"If I put all the ordinary items in the whole world into the Endless Pocket to contain and engrave them, and then give me enough time, can I rely on the Endless Pocket to recreate a complete world?"

Sagamo held the endless pocket in his hand that looked ordinary in his hand, and his heart was filled with waves.

"Small pocket, big world!"

Saga carefully collected the endless pocket, the endless pocket has extremely powerful potential, in short, there is the endless pocket.

Ordinary raw materials, even if they are rare, as long as Saga can find a little, then after the endless bag will contain and engrave them, they will be able to pour out the endless treasures of precious materials to Saga.

The Endless Pocket was kept by Saga himself, and then Saga handed it over to Dr. Fashion.

If anyone can play the greatest effect of endless pockets.

Well, among the Vardin at this time, it was definitely not Tony Stark, who was a mortal who was comparable to the gods, but took the Tuntun Fruit, and at the same time, after holding the Tiger Charm, he took the Rongrong Fruit again. Doctor of Fashion!

After drawing out the tiger charm that can balance the energy of the alien species in the body, Saga found a pirate for the first time to carry out the experiment of taking two devil fruits at the same time.


As a result, Orochimaru directly extracted two Devil Fruits when he used the Devil Fruit Extraction technique on the pirate later...

Swallowing the fruit to devour all things is enough to create a super alloy and after swallowing many biological genes in the pirate world, let the fashion doctor become the ultimate creature little by little!

But just swallowing is not enough, even if the advantages of countless metals are gathered together, even if it has the advantages of many creatures in the pirate world at the same time.But there is no way to integrate it perfectly, so that the Tuntun Fruit that has been sublimated again on the original basis always has a certain limit!But if it is combined with the Rongrong Fruit that is enough to fuse all things.

Creating even more magical and powerful alloys while making yourself a creature beyond the limit is no longer just a luxury.

Five plus five is only ten, and five times five is two to fifteen!

If there are more bases that Dr. Fashion devours and merges, the more Dr. Fashion will be able to become stronger!

Of course, the only downside might be that.

Can a fashion doctor who devours and fuses countless inorganic and organic substances and fuses countless biological genes at the same time still be considered a human being?

But human beings always have limits. In order to become the ultimate creature, it seems that there is no problem in not being human!

Dr. Fashion doesn't care about that anyway.

After the endless pocket is handed over to Dr. Fashion, all Dr. Fashion needs to do is to devour and fuse various exotic metals, and then use the endless pocket to contain and inscribe it!

It is difficult for Dr. Fashion to produce a large amount of top-quality raw materials with Tuntun Fruit and Rongrong Fruit alone, even if he does not rest for [*] hours.

But with Endless Pockets, it only takes Dr. Fashion to fuse a little bit, contain the engraving directly, and then pour it out!It's simple and simple, Tony Stark no longer has to worry about his own thinking - the special steel armor lacks raw materials!At the same time, the upgraded version of the Sky Pluto battleship can also start quickly with the supply of a large number of special alloys.

The ancient weapon, the Pluto battleship, is not too much.

What's more, it was the Sky Pluto battleship that was carefully upgraded by Tony Stark.

Kuroko and Artoria were still busy tracking down the whereabouts of the pure gold.

The huge lantern fish that wanders freely on the seabed, its speed in the water is not much different from the flying speed of the golden lion controlling the floating battleship.

In a short period of time, even with the compass of destiny as a guide, it was difficult for Hei Tong and Artoria to find the huge lantern fish directly!

Of course, if you can find a little pure gold first, and then use it to lure that giant lantern fish to your door, it's very simple.

But the crux of the problem is that, on the sea now, there is a little pure gold on the ring of the little yellow-haired girl who has not yet escaped from the belly of the lanternfish.

In the whole sea, there is no other pure gold at all...

...for flowers....

Black pupil and Artoria are busy tracking the lantern fish, and Dr. Fashion is also busy fusing special alloys and quickly evolving towards the ultimate creature after taking Tuntun Fruit and Rongrong Fruit.

Time passed quietly, and Varding was changing at a speed that the world could not imagine.

Large tracts of desert have turned into fertile fields under the mighty force of the tornado. After taking the first generation of iq human evolution potion, countless Walding citizens with relatively thin bodies have suddenly become elites comparable to the elite non-commissioned officers of the Navy Headquarters!

Countless railways are like the tiny blood vessels of the human body. Together with the canals on St. Martin, they form the lifeline of the entire Varding. Every day, countless materials and commodities are transported to various cities with the help of railways and canals. Even sold overseas!

The emergence of high-quality rice seeds allowed Walding to liberate a lot of low-level labor.

In addition to farming, countless handicraft goods began to be produced in the hands of tens of millions of Walding citizens - bit by bit!

The productivity of Walding has far exceeded that of the rest of the countries on the sea.

