"Descendants of the Creator?"

"The descendants of the mere twenty or ten kings can enjoy countless privileges and can act recklessly on this sea,"

"Then, I, Saga, the last relative of King Vardin in this world, shouldn't Ace have more privileges than those who are already here.

In this world, is there a large number of Tianlong people who have acted recklessly for countless years? "

"However, Vardin has no privileges, let alone my blood relatives, even me, absolutely cannot arbitrarily override Vardin's laws!"

"I am equal to the countless people of Walding and everyone in this world!"

"Ace deserves a fair trial, but definitely shouldn't be directly executed just because of Ace's blood!"

"Sengoku, does the justice of the Navy Headquarters exist only for bloodline privileges?"

"If this is the case, the Navy Headquarters, which upholds the name of justice and protects the safety of countless civilians, will be a disappointment to me!"

Saga's words were like a sharp knife directly inserted into the heart of the Warring States period!

At the same time, under the broadcast of the video bug, it spread all over the world in an instant!

The whole world was silent for a moment, but then, before the images from all over the world, countless civilians began to chatter,

"The descendants of the Creator can do whatever they want,"

"Don't the blood relatives of the legendary king of the world deserve privileges?"

"Even we know that Vardin is the only terrifying existence in this world that can stand against the world government-government!"

"No, that's not the point at all,"

"It's the legendary king of the world who actually obeys the law and is equal to us!"

"What a great and merciful king this is!"

"Is this the legendary king of the world?"

"Is Vardin really as evil and terrifying as some news reports say?"

Countless civilians in the Four Seas - looking at the figure of Saga's righteous words in the image bug, instantly aroused the infinite desire for Vardin!

As for the equality and the supremacy of the law that Saga said?

Equality is naturally equal, and personalities are equal!

And the law?

Saga said that the law is an important cornerstone for maintaining the stability and strength of Vardin and even any country, even if it is for the sake of national strength!

It is absolutely impossible for Saga to act recklessly in Vardin!

Besides, as a king, everything Saga wants - does not need to break the law at all.

The way the world government-government sews wool is too low-level. It is the most sensible choice to let the sheep willingly work hard and donate their own wool for the growth of Walding!

What Saga needs to pay is only nominal equality of personality, and at the same time maintain the laws of Walding. .

Chapter [-] Who is for who is against?

"No, naval justice is definitely more than that,"

"But, enough, this is Marine Vando, not your Vardin!"

The Warring States roared angrily,

"King Vardin, what exactly do you want to do?"

"Do you really want to destroy the world?"

"Destroy the world?"

Saga looked at the angry Sengoku and said with a chuckle,

"Walding is a peace-loving country!"

"But is this a world where evil is rampant and countless civilians are oppressed? Is it really reasonable?"

"If the world government cannot bring a better life to all people in this world,"

"Then, just let Vardin lead countless people to the bright future!"

"Now, I announce the official opening of the public trial of Ace,"

"In front of countless people in the whole world, tell me, have you ever looted merchant ships and wantonly killed innocent civilians?"

Saga looked at Ace, who was a little dazed, and asked directly and seriously.

"No, I've never done that,"

"My current ideal is only one, and that is to help Dad and become the Pirate King!"

Ace firmly replied!

"Then, the countless navies present, including the Warring States Marshal, decided to publicly execute Ace, so do you have evidence of Ace's wanton looting of merchant ships and the killing of innocent civilians?"

Saga asked all the navies and the Warring States at the scene again,

"If there is evidence, then bring it out,"

"If there is no evidence, just because of blood, rashly execute my last relative in this world,"

"Do the World Government and the Navy Headquarters want to give it a try? Are you angry with me?"

"Or, someone is thinking? To provoke a tragic war between the World Government and Vardin?"

"Tell me, Warring States, the evidence is there!"

Under the watchful eyes of the image worms, in front of countless civilians watching, Saga sternly questioned the Warring States!


"As the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates, as a descendant of Roger One Piece, and as a criminal wanted by a bounty, Ace has long been unforgivable,"

"Saga, do you still want to reverse the black in front of countless people in the whole world?"

"Pirates and everyone related to pirates should be damned!"

"In the name of absolute justice, at all costs, I will never let go of a single villain!"

Sengoku Yusai did not reply, while Admiral Akainu, who was outside the barrier, said with determination and righteousness on his face.

Akainu, who pursues absolute justice, has always preferred to kill the wrong, not to let it go!

"Everyone who has anything to do with pirates should be damned?"

"Leave none of the villains alone?"

"So Akainu, is this why you directly attacked O'Hara's refugee ship and killed countless civilians?"

"Or, is this the reason why the World Government-Government executed countless babies born that year in order to search for Ace's whereabouts?"

"What's wrong with civilians?"

"What's wrong with the baby?"

"True justice should never impose power over innocent people,"

"At least, the world government and you Akainu are definitely not just!"

Saga said loudly to Akainu and the countless civilians watching the video,

"Pirates who plunder and loot recklessly on the sea are undoubtedly the most heinous criminals,"

"But Vardin will never treat anyone unfairly because their relatives or friends are criminals!"

"Fairness and justice in Vardin will be for everyone!"

"And for those who just want to pursue the secrets of Ralph Drew, want to complete the great cause of sailing the whole world for a week, compete for the throne of the so-called One Piece, and have never looted and killed civilians,"

"Valdin will not want them as pirates and criminals!"

"In the name of the King of Vardin, I grant the identity of adventurers to those who pursue their dreams!"

"A man's dream never ends,"

"Valdin welcomes all adventurers on the sea!"

The vast majority of those guys who have arrived at Ralph Drew and become One Piece are all potential stocks with extraordinary potential!

If they join Vardin, they have to provide Saga with multi-kill national power points every month?

There are too many pirates in the pirate world.

As long as the world government's celestial gold continues to be collected, as long as the world government continues to exist.

The pirates on the sea are simply impossible to put an end to!

If you count all the relatives and friends of those pirates.

Those who are related to pirates are even more difficult to count.

It is impossible for Saga to execute all the pirates in this world.

It is the best way to find a solution in the world of pirates to crack down on some of the heinous crimes, contain most of those that can be transformed, and then find a way to prevent the emergence of pirates from the source.

As for those guys who are dissatisfied with a peaceful life and want to venture on the sea!

As long as you don't loot merchant ships and civilians, you can hang out on the sea as much as you like!

?0 for flowers,,,

Unlike the World Government-Government, there is no big black spot hidden in Ralph Drew.

Saga never cared if anyone could reach Ralph Drew.

"Enough, start the interference phone bug immediately, can't let him continue talking? Go..."

The ghosts of war and the five old stars in the Holy Land Mary Joa watched Saga chatting, and before Saga said more shocking words to countless people in the whole world, they hurriedly started secretly - the interference phone bug. , instantly cut off the signal of all video phone bugs in the top war!

"Has the image been cut off?"

"It's a pity"

Sarin said lightly as he looked at the cut-off video phone bug.

At this time, countless people around the world fell into a deep-deep silence while watching the black screen image.

Saga's words did not deal a devastating blow to the rule of the world government.

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