With a snap, Saga gave Ace a slap!

"Your life was never just because of Roger,"

"When you wanted to die, did you ever think about your mother?"

"You have the blood of the Potkas family flowing through your body!"

Saga looked at Ace in disappointment. Even if he escaped smoothly, Ace, who was able to turn back and die because of Akainu's words, was not mature enough at all.

"The most important thing is that the sins committed by Roger have nothing to do with you who were born more than a year after Roger's death!"

"The reason why I am willing to take you away is not just because you are Lu Jiu's child,"

"It's because, from the beginning, I don't think you've committed a big crime that deserves the death penalty!"

Saga said in a deep voice in front of the phone bugs all over the world.

"Ace didn't commit a major crime that should be punished by death?"

"He's the son of Roger One Piece,"

In front of the image worm, countless civilians watching the war on the top are extremely puzzled!

"But, he was born after the death of One Piece?"

"Is it necessary to die as the son of the Pirate King?"

"No one can decide their own birth!"

But there are also a small number of civilians who whispered.

As the son of a pirate, must he die?

Some agents arranged by the World Government saw that some civilians actually started to question whether the son of One Piece should die, and immediately said,

"Even if Ace is not the son of One Piece, he is also a great pirate with a reward of [-] million,"

"Pirates should be damned!"

The agents of the World Government-Government just finished speaking, and suddenly countless civilians nodded!

Although they have never been looted by Ace, since they are super big pirates with a reward of [-] million!

To be executed by the world government-government is naturally the best.

In this sea, there should be no pirates!

"But I'm Roger's son,"

"I inherited the most evil blood in the world..."

Ace bowed his head and said stupidly.

Ace, who grew up surrounded by countless people scolding Roger since childhood, always believed that the bloodline of Roger, the pirate king, inherited from him was sinful and shameful!

"Bloodline is never sinful,"

"And there's never been anything noble!"

Saga is loud, if you mean something!

"I am the king of Vardin, but I have never felt that my blood is very noble,"

"In this world, all people are born equal. In terms of personality, I am equal to the countless citizens of Walding, as well as countless people in this world, whether fishmen or giants, are equal!"

"In Vardin, even the king must be punished if he violates the will of the people and violates the law!"

Although in the pirate world where individual force is enough to destroy the world, it is a joke to pay attention to absolute equality!

But the equality of personality and soul is what Saga has always thought of.

Although only the equality of soul and personality seems to be useless!

But there is something to be said about beautiful-little things.

The World Government, in order to publicly execute Ace and at the same time set up a world's top stage to put a stop to Walding, why not make good use of it? How can it be done!

In terms of ideology and social system, Saga feels that he can get rid of the so-called world government and the revolutionary-revolutionary army for several streets!

Although those ideas and systems are not necessarily practical in the pirate world...

"Has blood never been sinful, nor noble?"

"Chung, choked, choked, as the king of Vardin to say such a thing,"

"That's really, really surprising,"

"Chung choked choked, bloodline is something that is even shorter than the shelf life of rights!"

Doflamingo looked at Saga who was speaking loudly on the execution platform in front of countless people in the world, the corners of his mouth were almost grinning to the bottom of his ears, and he laughed wantonly.

It's just that in the frantic laughter, an inexplicable kind of desolation is revealed.

He used to be a Tianlong person, and then he was bullied by countless civilians because his parents gave up his identity as a Tianlong person. In the end, he even killed his father and younger brother Doflamingo himself. I don’t think blood is true. The presence!

At least, rights have never been rooted in blood!

The reason why the Tianlong people and the world government can rule the world for [-] years.

It is definitely not because they are the so-called descendants of the creator and gods among men.

Just because the Tianlong people control the greatest force in the world!

Fist is both power.

How big is the fist, how big is the power!

If you can beat the world invincible, then there is no doubt that you are the boss of the whole world.

"Regardless of the murloc giants, are all people born equal?"