With rich products and rich life, the faces of every citizen of Walding began to be filled with smiles.

Even the people of those countries in the Walding Alliance, under the support of Saga's materials at all costs and the protection of the Walding navy, began to gradually come out of their precarious and difficult lives. !

Of course, in the face of Walding who let them get out of their precarious and difficult lives, some of those citizens in the Walding Alliance, of course, would yearn and admire Walding from the bottom of their hearts!

Now, in addition to the hundreds of thousands of national strength values ​​that increase every month, the citizens of Vardin are also growing rapidly!

It's not yet time for Walding's baby boom!

Those citizens who have grown in large numbers are almost all countries in the Walding Grand Alliance, and the good people whose hearts are in Walding's native land...

Those supporting materials are not for nothing.

The people who live in hardship want materials and safety, and Saga wants their people's hearts and the national strength they provide. This wave, a win-win situation...

And just when Varding is thriving and going from strength to strength!

Saga suddenly received a message.

There seemed to be a fierce battle on Banaro Island, with flames and darkness covering half of Banaro Island at the same time.

Ace finally caught up with Blackbeard!Husband.

Chapter [*] Blackbeard's plan to dominate the world

"thief hahahaha,"

"Ace, do you want to come to Ying as my partner and take this world with me?"

"The throne of One Piece is mine,"

"The days of Daddy Whitebeard are-gone!"

"I've already made a plan to dominate the world, I just need to kill one or two big pirates with a reward of hundreds of millions and give it to the World Government as a gift, and then..." Blackbeard told Estancheng his own plan!

But obviously, Ace didn't continue to listen to Blackbeard's plan to go on.

"Enough, you should know,"

"Killing family members is a taboo for the Whitebeard Pirates,"

"You are no longer qualified to call Whitebeard Daddy!"

Ace said coldly to Blackbeard.

And Blackbeard was stunned for a moment after listening to Ace's words, and then said in a deep voice again,

"I had already made a plan - to stay in the Whitebeard Pirates "Seven Six Zero", to be my father's family with peace of mind,"

"But the fruit I've been waiting for for countless years has appeared!"

"That's my dream, how can people's dreams end!"

"That fruit, who chose me, also chose a new era,"

"Ace, are you really not considering becoming my partner?"

"This world is already turbulent, and a new era is destined to come.

Blackbeard very sincerely invites Ace to join him.

Compared with the other captains of the Whitebeard Pirates, Ace has joined the Whitebeard Pirates for a short time, and he is also the youngest.

Ace has great potential, and at the same time, even if Ace hasn't played to the extreme!

The current Ace, there is no doubt that he has the combat power of the ordinary emperor's deputy s.

"A new era?"

Ace remembered the aging Whitebeard and Vardin who was born in the sky, and said firmly,

"A new era may surely come,"

"But the leader of the new era cannot be you!"

"I will never join you!"

Before Ace could finish speaking, the sniper of the Blackbeard Pirates, Yinyue Fan Aoka, had already used two beautiful quick guns to directly hit Ace in the forehead and chest!Of course, in front of Ace, who had already been naturalized in advance, the sniping of Yinyue Fan Oka was meaningless.

The flames gradually converged, Ace was intact, but looked at Yinyue Fan Oka coldly,

"Your partner is rude!"


Ace released a large number of flaming bullets at Fan Aoka and started to shoot at a high speed. Fan Aoka hurriedly dodged, and then the fighting champion Bashas directly lifted a house and smashed it at Ace!

Then, a pillar of fire shot into the sky.

The house was burned directly to pieces by Ace.

"Really, you are no match for him now!

Blackbeard said to Van Oka and the fighting champion Bashas, ​​and hurriedly signaled them to retreat.

Bashas, ​​Van Oka and others will retreat, leaving the battle to Ace and Blackbeard!

Moments later, flames and darkness covered the entire island of Banaro.

Ace lost to Blackbeard, who had already taken the Dark Fruit, and was defeated by Blackbeard's hand.

At this time, Luffy and others were still happily preparing to head towards Fishman Island.

"Is it still in Blackbeard's hands?"

"The current Ace is no match for Blackbeard!"

"Ace, too young!"

Saga looked at the latest information about Ace, Blackbeard and others handed over by Hassan weakly, and sighed slightly.

If you give Ace another ten years, no, even if it takes five years or so, even if Blackbeard has already taken the Dark Fruit, it can be called the nemesis of most capable people in the world!

But if you give Ace another five years or so to grow!

Inheriting Luo Jie's outstanding talent, Ace, who has already mastered the three-color domineering, is likely to become an S+-level sea peak-peak powerhouse comparable to the Four Emperors!

At that time, even if Blackbeard had devoured the shock fruit that controlled Whitebeard, he might not be able to take down Ace in one fell swoop.

Taking two Devil Fruits at the same time does not necessarily mean that Blackbeard can really have double the combat power.

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