But after the death of the pirates, it is difficult to directly disintegrate.

As long as the Charlotte family has outstanding candidates who can convince the public, most of the Charlotte family will naturally unite under the strong commander of the Charlotte family.

And, she is the true queen of all nations.

The rulers of the nations have also been recognized for decades.

After death, a new member of the Charlotte family who does not need their soul to be surrendered will only be more loyal to the king of the Charlotte family.

Among the four emperors today, it is most likely to have the last laugh, and the Charlotte family is also most likely to gradually dilute the shadow of the pirates and become the existence of a real royal family.

But unfortunately, there are destiny protagonists Luffy and Varding appear!

Karp went to the East China Sea.

And Luffy also began his own adventure in the East China Sea in the 6-inch exhibition section.

After Zoro joined Colonel Munka of the Severely Wounded Branch, Luffy was wanted by the Navy Headquarters.

But some of the elites of the navy led by Garp are busy chasing down those vicious pirates who have returned to the East China Sea from the great route, and they have no time to trouble Luffy.

As for the Walding Navy?

The bounties of the Navy Headquarters and the Walding Navy are not universal!

At least for now, Luffy's name hasn't appeared on Vardin's wanted list.

As long as they don't loot merchant ships and civilians, and conflicts between some strong men and the headquarters of the navy and some world government-government countries in the East China Sea, the Warding Navy can't control.

°Time passed quietly, and Saga did not pay attention to Luffy's experience in the East China Sea.

Luffy doesn't deserve too much attention from Saga!

Most importantly, a new month has come again. .

Chapter [*] S-level prizes, the gift of the sun

[The host currently rules the kingdom: Waldin Kingdom]

[The land area is [*] million square kilometers, including [*] square kilometers of Valdin Island and [*] square kilometers of Santin Island! 】

[The kingdom's population is [*] million, the comprehensive evaluation of the strongest person in the kingdom is s+, the average evaluation of the kingdom's people is e+, and the comprehensive evaluation of the kingdom's national strength is s. 】

[Currently, the host can provide [*] points of national strength every month! 】

[In addition to the balance of the previous month, the host currently has a total of [*] national strength points! 】

"Is there a population of nearly [*] after directly increasing the national strength of nearly [*]?"

"In addition to the refugees that Walding is constantly receiving, the national integration plan of the Walding Alliance seems to be going well!"

Saga looked at the system panel with satisfaction.

"Just close to [*] million citizens can raise my monthly national power value to more than one million. If I can rule the whole world, how much will my monthly national power ~ value be?"

"However, don't worry, most of the nearly [*] million people have not yet taken the first generation of iq human evolution medicine. Vardin's potential has not been developed to its limit, and it has not yet reached a showdown with the world government and ruled. When the whole world?!"

Thinking of this, Saga directly pressed his idea of ​​letting Vardin start to fully expand now, and then after washing his hands seriously, he pressed the lottery button!

"System, give me an S-level lottery!"

Saga said secretly.

[Consumes the host's national strength value of [*] million points, and the host's current remaining national strength value is [*] points! 】

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the s-level ability, which originated from the sin of arrogance in the kingdom of the Seven Deadly Sins!

The sin of arrogance, among all things in the world, there are only the sun and arrogance, which cannot be looked directly at.

When possessing the sin of arrogance, the strength of the host will change continuously with the rise and fall of the sun. At noon, the strength of the host will reach the strongest,

But be careful, if your own strength and spiritual power are insufficient, your own character will also be easily affected by the ability of the sin of arrogance!

Note: stupidity and greed-greed are never the original sins that lead to destruction,

Arrogance is! 】

Sin of slowness?


"Similar to Superman's ability, you can get stronger when you bask in the sun, but unfortunately it's not Superman's body of steel!"

"However, no matter how you think about the S-rank lottery, it is impossible to draw out a physique like Superman's steel body!"

"But if the sin of arrogance merges with Superman's body of steel, will that make the body of steel stronger?"

Saga thought with some curiosity, and then directly extracted the ability of the sin of arrogance.

As for the character effects that come with the sin of arrogance?

Saga, who has awakened her sixth sense by wearing the golden cloak of Gemini, is not necessarily standing on the top of the sea if she is still agile in terms of physique!

But when it comes to the spirit-spirit attribute, if you count the entire pirate world, except for Lord Im, who has lived for an unknown time, Saga is confident that even the Four Emperors or Garp will never surpass him!

The sin of arrogance is only a s-level prize after all, while the Gemini Gold Cloth is an ss-level artifact.

The power of the sin of arrogance instantly melted into himself.

Under the detailed induction of Saga's sixth sense, he only feels that endless energy flows into his body continuously from the distant void!

"Magic from the sun?"