For the sake of loyalty and righteousness, he went to Marin Fando alone, and even made up his mind to save Ace and protect Whitebeard at the same time, and tears filled his eyes!

Jinbei is a real man in the world of pirates.

But many times, there is always something that surpasses the strength of a man.

For example, loyalty, and the discrimination and oppression that the murlocs have suffered for countless years.

Murlocs are still too weak compared to all humans.

"Even the king, against the will of the people and against the law, will be punished?"

"Is he the Revolutionary Army or are we the Revolutionary Army?"

"Isn't he king?"

"Cutting your own life?"

As soon as Saga's voice fell, the countless civilians who were watching the video had not yet realized what Saga was referring to.

"If there is a law that can regulate and limit the power of the king, it seems that it does not necessarily have to overthrow the king, right?"

Saga's remarks caused an uproar in the whole world, but this is just the beginning, Saga's performance, this is just the beginning!

The world's top stage specially set up by the world government, without a gorgeous performance, how can it be easy to call the curtain!

Whether it's the annihilation of the Whitebeard Pirates or the public execution of Ace, these are all too trivial. .

Chapter [-] The trial of Ace?Crazy show?

"No one can choose their birth,"

"But we can choose how we live!"

Saga looked at Ace, who was a little ashamed, and continued.

"In the eyes of some people who are accustomed to using blood as a reason to be high above,"

"You are the prisoner who has inherited the most evil bloodline in the world,"

"But in my eyes, you're just a poor man who unfortunately has a bastard father like Roger and lost his parents since he was a child!"

"Some people have given you the title of the Great Pirate because of your powerful strength, and they have also marked you with a reward of [-] million,"

"But I've always been aware that you never looted a single merchant ship, a single town, or killed a single innocent civilian!"

"Of course, you have to get rid of the bad habit of occasionally eating Bawang Meal!"

Saga smiled lightly at Ace.

On the other hand, the Warring States period and the countless ordinary people in the image bug were all dumbfounded!

"The great pirate Portgas? D. Ace didn't come, did he loot the merchant ship town, and he never killed civilians?"

"how can that be!"

"Isn't he offering a reward of [-] million big pirates?"

"However, it seems that we have never received information from Ace burning, killing and looting!"

Some civilians began to talk about it, but more civilians didn't care too much about what Saga said!

The vast majority of ordinary people in the world will always only care whether the battle between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy Headquarters will cause world chaos, or whether they will now care about whether the World Government-Government and Vardin will be because of Ace. This fuse then launched an all-out war that could destroy the world!

The turmoil of the sea and the war that could destroy the world will affect their now barely peaceful life.

And why is Ace being offered a bounty, why is he being offered a reward of [-] million Baileys, and even whether Ace should die, not many people care!

Whether it is Roger, the pirate king, Saga, the legendary king, or the great pirate with a reward of [-] million, they are all too far away from their daily lives.

"Enough, Portgas? d. Saga, what are you trying to say?"

"The messenger, immediately turn off all the image bugs for me!"

Sengoku looked at Saga who was talking slowly and shouted angrily!

He always felt that something was wrong, but no matter what Saga wanted to say to people all over the world at this opportunity, it was undoubtedly the most sensible choice to turn off the image bugs and interrupt the subsequent spread of this war!

"Turn off the phone bug.||?"

"That's right, absolutely can't let that guy talk nonsense any more!"

"When that guy shows up on the battlefield, the war is over!"

In the Holy Land Mariejoa, the Five Old Stars and others who were also paying attention to the war at the same time, who were on guard for the possible surprise attack of Vardin, also nodded and said in a deep voice!

Hidden plus preparation £ now confirms the blood relationship between Ace and Saga, and at the same time confirms that the king of Vardin, who has always advertised justice, has no sense of justice at all, and does not hesitate to devote himself to evil, killing a lot of heroic justice The soldiers of the Navy Headquarters, like the wicked Whitebeard Pirates, want to forcibly rescue Ace.

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