
After Nuo Qigao finished speaking, she quickly pressed Wei Wei's chest a few times. After spitting out a few mouthfuls of sea water, Wei Wei immediately woke up!

"Did you save me?"

"Thank you so much!"

Weiwei politely thanked Nuoqi.

"Beautiful lady, the one who saved you still has my share!"

Sanji 073 hurriedly brought his face close, and then was pushed away by Nuoqigao with disgust!

"Don't worry about that guy,"

"However, why did you fall into the sea?"

Nuoqigao asked Weiwei why she fell into the sea at first.

She couldn't bear to watch a strange life die in the sea like this!

But if a vicious pirate arises, it is very likely to bring great danger to the whole ship.

After Nuo Qi Gao finished asking, Wei Wei was silent for a moment, and then said awkwardly,

"That I want to go to sea, I don't want to stay where I live now!"

"But my father didn't want me to go to sea again for some reason,"

"Then I sneaked out-come..."

"It ended up being shipwrecked by accident,"

"Thank you so much for your help!"

"Although I am no longer the princess of Alabasta,"

"But I will still try my best to repay you!"

As the former royal family of Alabasta, Saga can save the lives of Nafirutali family members after ruling Alabasta, and give them good treatment, it is already very good!

And in this case, staying obediently on the island of Vardin and letting time slowly erase the mark of the Naferutali family on the island of Santin, no doubt, for Saga or the Naferutali family, is the best choice.

However, Kobra, who is middle-aged, can endure loneliness. There is nothing to fish every day.

Young-young, Vivi, who has not experienced too much sea training, nor the desperate situation brought by the sand crocodile to Alabasta, can't be An An.

Quietly staying in a small piece of heaven and earth on Walding Island!

Weiwei yearns for a life of freedom and adventure, and is also very curious about the current status of Alabasta.



After Weiwei finished speaking, the seniors of Nuoqi directly widened their eyes.

It was the first time they had met such a big person as a princess.

"No, why the former princess?"

"Also the name Alabasta seems familiar.

Sanji touched his head in confusion.

However, after hearing the name of Alabasta, Sauron's eyes narrowed, and then he said in a deep voice,

"I know Alabasta!"

"The baroque working group that used to be in Alabasta wanted to recruit me,"

"However, that person was so annoying, he was slashed by me with a knife!"

"But Alabasta was a superpower on the first half of the Great Route!"

"A princess of a superpower?"

When Luffy heard this, he instantly became very excited, and turned around Wei Wei curiously.

"Don't be too busy having fun,"

"If i remember correctly,"

"Alabasta now has a new name,"

"That name is, Vardin!"

Zoro coldly poured (ciae) cold water on Luffy who was extremely excited, and then looked at Weiwei very solemnly.

As a former bounty hunter, Sauron has a certain degree of understanding of some intelligence on the sea.

But the more I understand, the more I understand the horror of Vardin.

The more I understand, how sensitive the identity of Vivi, the princess of the Alabasta Kingdom, which is directly under the kingdom of Vardin, is.

In an instant, the plots of cutting grass and rooting, rushing to kill, secretly chasing and killing, were recalled countless times in Sauron's mind.


After Zoro finished speaking, Usopp and Nuoqigao opened their mouths in an instant, their eyes bulging and their chins almost fell to the ground in surprise!

"Is that the legendary strongest kingdom in the world, Vardin..."

"I seem to have a disease that is going to die when I hear Vardin..."

Usopp said with some trembling.

Sauron asked what he could think of, and of course Usopp could think of it.

Only the nervous Luffy asked carelessly, still unaware,

"Hey, why did Alabasta become Vardin?"

"Has Vardin captured you?"

"Are those Walding guys all bad guys?"

"If you're a bad guy, I'll beat them all

In Luffy's eyes, those who conquer other countries and forces are all bad guys!

"Hey, Luffy, don't say that!"

Before Luffy finished speaking, Usopp and Noqigao had already reached out and covered Luffy's mouth-ba.

Wei Wei could see the worry in Luffy and the others.

Don't say it's a novice pirate like Luffy.

Even a pirate with a reward of hundreds of millions or a first-level Qiwuhai, after knowing Weiwei's identity, will undoubtedly feel that it is a big hot potato.

"Don't worry, His Majesty Saga is very good,"

"And Alabasta was also entrusted to His Majesty Saga by my father voluntarily!"

Wei Wei explained to Luffy and the others,

"Alabasta was hit by a great drought and the pirates were stealing the country,"

"It was His Majesty Saga who saved Alabasta and everyone!"

"Hey, so he's a good guy?"

After Wei Wei finished speaking, Luffy nodded disappointedly.

Zoro and Sanji sighed directly.

In the world of pirates, between kingdoms and kingdoms, there are simply good people and bad people.

In particular, Vardin finally directly annexed Alabasta.

After Weiwei showed that she would not cause trouble to Luffy and others, Luffy and Sanji directly believed in Weiwei, and Usopp, Nochigo and Zoro, although they were still worried, After Weiwei took the initiative to say that she wanted to go to the former Alabasta and the current Vardin, she also temporarily put down her guard against Weiwei.

Luffy and the others continued their adventures.

The next target is Alabasta, which has almost completely changed. .

Chapter [*] S Grade Two Draws

Time passed quietly, and Vivi's disappearance on Valdin Island certainly didn't attract Saga's attention at all.

Today's Alabasta has completely changed into the shape of Saga.

The country of Alabasta has completely turned into history. The former desert country is now only the direct territory of Waldin, the island of Santin.

Not to mention that Vivi couldn't do anything, even if Vivi really wanted to regain the throne of the Neferutari family again.

With Varding's current strength, Weiwei will naturally understand what strength is - everything.

Luffy and the others continued their journey.

The Blackbeards and Ace also appeared directly near St.tin Island at this time.

"Captain, the country of Vardin is nearby!"

"Walding is a very dangerous country,"

"Are we going to venture into St.tin Island?"

"I don't want to be caught by the Walding Navy!"

Above the huge wooden raft, one of Blackbeard's original crew members, Jizas Badgers, the fighting champion, said to Blackbeard in a deep voice.

"thief hahaha,"

"Don't you Chuyin, I don't have a bounty now!"

"Would the Walding Navy directly arrest an ordinary person?"

"I'm just an adventurer who likes to hang out on the sea

Blackbeard laughed back.

As an ordinary crew member of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Blackbeard has not carried a bounty on his back until now.

"Fate has destined us to detonate an era,"

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