Saga raised her head, as if she could see the big sun in the void through the roof.

"It's only about ten o'clock in the morning, and the constant energy from the sun directly makes me have a sixth sense without relying on the Gemini Gold Cloth, yet I have the strength of about s+?"

"If it's twelve o'clock at noon, I'm afraid that with the power of the crime of arrogance, I can crush all the four emperors except the middle-aged white beard!"

"What an amazing ability!"

Saga dipped his fingers, and a small golden sun appeared on his fingers.

And around the golden sun, the extremely scorching high temperature distorted the air slightly. If Saga released it, I am afraid that just that little golden flame would be enough to burn Saga's palace to ashes.

"Have you automatically mastered the ability to control flames?"

"I just don't know, can my flame, Akainu's lava, be restrained?"

"Ace is still too weak for the development of burning fruit!"

Saga waved his hand, directly dissipating the golden flame above his finger, and then said with a sigh.

The temperature of the lava is always limited, generally about [*] to [*] degrees, while the temperature of the flame has almost no limit.

...for flowers....

The temperature of the core of the sun is as high as [*] million degrees.

Not to mention [*] million degrees, even if it reaches [*] degrees, the so-called lava that can restrain the burning fruit will be directly vaporized in an instant, and there will be no slag left.

Saga sighed, and then used his powerful mental power to forcibly extinguish the arrogance that was quietly emerging in his mind as the sun rose and his strength continued to improve.

In the pirate world, it is almost impossible to defeat Lord Im just by the ability of the crime of arrogance, let alone the vast and powerful worlds.

The sin of arrogance is not qualified to be arrogant in front of the real powerhouse.

"However, I don't know whether the ability of the sin of arrogance can increase Superman's body of steel."

"But the fairy body on me has been directly strengthened by the sin of arrogance?"

"Is it because plants need photosynthesis and the sun is the source of life for all living things?

Saga was a little puzzled.

But the enhancement of the fairy body is undoubtedly a pleasant surprise.

Although Saga doesn't hope that he can conquer the world with one-handed Mudun.

But it is good to improve your physique and resilience after all.

Only living has output, and living has everything.

For physique and defense, Saga is eager to be as strong as possible.

After the lottery was completed and the millions of first-generation iq human evolution potions produced by Orochimaru were distributed this month, Varding's comprehensive strength began to increase at a steady rate.

And Varding's current top powerhouses are also under the passage of time.

Gradually reached a new height!

At present, Vardin's strongest combat power other than Saga is still holding the sleeves of white snow, possessing the ability of Demon God to appear.

After the strength has been raised to ", even with Esdes' talent and potential, it will undoubtedly take a very long time to make a breakthrough to upgrade to ss?.

But in addition to Esdes, Varding quietly has a new peak sea powerhouse with an s+ rating!

Even Saga suspects that she is likely to break through to the field of ss- earlier than Esdes has the legendary Jiguoyuanyi.Dry.

Chapter [*]: Varding's top combat power

Having said this, Saga subconsciously looked at the weak Hassan who was teasing the pink fat Ding with a soft face beside him!

Who would have thought that Saga, who has nothing to do all day long except for playing with a fat man, is a sleeping guy, and quietly, he has become the top of the sea? The peak powerhouse has the combat power of S+ Woolen cloth?

The efforts of one person are indeed not comparable to the efforts of hundreds of weak Hassan.

The delusional person manifests this ability, plus there is no limitation of the heroic body L

The speed of the weak Hassan's strength is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people!

I'm afraid that even the protagonist Wang Luffy can't match the speed of weak Hassan's strength.

However, before all the personalities are brought together, the weak Hassan next to Saga's strength is still limited after being equally divided among all the personalities. For the time being, there is no way to be an S+'s peak-peak combat power anytime, anywhere. use!

But as long as all of Hassan's personalities come back weak.

The world's strongest and most "four-one-three" who is enough to stand on the top of the sea is a terrifying assassin, the god of death in a dream, will let the whole world understand what real terror is.

Saga ignored the weak Hassan who was teasing Fat Ding, but then calculated the combat power that Vardin currently possesses besides himself!

There are two strong s+, Esdes and Hassan who is weak.

And below s+?

Counting them down, Varding currently has a lot of powerhouses that are comparable to the S-level of the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters!

The Legend of Born quickly broke through from the B-level to the S-level, the founder of the breathing method, Ji Guoyuanyi, the martial arts master Bang Gu of the Flowing Water Shattering Rock Fist, and the s-handed emperor marching in the eight rooms, controlling the corpse of the S-level combat power golden lion The black pupil, and the three generals of the Waldin navy, the black arm general Zefa, the void general Ulquiorra, and Fujitora - laugh.

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