But in terms of the number of ordinary lieutenant generals, Varding's number is still very scarce.

At least in some branches of the Great Route and the New World, those branch lieutenants' are no weaker than the ordinary lieutenant generals of the naval headquarters!

In the first half of the Great Route, there are at least a dozen branches of the Naval Headquarters in the New World.

Plus the sixteen vice admirals stationed at the Marine Headquarters Marine Vando all year round!

There are at least thirty combat powers of A to A ranks in the naval headquarters.

And Vardin's current A-level combat power is still far behind. .


Chapter [*] Luffy's Journey

Varding's current A-level combat power is indeed somewhat lacking.

Time passed quietly, but Vardin's B-level combat power began to appear in large numbers.

The first generation of iq human evolution medicine undoubtedly shortened the initial training time for a large number of talented people. At the same time, among the millions of Valdin soldiers and citizens with D-level combat power, there are always some people with outstanding talent who can quickly break through to new high!

As long as the base is large enough, the stronger will always appear.

Among the large number of D-rank soldiers, there are many C-rank powerhouses, and among the large number of C-rank powerhouses, there will always be many B-rank backbones!

And if the B-level lieutenant general, who is comparable to the captain of the naval headquarters, makes another breakthrough, it will be enough to become the mainstay of any force in the pirate world.

Even the navy headquarters or the four imperial regiments.

The combat power of around A rank is relatively rare.

But fortunately, with Saga's undisguised information on the two-color Domineering Navy Six Forms, Flowing Water Rock Shattering Fist, and Breathing Techniques, which are open to all B-level combat powers of Vardin, plus Charlotte? Bray's Mirror Trial.

In the case that Vardin has a large amount of B-level combat power.

It is only a matter of time before a large number of combat powers around A-level appear.

Time continued to pass, and some of the elites of the Walding navy and the navy headquarters were still frantically hunting those reckless pirates in the four seas.

In the first half of the great route, there was a little confusion because the elites of the navy headquarters and the Walding navy entered the four seas in a big way.

Some pirates who fled to the four seas and found that they still could not escape the pursuit of the Navy headquarters and the Walding Navy had to pin their last hope in the New World or the old nest in the first half of the great route that they had been operating for many years.

Anyway, they are all dead, and dying on the great route is ultimately more pleasant than dying in the four seas.

What's more, after some elites in the navy headquarters and the Walding navy began to enter the four seas in a big way.

Some of the pirates who were huddled in the four seas thought that this was the best time for them to cross the first half of the great route and reach the new world.

Of course, they were not wrong.

Even though the headquarters of the Valdin Navy, Zefa and the Void Admiral Ulquiorra, led some of the elite into the four seas, the Valdin Navy soldiers with millions of D-level combat power and all equipped with automatic weapons, almost Enough to stop any pirate group that wants to enter the new world from the route they defend.

But in the first half of the Great Route, in addition to the Walding Navy, there is also the Navy Headquarters.

At the same time, except for the routes that were heavily defended by the Walding Navy.

The Navy Headquarters is also responsible for defending many of the routes.

The Warding Navy did not lose its combat power because Zefa and Ulquiorra went to the four seas, but after some of the top combat power of the Navy Headquarters went to the four seas to hunt pirates due to illness, the World Government took a stricter attitude and asked the Warring States Generals The remaining elites of the Navy Headquarters are almost all concentrated in the Holy Land Mary Joa and the Marine Headquarters Marine Vandeau.

The departure of Aokiji, Garp and others has already made the five old stars of the world government feel insecure. If the generals of the naval headquarters are allowed to disperse and cruise on the major routes as usual.

How can the safety of the Holy Land Mary Joa be guaranteed?

A large number of pirates took advantage of this opportunity to venture into the first half of the great route from the beginning and then headed straight for the new world.

There is a new world in the first half of the great route, and because of these pirates who dare to take risks and find the right time, they are slightly caught in turmoil!

But these so-called turmoil did not affect Valdin and Saga today.

There are some lucky people who are lucky enough to enter the great route from the route garrisoned by the navy headquarters. There are pirates in the new world in the first half of the route. If you encounter the Walding Navy, it will inevitably be a dead word O.

Vardin has enough combat power to protect Vardin's homeland and all the countries of Vardin's Grand Alliance.

However, among this group of pirates who seized the opportunity to directly enter the first half of the great route, and at the same time began to bravely march toward the new world.

Luffy is also quietly mixed in!

