Whether it is the dark fruit or the shocking fruit, the Blackbeard, which has never been directly developed to the limit of the fruit, can exert its ultimate combat power.

It's not even comparable to the Whitebeard who only took one Devil Fruit in his prime!

"However, now that Walding has been born,"

"Will Blackbeard continue to carry out his plan and find a way to become the so-called King of the Seven Martial Seas?"

Saga was a little puzzled.

Of course, the four seas are still dominated by the World Government, but in the first half of the Great Route, the current Walding and the Walding Grand Alliance have vaguely surpassed the World Government-Government.

"Captain, are we going to send him directly to the World Government-Government?"

"Although Vardin has not publicly offered a bounty to Ace, if we give Ace to Vardin,"

"I'm afraid the Whitebeard Pirates will not have the energy to trouble you again, Captain!"

"And if he is directly handed over to the World Government, with the threat of Vardin, the World Government-Government may not be willing to offend him again under the threat of Vardin.

The strongest pirate group in the world!

Devil Sheriff Lafitte glanced at Ace, who was shackled and shackled by Hilou stone shackles, collapsed to the ground and passed out.



"The World Government-Government may compromise with the Whitebeard Pirates and secretly release Ace?"

"It's a little troublesome, Walding is really dangerous!"

"thief hahahaha,"

"However, there is no way to hand over Aisi to Vardin. In this world, only the advance city is now detaining a large number of top criminals!"

"My plan to rule the world and become the Pirate King can't just get stuck at the first step!"

"I know Captain Ace's secret, the World Government-Government can't possibly let him go..."

"thief hahaha,"

Blackbeard said confidently.

Blackbeard wants to curry favor with the World Government and become the king's Qiwuhai for only one purpose.

Then break through the advancing city and take away a large number of the world's top criminals and combat power from the advancing city.

Then, with the help of the world's top criminals and powerhouses, forcibly occupy a large area in the new world, and then attack the throne of One Piece!

Until, dominate the world!

There are only so many top-level powerhouses on the sea, and most of them are distributed in the four emperors and the world government, the navy headquarters and the Vardin.

In addition to advancing the city, Blackbeard has no other place to find a large number of top-level partners for himself.

I want to become 5.8 One Piece and dominate the whole world, it is impossible without a large number of reliable partners.

As for Ace's secret.

Of course it was Ace.

Whitebeard had already recognized Ace.

As an old man on the Whitebeard Pirates, Blackbeard, who had fought more than once with the Roger Pirates.

Naturally, he was vaguely suspicious of Ace's identity.

The claw marks on the red-haired face were left by Blackbeard during the battle that year.

Blackbeard had met Roger once.

Pu Ace's birth words and some childhood experiences, Ace, who is also a bit carefree, will not deliberately hide from his second team members.

Blackbeard was also Ace's subordinate.

The World Government-Government may be willing to compromise with the Whitebeard Pirates, but it is absolutely impossible to spare the descendants of Roger One Piece.

The d family, but the natural enemy of God! .


The two hundred and fifteenth chapter is about to unfold the great storm

"Ace's secret?"

"As the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates, is there any more powerful secret than this?"

"Fate is amazing!"

After Blackbeard finished speaking confidently, the rest of the Blackbeard Pirates were slightly puzzled!

"Of course,"

"Because Ace is the son of Pirate King Gol.d. Roger!"

"Right, Captain Ace!"

"No, Gol.d. Ace!"

Blackbeard said with a big laugh, while puffing out his eyes, he looked directly at Ace, who had just woken up thanks to his powerful recovery ability even though he was seriously injured.

"There is only one father of mine, and that is Whitebeard!"

"I am Portgas.d. Ace, I will always be Portgas.d. Ace!"

Ace reluctantly opened his blood-covered eyes and said firmly.

He never endorsed Gol?d. Roger.

He also never thought that Gol.d. Roger, who started the era of great pirates with his own hands and killed countless people, deserves his respect and love.

"thief hahahaha,"

Seeing Ace's reaction, Blackbeard immediately laughed proudly.

He was originally 28 and only had some guesses about Ace's identity, but now, it has become confirmed in an instant!

"There is no way to change a person's birth!"

"Gore d. Ace, if the world knows that Roger still has children alive in this world, the world will definitely be in chaos!"

"This is the new era!"

"Thief hahahaha!"

Blackbeard laughed wildly.

"This is fate!"

"Fate is already doomed!"

Yin Yue Fan Oka carried his beloved gun Qianlu, looked at Ace expressionlessly, and said the so-called fate.

The rest of the members of the Blackbeard Pirates, including the Death God Poison Q, were shocked for a moment, and then started laughing with Blackbeard!

The Blackbeard Pirates that have captured Ace, this wave has stabilized.

The World Government can no longer compromise with the Whitebeard Pirates, nor can Whitebeard, who attaches great importance to his family, watch Ace die at the hands of the World Government-±o

The first step of Blackbeard's plan to dominate the world will be carried out smoothly. At the same time, after the World Government-Government and the Whitebeard Pirates are both defeated, neither the World Government-Government nor the Whitebeard Pirates will have any extra energy to go to. Hunt down the Blackbeard Pirates.

This wave is to eat more with one fish, win-win...  

"Cough, cough, but, won't Vardin get involved?"

"I seem to remember that the king of Vardin, the legendary king of the world, also seems to be named Portkas..."

After laughing a few times, Reaper Poison squatted and coughed.

Blackbeard's plan had no other problems at all.

It just didn't take into account Vardin's reaction.

After the death god's poison q finished, the laughter of Blackbeard and others who were laughing wantonly stopped abruptly!

"That legendary king of the world, Saga?"

"That's a big man who surpassed the four emperors,"

"thief hahahaha,"

"But that legend; the king of the world in Duizhong, how could it be related to the son of One Piece!"

"I remember, Captain Ace, but he was an orphan since he was a child!"

"thief hahaha

After a moment of silence, Blackbeard laughed again!

It's just that the wanton laughter, the tone is inexplicably lowered a lot.

Blackbeard doesn't care about the pursuit of the strongest man in the Four Emperors, Whitebeard, nor does he care how the World Government will react after being tricked by him.

But only Vardin.

This sudden emergence of Varding was born out of nowhere.

Made Blackbeard feel extremely frightened.

The world government that has ruled the world for eight hundred years is terrifying and powerful enough.

But for the pursuit of the World Government, Blackbeard and others have long been used to it.

But in the face of the World Government-Government that has ruled the entire world for [*] years, it is still able to emerge suddenly, standing directly on the sea with an unimaginable speed in a swift and violent posture, which is enough to compete with the World Government-Government. The polar opposite of Walding.

Blackbeard didn't even know what kind of cards Vardin had.

The Walding navy is no longer weaker than the naval headquarters under the World Government.

How many terrifying powerhouses will there be standing on the top of the sea in the homeland of Vardin?

With just a Vardin Navy, there is no way to be polar opposite to the World Government.

The most important thing is that the [*]-year-old world government has already begun to decay, and it is difficult to use the huge power of the world government completely and quickly.

Most of the power of the World Government mainly comes from the more than [*] World Government member countries of the entire Pirate World.

And when there are more countries that join the alliance, it is easy to argue and reduce efficiency on certain issues.

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