In addition, the ultimate Digimon Deep Sea Master, the Iron Sea Dragon, which was summoned by Saga not long ago.

When Vardin attacked the whole army, he could already use the top combat power of seven S-ranks.

Such terrifying combat power has surpassed the cpO controlled by the simple naval headquarters and even the Tianlong people!

But compared with [-] years of world government-government.

However, there is still a small gap.

If the World Government-Government would spare no effort to mobilize all the admiral-level combat power of the Navy headquarters, plus the commander-in-chief of the three armies, Gang Kuo Kong, Magellan in the promotion city, and the top powerhouses and five old stars in the cpO all shot.

There are at least ten top S-rank experts that the world government can mobilize under the full power of the government.

The World Government-Government, which has ruled the world for eight hundred years, is undoubtedly the most powerful force in the world at this time.

However, Vardin is not far from catching up with the world government in an all-round way!

At least at the level of s? combat power.

Saga feels that even if the World Government and the Navy Headquarters work together, they may not be able to catch up with today's Vardin.

Among the seven ninja knives, in addition to the user of the beheading broadsword, Taoji Zaibushu, and the blunt knife? Toucut, the user of Tongcao Yebairen,

The remaining five ninja knives consisted of seven people, the big knife, the knives user, the persimmon ghost, the long knife, the stitch user, the kurikuanjuan, the explosive knife, the droplet user, Wulijinba, the thunder knife, the tooth user, Lin Yuri Yuri and Double Knives? Fresh Widow User Ghost Lantern Full Moon!

After they mastered the two-color domineering and quickly increased their physical strength enough to extract more chakra, they directly broke through to the s combat power!

It is only a matter of time before the Taodi Zaibuzhi and Tongcao Yebairen, who have not yet broken through, become the top combat power of S with the passage of time!

Among the seven people with ninja swords, there are five s-combat powers. In addition to the other nine swordsmen of the pillar country after Guoyuanyi, they will kill with a single blow. Murasame's insect pillar butterfly ninja , Fengzhu Immortal Kawamiya, who took the fruit of the sickle, Kianzhu Ganlu Temple Mili who was born with extraordinary physique, Kasumi Shitomoichiro, a genius swordsman who became a column-level swordsman in two months of holding the sword, and the strongest ever The pillar-level swordsman Yanzhu Beimingyu Xingming, all possessed the combat power of S!

The remaining Flame Column Purgatory Xing Shoulang and Water Column Tomioka Yiyong will also be able to successfully break through in a short time.

As for the snake column Yihei Xiaoba, there is still the sound column Yusui Tianyuan, although it is unlikely to break through to s in a short time!

But as the top powerhouse among the countless people in the Ghost Destroyer World, it is only a matter of time before he has the talent of Yinzhu Yusui Tianyuan in the Snake Pillar Yihei Xiaoba.

The combination of the seven ninja swordsmen and the swordsmen of Zhuguo except Ji Guoyuanyi - Lewalding directly has the top combat power of ten s.

Not to mention, the s combat power that Vardin possesses is far more than that.

After taking the fruit of thunder, Enilu, the god of thunder, has seen the vastness of the sea several times, and finally has the combat power of S. With the fruit of thunder and the potential of Enilu, it will not be difficult to make breakthroughs in the future.

Similarly, Saga's original crew, Ajin, the ghost who took the Asura fruit of the animal-type phantom beast that Saga specially found for him, also took the world's top devil fruit and directly possessed s- At the same time, the potential of the Ashura Fruit is far from being developed to the limit by the ghost Ajin.

As for the lion Saros, who was guarding generals with the ghost man Akin and Thor Anilu, the war ghost Weber and the strange monk Urki, even with the care of Saga and the cruelty of Esdes train.

Their current combat power is only around A-level, comparable to the elite lieutenant generals of the Navy Headquarters!

In a short period of time, they have broken through to S-level combat power, and there is not much hope...

In addition, Artoria, who has been working with Hei Tong all the year round, even if she has not been able to find her true power, has already broken through to S? under the drive of the red dragon blood, even the three under Saga's command. A scientist obsessed with research.