Even, Luffy did not choose some routes that the Navy headquarters, which is currently weak in defense, was responsible for garrisoning, but swaggered and plunged into it.

Among the routes that the Walding Navy is responsible for garrisoning!

However, Luffy's title of pirate is only due to Luffy's attack on Colonel Axe Monka, and the defeat of Colonel Mouse who was lucky enough to escape and was not dealt with by Saga in Cocosia Village.

And Luffy, who has never attacked and looted any merchant ships and civilians, even swaggered into the route where a large number of Vardin navies were responsible for garrisoning, the Vardin navy still chose to turn a blind eye to Luffy.

The World Government-Government's bounty, Vardin, doesn't care.

"Is that the Warding Navy々II?"

"Their battleship is really scary, but we were almost discovered by them!"

"It's dangerous!"

Sanji lit a cigarette and took a deep breath. Looking at the distance, he actually found Luffy and others, but he didn't pay attention to a Varding naval battleship that was going away, and said solemnly,

"You must know that none of the pirates targeted by the Walding Navy have been able to escape their pursuit!"

"In the first half of the great route, apart from the strange and unpredictable weather, the most powerful one is probably the Walding Navy!"

"Valding Navy?"

"What is the Walding Navy?"

"Isn't the navy the navy?"

Crude stuff, never; Luffy, who has paid attention to maritime news, asked Sanji carelessly.

"Hey, you guy is really going too far,"

"Is that the world's strongest kingdom, Valdin, and the Valdin Navy created by the legendary world king Saga?"

"You don't even know them?"

"Don't you ever watch the news?"

Sanji hasn't come to answer yet, Zoro is already complaining with black lines all over his head.

"?."news? "

"I don't have the money to buy that,"

"However, no matter what the strongest kingdom in the world is and what the legendary king of the world is,"

"One Piece, I'm determined!"

"Whoever dares to stand in front of me, then blow them all away!"

Luffy roared firmly.

Zoro and Sanji sighed helplessly after looking at each other.

Who let them choose such an unreliable captain!

But at this time, Nuoqigao and Usopp on the Lu spaceship were slightly stunned after hearing the news from Vardin.

"Is that the Walding?"

"Nami, I also chose to go to sea,"

"Maybe compared with pirates, the navy may not be just!"

Nuoqi said in a low voice.

Because of Saga, Kokosia Village did not experience the persecution of Evil Dragon and others for too long, but after the Evil Dragon group was directly killed by Saga!

Colonel Rat, the scum in the navy, after getting used to colluding with the dragon to loot money, he even blatantly tried to collude with the rest of the pirates after the dragon died. oppression!

If it wasn't for Luffy's direct defeat of Colonel Mouse while passing through Cocosia Village.

The tragic experience of Cocosia Village is likely to continue.

And because of this, in order to find Nami, and at the same time losing confidence in the navy, Nuoqigao, who was moved by Luffy, also joined Luffy directly and became Luffy's navigator!

Although Nuoqigao's sailing talent is not comparable to Nami's, but with the help of Nami's ears and eyes and the help of a large number of charts left by Nami, Nuoqigao's navigation skills are also higher than that of most navigators.


"Kaya, believe me, I will definitely become a brave sea warrior!"

Usopp's eyes are full of determination!

When Keya left Shirob Village to join Vardin, she made an agreement with Usopp and told Usopp her whereabouts.

Time passed quietly, and Luffy continued his adventures, but just as Luffy continued to move towards the new world.

A figure floating on the surface of the sea suddenly collided with the Golden Meli.patrol.

Chapter [*] Vivi's Great Adventure

"Hey, is there anyone?"

"Did you get shipwrecked?"

"Hurry up and save her!"

Nuoqigao was the first to spot the figure that collided with the Golden Merry.

Then hurriedly called for help.

Although he joined Luffy's gang, Nuoqigao was never a real pirate.


"No, I smell the beauty-woman's breath,"

"Let go of that beauty and let me come!"

Just after Nuoqigao finished speaking, Sanji was about to go to the sea for rescue. Then, after seeing the beautiful figure floating on the sea, his eyes flashed red, and he jumped directly into the sea at an unimaginable speed. , instantly rescued the figure - come!

"Aren't you awake yet?"

"Looks like artificial respiration is needed?"

Sanji looked at Weiwei, who was still in a coma, and just brought her mouth up. The next moment, Nuoqi kicked Sanji away.

"You bastard can't take advantage of her!"

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