After the national strength value is credited, of course, the lottery is the first time.

[Consumes two million points of national strength, and the host currently has a remaining national strength of [-] points! 】

[Congratulations to the host for winning the s-prize, a magical treasure from a certain blue fat man's future kingdom, a gourmet tablecloth,

Foodie tablecloth, just say the name of the food you want to eat to the foodie tablecloth, the foodie tablecloth will automatically change the food you want to eat!

Note: Endless food is the best treasure for foodies! 】

"Gourmet tablecloth?"

"Can this thing have an s rating?"

"What do I use it for?"

"Valding has no shortage of food now

Saga looked at the S prize gourmet tablecloth that was drawn and sighed.

Although as a magical treasure in the future world, when it comes to magic and weirdness, even the vast majority of S-level or even S+ prizes may not be comparable to this gourmet tablecloth.

But with high-quality rice seeds, and after the canals were dug and the soil and rust fruits were eaten by the tool people, Varding was really not short of food now.

Well, not only is not lacking.

In another year and a half, it may be a little exaggerated to feed [-] billion people in the whole world based on the output of St.tin Island alone!

But minus half, to feed one billion and eighty million, it's not a problem at all.

Most of the desert terrain, after the transformation is completed, is a large area of ​​flat and fertile fields.

The plains produce grain, which is the most abundant and convenient.

However, as long as I say the name of the food I want to eat, I can automatically change the food I want to eat,"

"Hey, I don't know if something like Devil Fruit is a good food?"

"What's wrong with other people wanting to eat shit-flavored fruit with patterns?"

"For some, devil fruits are the tastiest thing in the world!"

Saga thought of (Qian's) here, slightly moved, and just wanted to immediately extract the gourmet tablecloth and experiment.

But looking at the next prize that hasn't been revealed yet, Saga temporarily suppressed his curiosity.

The gourmet tablecloth is already in hand anyway, ready to experiment.

Now, of course, it's more important to see what prizes are drawn in addition to the gourmet tablecloths.

Saga decisively looked at the next prize, and then, his expression began to become a little subtle,

"I can actually draw this thing, and get three endless?"

"However, the gourmet tablecloth doesn't matter, is this also worthy of an S-rating?"

[Congratulations to the host for winning the S prize, a magical treasure from a magical kingdom, an endless golden bag,

Endless gold bag, open the bag mouth, you can pour out gold from the bag continuously.

In many cases, wealth is power!

And endless wealth is comparable to endless power.

Note: If you collect endless water bags, endless grain bags, and endless gold bags, some wonderful changes seem to occur between the three! ]?


Chapter two hundred and twelve endless pockets

"Wonderful change?"

"Everything is three?"

"Can it be upgraded or can it turn golden?"

Saga took out the endless gold bag in his hand curiously, and then nothing happened...

Of course nothing will happen, the endless water bag and the endless grain bag are not in Saga's hands now.

The endless water bag was placed in a man-made spring by Saga, and water was being kept continuously.

And the endless grain bag was also placed in a granary, and it was also providing food for Sajia in an endless stream.

Although the endless water bag and the endless grain bag produce not a lot of water and food every day.

But it’s also good to keep it, and it’s good to have a little more water and food!

Saga opened the pocket of the endless gold bag, only to hear the sound of clattering continuously. From the small mouth of the bag, countless gold coins continued to flow out, and soon a hill was piled up under Saga's feet. .

"The mouth of the endless gold bag is much larger than the endless water bag and the endless grain bag,"

"It's no wonder that the endless golden bag can also have a s rating!"

"Endless wealth, if handled improperly, countless golds can even destroy the world..."

In an instant, Saga thought of using the endless gold to fight economic warfare, and by the way, he manipulated the currency and affected the economic trend of the entire world!

But on second thought, as one of the most powerful bipolar forces in the pirate world, the currency collapse of the pirate world and the economic collapse seem to be of no benefit to Varding?

Endless money can affect the whole world to a large extent, but in the world of pirates where great power belongs to himself, in the end, it is the top powerhouses who can really decide the final victory!

Endless gold can only play a supporting role to a certain extent!

"However, in addition to being used for currency, gold is a top industrial raw material. It seems to be very good to pour out these gold coins and melt them to make Pluto or aerospace aircraft carrier!"

Saga thought about the detailed use of the endless golden bag in an instant.

It is impossible to leave it unused, it would be a waste.

While letting the endless gold bag pour gold freely in the palace, Saga ordered Hei Tong to fetch the endless water bag and grain bag, and then silently extracted the gourmet tablecloth!