Orochimaru, who has taken the door fruit and mastered the technique of flying thunder gods, and the fashion doctor who has taken the Tuntun fruit, is trying to devour the genes of all creatures in the world and become the ultimate creature, all have the combat power of s!

And Tony Stark, who just took the magnetic fruit not long ago?

In terms of his own strength, Tony Stark's strength may not be able to reach s-.

But if you count the steel armor that Tony Stark carefully built for himself.

Not to mention the deputy of the S?, even if it is an S-rank general, Tony Stark has the confidence to fight.

The head of Vardin's medical department, and Tsunade, the teacher of the ninja school, also broke through to s-.

Under the circumstance that physical strength can become almost infinitely stronger, and at the same time, armed arrogance can greatly increase physical strength, Pirate World has completely opened the door to a new world for a physique-type powerhouse like Tsunade.

Armed strange force boxing, whoever picks up who knows...

"After careful calculation, Varding's current combat power has directly reached the seventeenth place,"

"Even if all the emperors of the four emperors are added together, I am afraid that they may not be able to catch up with the current Varding!"

"It's just the World Government, the cpO plus the Navy Headquarters and the Advance City, plus the elites in the Tianlong Guards, and the combat power of the alternate generals, will the World Government-Government exceed seventeen?"

Saga was a little curious.

But in any case, the s-combat power that the World Government-Government can mobilize at 5.0, even if it exceeds seventeen, it is absolutely impossible to surpass the current Varding by too much.

A+ level combat power is eligible to become Qiwuhai, and every combat power above s is a top powerhouse above the sea.

As for the backbone combat power below s?

There is still some gap between Vardin and the World Government-Government!

The Walding Navy, which has just been established, has not too many masters at the navy headquarters level and the general level.

But there are automatic weapons carefully prepared by Tony Stark, as well as the fully open breathing method of Saga, the six types of navy and the two-color domineering and other materials, plus the trial of the mirror and the elite training camp of Banggu and Zefa.

It won't be long before Vardin, a large number of B-level and A-level combat power will emerge.

"Is it not long before we fully surpass the world government?"

"Just, what kind of terrifying power does the so-called Heavenly King possess?"

Saga murmured, his eyes looked directly in the direction of the Holy Land Mary Joa! .

Chapter [-] Army of Devil Fruit Ability?

What kind of power the King of Heaven has, Saga didn't think about it carefully!

But thinking about the horror of the sea king, it is always right to treat the king as an enemy with ss-level or even higher destructive power.

Although Vardin's current top-level combat power has basically caught up with the World Government, the grass-roots combat power has fully caught up.

But before Vardin could have two SS-level battle strengths, Saga never thought about launching the final battle and trying to find a way to unify the world of One Piece.

Anyway, time is on Saga's side, and Saga can guarantee an S-level lottery every month, and even after a while, it seems that it is not difficult to have two S-level lottery draws every month.

On the speed of strength improvement.

Vardin is now directly dumping the World Government-Government for several streets.

Time passed quietly, and Vardin was still getting stronger at a speed unimaginable by a world government-government!

At least not all the citizens of Vardin have taken the first-generation iq human evolution potion, and the more talented citizens of Vardin's [-] million citizens have grown to their ultimate combat power.

Varding's strength will not stop at all. 28

In addition, although Hei Tong was busy tracking the lantern fish to find pure gold, so that some of Walding's aged top combat powers could gain the power of longevity, he did not go hunting for devil fruits!

However, during this period of time, the Walding Navy still captured several pirates who had taken Devil Fruit.

And among the [-] million citizens of Vardin and some people who came to join Vardin's navy, lucky enough to have several devil fruit abilities.

In an island country with millions of citizens, it is not easy for a large number of Devil Fruits to appear. After all, Devil Fruits are treasures in the sea and are extremely rare.

But when Vardin's citizens reached nearly seventy million, and Vardin indirectly ruled and controlled almost half of the first half of the Great Route.

Devil fruit abilities suddenly become less scarce.

As long as you have enough strength and power, it is really not difficult to collect some Devil Fruits or conquer some Devil Fruit abilities.

However, Saga never thought of trying to form an army of Devil Fruit Powers like Kaido did.

