

"In the name of Vardin, the guilty will be punished, and the innocent will be protected by me!"

Taking Ace is definitely going to take Ace, but in front of countless people in the world to forcefully take Ace away is undoubtedly too stupid.

Vardin is not the Whitebeard Pirates, and Saga is not a pirate who can act arbitrarily.

Didn't the World Government-Government want to publicly execute Ace?

Just in time, in front of the World Government-Government, Ace will be judged in detail.

The world government-government that has ruled the world for [*] years has basically ignored the so-called justice island trial when it detains and executes prisoners.

The Judicial Island, which used to be the three major places in the city prison with the Marine Headquarters Marin Fando, has long since become a nominal court.

The rights of the world government-government have long been out of the constraints of the law!

When the World Government is looking for a reward for the so-called criminals and punishing the criminals, it will not go through a serious investigation and a fair trial.

Unconstrained power is the most terrifying beast in the world!

The level of the so-called bounty is not because of how many evil things they have done.

Simply because of how much harm they can do to world governments-governments.

Saga intends to completely uncover the depravity and corruption of the World Government through the trial of Ace.

The World Government-Government wants to discredit Vardin through the public execution of Ace, so why doesn't Saga want to expose the darkness of the World Government-Government through the world's top stage built by the World Government-Government?

Now Vardin has no way to spread the image bugs in the four seas and most of the towns in the whole world at the same time!

Saga just finished saying, 'The countless Ping Ming who were watching the video were dumbfounded, and even the soldiers from the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy Headquarters who were present (Li Zhao) cast a strange look at Saga!

Was King Saga of Vardin a lunatic?

Is there anyone who publicly judges their relatives in front of countless people around the world?

So what did he come here for?

Is it for a show?

"'II is enough, as the son of Roger One Piece, Ace, who inherited the most evil blood in the world, this alone is enough for him to be executed immediately

Some people in the Whitebeard Pirates thought that Saga was doing a show, but the Warring States period was a little anxious and began to scream at morality!

As an Admiral, he knew Ace's experience on the sea very well.

The reason why Ace was offered a bounty by the World Government is similar to Luffy's experience of being offered a bounty.

In the eyes of Ace and Luffy, the corrupt, corrupt, and corrupt navy in the four seas, as well as the nobles who do all kinds of madness and oppress the commoners, are all villains who should be defeated.

Although the bandit Dadan's family selected by Garp is not a good person, no matter whether it is Ace Sabo or Luffy, under the guidance of Garp, Dadan and the villagers of Windmill Village, none of them will be in the sea. -The villains who wantonly loot and kill! .

Chapter [*] The Privilege of the King of the World

Ace was once sentenced to the water by the residents of a small town for kicking the wrong person while hunting down Blackbeard, that is, being thrown into the water!

Of course, water that is not turbulent is just equivalent to taking a cold shower for ordinary people!

But for Ace who took the Devil Fruit, it was undoubtedly a deadly danger!

With his strength, it was easy to resist or even destroy that ordinary town.

But he didn't.

Ace silently accepted the water torture of the town residents.

There is a price to be paid for doing wrong.

Ace has always understood this in his heart!

Ace almost drowned because of the so-called water sentence.

Fortunately, Ace was rescued by a little girl named Moda!

In order to repay his kindness, Ace quietly sneaked into a naval base to deliver a letter for Moda.

While delivering the letter, Ace came across a classified intelligence ship at a naval base that was still being set on fire by pirates!

Ace didn't even think too much at this time, and jumped directly into the raging flames, saving the burning navy and some confidential information of the navy!

Even if Ace exposed his identity for this, even when Ace jumped into the flames to save the scorched navy, he still carried a reward of [*] million, the world government and the navy headquarters The big pirate who wants to get rid of it!

There are countless pirates active on the vast sea. There are countless pirates who make a living by looting and do all kinds of evil. But there are also some who have the dream of becoming the pirate king and want to conquer this sea. Guys? , carrying the name of pirates, but did not do the sins of pirates!

Ace, Luffy, and the others, there is no doubt that this is the case.

They are definitely not evil.

"Am I not clear enough?"

"No one can choose their birth,"

"Roger's sins should never be carried by a baby born more than a year after his death!"

"If a person could be directly condemned simply because of his bloodline, rather than whether he did something heinous or not,"

"Then I want to know now, why are there no navy in the navy headquarters who are reckless and do all kinds of evil and do not have a navy who insists on justice and judges those Tianlong people?"

"On the contrary, once there is something wrong with the Tianlong people, the generals of the naval headquarters must be dispatched to help them immediately, right?"

Saga looked at the Warring States with a sneer.

If you want to talk about sin, the crimes of Ace and even the vast majority of pirates in this world are too trivial compared to the Tianlong people!

Just remembering that there are countless slaves working day and night under the seemingly glamorous and beautiful holy land of Maryjoya, Saga felt sick in her heart!

(ajdh) What a waste of manpower!

The technology of the world government is not incapable of creating something like an automatic slide, why does it have to be driven by humans?

Is it just to keep those pariahs underfoot all the time?

Freeing those slaves - to build bridges, pave roads, enter factories, or exercise well, how much productivity can be exerted, and how much national strength can be provided to Saga!

Population saga is never too much!

Relying on high-quality rice seeds and the technology and ability controlled by Saga, if nothing else, the population of the pirate world did not reach [*] billion before.

Sapphire root never thought about population control.

On the contrary, Saga even wished that all the citizens of Walding could be like aunts, with quintuplets and septuplets at every turn!

For Saga, population is productivity, and population is national strength!

As for the skyrocketing population, if the Pirate World can't live in the mainland, isn't there still a sea of ​​stars...

Others dare not directly forgive Tianlong people, but Saga doesn't care at all.

Not only did he dare to forgive, but he also dared to directly destroy the Tianlong people.

Saga had just finished speaking, and the Warring States Period was stunned on the spot!

The Navy Headquarters may be considered a justice organization dedicated to fighting pirates and protecting civilians.

But in any case, just unconditionally becoming a dragon man and a thug of the World Government-Government, such as dispatching a large number of warships at will to launch a demon slaughter order on Ohara Island, and under the order of the World Government, executed countless Ace before his birth. These stains on babies can't be washed at all!

At least the world government is definitely not justice!

The Tianlong people are also enough to be called the biggest tumor in the pirate world.

Warring States is also aware of this, and he is also dissatisfied with the reckless actions of the Tianlong people, but as the Marshal of the Navy Headquarters under the World Government, Warring States has no other choice, and has never thought of another choice!

Warring States is not a clan of d.

The Warring States were at a loss, but some generals in the naval headquarters who had been brainwashed by the world government directly stood up and roared angrily,

"The Tianlong people are the descendants of the creator, the gods in this world, and all their actions are righteous!"

"That's right, those are the Celestial Dragons, the descendants of the creator, and their demands are absolutely not to be violated!"

After the Admiral finished speaking, countless civilians around the world who were watching the video also started - twittering -.

The authority of the Tianlong people is attached to the hegemony of the world government for [*] years and the coercion of the highest combat power of the navy headquarters.

Countless civilians around the world have long been accustomed to the privilege and oppression of the Tianlong people!

But habit does not mean willing, and it does not mean that it must be correct!

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