With a bang, Saga spread out a large amount of gold coins on the ground, then covered the gourmet tablecloth on the golden dining table, and at the same time began to meditate in his heart,

"I want to eat devil fruit, the kind of devil fruit that smells like shit with a spiral pattern..."

"I want to eat devil fruits, the ones that taste like shit with a spiral pattern

, After chanting a few times, in an instant, on the tablecloth of the gourmet, several devil fruits with a spiral pattern suddenly appeared!

"Can a Devil Fruit really appear?"

Saga picked up the devil fruits on the gourmet tablecloth and observed them carefully. From the outside, the devil fruits seemed to be the same as the real devil fruits!

Saga thought about it for a while, and directly called a loyal Vardin janitor, and then handed a devil fruit produced by a gourmet tablecloth to his hand.

Not to mention whether the devil fruit produced by the gourmet tablecloth is a real devil fruit, even if it is a real devil fruit, it is impossible for Saga to try it on his own!

The ability is not clear, the taste is like shit, Saga is fine, but I don't want to taste it - the taste given by Ollie...

The Vardin Guards took the Devil Fruit handed over by Saga excitedly, and directly swallowed the Devil Fruit under Saga's signal.

But after enduring the stench of the devil fruit and eating the devil fruit produced by the gourmet tablecloth, the Vardin janitor looked at his body strangely and moved at the same time. Hands and feet!

He didn't find himself possessing any kind of special ability!

Saga looked at the Vardin janitor who had not changed at all, with a slight flash of disappointment (ciaj) on his face, and then looked at the Vardin prisoner who was still swimming freely in the pool. Guards, I am completely desperate for those Devil Fruits produced by Gourmet Tablecloths!

"Sure enough, the gourmet tablecloth alone cannot directly produce the devil fruit that contains the power of rules,"

"So, does it produce just plain shit-flavored swirl fruit?"

"Well, fortunately I don't have to try it myself..."

Sa Jiaban comforted the Vardin Praetorian Guard who ate a piece of shit-smelling fruit in vain and got nothing!

It's good to be king.

The gourmet tablecloth can't produce a large number of devil fruits, but under Saga's experiment, some common delicacies, or food with less special ingredients, can be instantly transformed by the gourmet tablecloth!

Including sea king jerky and some foods with certain tonic effects!

"Unfortunately, there is no way to express the luminous dishes and the magical food in the gourmet captives,"

"Otherwise, just relying on the gourmet tablecloth to keep eating and eating, you can quickly eat out an elite army for me!"

Saga sighed at the variety of food on the gourmet tablecloth!

A gourmet tablecloth that can only keep producing some ordinary food is still amazing, but when it comes to value, it is not even comparable to the endless bag of gold.

Saga has no shortage of delicious food.

In the palace of Albana, there are a large number of top chefs in the world.

In terms of food, Saga never treats herself badly!

The gourmet tablecloth was put away after a few moments of Sagar's experiment.

Saga plans to give the gourmet tablecloth to Kuroko and Artoria.

The gourmet tablecloths with various delicacies that can be continuously produced according to their own fantasies, Kuroko and Arturia, will definitely be very fond of.

Holding the compass of destiny, Hei Tong and Arturia, who have been wandering in the sea all the year round, really don't have much time and leisure to eat some delicious food.


The gourmet tablecloth was put away by Saga, and soon, the weak Hassan appeared directly in front of Saga with an endless water bag and an endless grain bag.

The gourmet tablecloth has been experimented with.

Saga is very curious about how the endless water bags, endless grain bags and endless gold bags will change together!

The Endless Water Bag and the Endless Grain Bag were brought to Saga by Hassan, and before Saga reached out to take the Endless Water Bag and the Endless Grain Bag, in an instant, the Endless Water Bag and the Endless Grain Bag and The endless golden bag suddenly shines brightly.

Then, the fusion started slowly and automatically.

After a while, after the fusion of the endless water bag, the endless grain bag and the endless gold bag, a brand new magical bag appeared directly in front of Saga! .


[Endless pockets, magical pockets with powerful magic power, can pour out clean water, grain, or gold from the pockets continuously according to the user's wishes, and at the same time store the non-contained pockets that the user puts into it. After the magic item, it can be inscribed as a new containment object, so that the user can pour it out continuously!

Note: A small endless pocket can contain the next big world! 】

"Contain, inscribe, pour!"

"Although I know that there will be some wonderful changes after the three-in-one, but this endless pocket is simply an epic enhancement!?"

"Although it can only hold some ordinary items, there seems to be no limit to what can be inscribed in this endless pocket!"

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