Instead of pinning Vardin's powerful hopes on the cherished and hard-to-reproduce Devil Fruits, the breathing method, the six naval styles, the two-color domineering, the flowing water rock smashing fist and the ninjutsu are enough for all the citizens of Vardin. It is worth cultivating with all our strength!

The captured devil fruit pirates had nothing else to do, so they handed it over directly to Orochimaru, and came with a devil fruit extraction technique.

Then, Saga didn't make any reservations, and directly rewarded the Devil Fruits extracted from the pirates to some warriors with outstanding military exploits in Vardin's army!

As for those who have taken Devil Fruits in the native Valdin, as long as they investigate the background and are willing to work for Saga, Saga also directly asked Zefa and Banggu to set aside a certain amount of time every month to target to train them.

In this pirate world, a powerful Devil Fruit can undoubtedly make an ordinary pirate almost reach the sky in one step, easily possessing powerful combat power!

But in order to truly reach the peak of this sea, the power of the Devil Fruit alone is not enough!

What's more, no matter how powerful the Devil Fruit is, it needs to be developed with heart and spent a lot of mental and physical energy to use!

Otherwise, even if you are given a natural devil fruit or a top superhuman fruit, such as a swamp fruit and a slow fruit, the user will still be a weak chicken.

Vardin's Devil Fruit abilities continued to increase, and he quickly became stronger under the training of Zepha and Bangu.

As for the top devil fruits, shasha fruit, tutu fruit, rongrong fruit and phantom vampire fruit that Saga specially preserved, in addition to shasha fruit and tutu fruit, Saga directly sent them from some citizens of Vardin. Among them, two teenagers with good strength and potential were specially selected to take them, and the Rongrong Fruit and the Vampire Fruit were still deliberately reserved by Saga!

If the Rongrong Fruit is used properly, it will be another powerful Devil Fruit that can change the world!

It would be too wasteful to give Rongrong fruit to ordinary people.

Those who are suitable for Rongrong Fruit are undoubtedly top scientists.

And the vampire fruit, as the only devil fruit that Saga currently controls, is enough to make people live forever.

Before Saga has mastered more means of longevity.

The vampire fruit Saga will not be easily used.

The Tutu fruit and the Shasha fruit are both top-level natural devil fruits.

But compared to the particularity of the Rongrong fruit and the vampire fruit, it is undoubtedly more important to choose the shasha fruit and the earthy fruit as soon as possible, and then let them start to change the desert environment of Alabasta with peace of mind!

Vardin now does not lack two nature-based devil fruit ability users.

What's more, in a short period of time, it is difficult for Vardin to increase two top combat powers by relying on Shasha fruit and Tutu fruit alone.

The development of Devil Fruits also takes a lot of time.

It is also difficult to obtain a large number of actual combat opportunities and quickly become the top combat power, which focuses on changing the environment rather than farming the sand and soil fruits.

The rustling fruit ability and the soil fruit ability begin to work together a little bit to change the desert environment of Alabasta.

The sand and dust were lifted and the soil was rolled up, and large tracts of desert quickly turned into fertile soil. Then, with the efforts of the nearby canals and a large number of Valdin people, on the soil, various plants and pieces of farmland were destroyed. Quickly opened up.

Even without Binz, it's bigger and helps to spawn some common plants, as long as there is an environment suitable for plant growth.

Diligent citizens will always use their own hands to transform a barren world into a paradise full of vitality.

The tens of millions of Valdin 60 nationals on the island of Santín, after experiencing the past drought, undoubtedly cherish the soil and plants more.

The dead desert cannot feed too many citizens.

But the fertile land is enough to make every one of today's Walding citizens live a prosperous life.

Vardin's strength is growing, and those ordinary Devil Fruit abilities are also rapidly becoming stronger under the training of Banggu and Zefa.

It won't be long before, in addition to summoning characters, those ordinary devil fruit capable people who have been severely trained by Zefa will also be enough to become the backbone of Vardin, and become one after another comparable to the ordinary lieutenant general of the Navy Headquarters. powerful presence.

The three generals of the Walding navy are now almost as powerful as the three generals of the naval headquarters.

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