Take care, what to take care of?


What's more, except for the five old stars with curly hair, none of the five old stars is willing to disobey Lord Yimu's order and let Lord Yimu and Vardin start the final battle ahead of time.

"Lord Eym will settle everything in the end,"

"The fame that the Waldin Navy has gained in the four seas will eventually be completely buried in the face of the eternal order. 々v!"

After a moment of silence, the five old stars of the blond silver dragon said their thoughts.

As long as Lord Yim can completely destroy Vardin in the end.

The Vardin Navy, and even the entire Vardin history, will be completely overshadowed by the World Government-Government.

Like the lost hundred years.

Of course, the premise of all this is that Lord Yim can completely destroy Vardin.

After the blond silver dragon five old stars finished speaking, the other five old stars also echoed in a low voice, but only the curly-haired five old stars, at this moment, fell into a deep-deep silence!

The power of Lord Im and the World Government-Government is truly unmatched.

But the power of everyone in the entire pirate world is added together, and that is the real power of the strongest.

First the first half of the Great Route, then the Four Seas and the New World.

When Vardin's tentacles really penetrated into all corners of the world, can the World Government-Government and Lord Yimu really be able to easily liquidate the whole world as easily as they can?

The curly-haired five old star expressed doubts about this.

The World Government did not respond strongly to the fact that the Waldin Navy pursued pirates in the Four Seas.

And some righteous navies in the Navy Headquarters, after seeing the Walding Navy traveling thousands of miles to help the world, their impressions of the Walding Navy and Walding began to change quietly.

In any case, the forces that fight against pirates and protect civilians are good forces of justice.

Even the Revolutionary Army, after seeing the Waldin Navy begin to go deep into the four seas to fight pirates, the leader of the Revolutionary Army, Long, gradually began to think,

"Perhaps, without overthrowing the world government, and without overthrowing all kingdoms and noble families, people in the whole world can live a happy and peaceful life?"

"Do the Revolutionary Army really want to consider joining Vardin?"


Long, the leader of the Revolutionary Army, has just been shaken, but the next moment, past experiences and beliefs in his heart will completely bury the idea of ​​the Revolutionary Army joining Walding!

"Saga might be a good king,"

"But, Saga's descendants, as well as those high-ranking officials and aristocrats in Vardin, will they also be good nobles?"

"Put the hopes of everyone in the whole world on the body of a king and some nobles, that is the real despair!"

"If Vardin really rules the world, a world noble family that is far higher than the Tianlong people, I am afraid that it will be born again!"

"At that time, everyone in the whole world will only have a harder life!"

"Absolute power leads to absolute corruption,"

"Only the people themselves can truly let everyone live a happy life!"

Long, the leader of the Revolutionary Army, once again strengthened his beliefs.

Just letting the so-called people rule themselves can really bring happiness to everyone?

The Revolutionary-Revolutionary Army Dragon didn't think too much, and he didn't dare to think too much. All he wanted to do now was to change the world, overthrow the world government and overthrow all the kings and nobles at the same time!

As for the absence of kings and nobles, whether there will be more alternative rulers such as big leaders, presidents, and capitalists in those countries, dragons can't control so much!

He is only responsible for liberation, but the real rule is only by his own people in the countries liberated by the revolutionary army.

The four seas were boiling, and countless pirates were hunted by the Walding Navy and some of the elites of the Navy Headquarters, but in the first half of the great route and in the new world, it was surprisingly calm!

In the first half of the great route, there are both the navy headquarters and the Walding navy, and countless new pirates with dreams will immediately and cautiously lower the pirate flag after venturing from the four seas into the first half of the great route, and continue cautiously with their tails tucked. route!

Except for some powerful pirates with great potential, the vast majority of pirates are difficult to escape when they encounter the pursuit of the Navy headquarters and the Walding Navy.

If you don't do a pirate with your tail tucked, you're courting death.

In the new world, the pirates who were driven to the new world from the first half of the great route have been either eliminated or digested in a short period of time.

The four emperors are still like four unshakable mountains, standing high at the top of the new world.

Almost all the pirates who entered the new world either joined these four big mountains and licked bricks and mortar for them, or they smashed into these four big mountains and became these big mountains. Bones and cornerstones at the foot of the mountain!

It was the blood and bones of countless rookie pirates that cast the throne of the Four Emperors aloof.

And in this wave of rookie pirates.

(Zhao Liao's) The Whitebeard Pirates and the Hundred Beasts Pirates have acquired a large number of newcomers and their strength has greatly increased.

The strongest man in the world, Whitebeard, and Kaido, who was severely injured by Sasha, may become the weakest among the four emperors, always attracts the attention of the most rookie pirates.

And the pirates in the middle and the red-haired pirates?

Because of the high-quality rice seeds and the participation of many pirates, the strength of the pirate group has also increased significantly!

Only the red-haired pirates, because of the elite strategy that the red-haired has always adhered to, are in this wave of pirates pouring into the new world.

The Red-haired Pirates only added a few new pirates with a bounty of nearly [-] million.

As for the rest of the pirate groups, the number with the smallest increase was nearly a thousand.

Because of their different strategies, the Four Emperor Pirates of the New World gradually widened the gap in strength.

Fortunately, in the world of pirates where the top powerhouses can destroy the world and ignore weak chickens, the strength gap is not obvious for a while.

However, the potential and background of the Four Emperor Pirates have undoubtedly undergone tremendous changes.sentence.

Chapter [-] The Four Emperors Most Likely to Become One Piece?

If Valdin or Luffy don't shuffle the cards in the new world in the future, just look at the current situation!

In the future, the one who can successfully climb to the top and become the Pirate King will not be the one who controls Wano Country, which is rich in resources, dangerous terrain, and powerful beast Kaido. Red-haired, let alone a white beard who is already old, and may be at the end of his life at any time!

It will only be this cruel and unkind, and at the same time, the Queen of All Nations who is slightly insane.

Whitebeard's parental model, when Whitebeard is still alive, can still command everything with great personal prestige, but after Whitebeard's death, if there is no strong heir.

The Whitebeard Pirates will undoubtedly fall apart.

The members of the Whitebeard Pirates and those affiliated pirates will only call Whitebeard their father, and they will only obey the orders of one Whitebeard!

And the Beasts Pirates, although Kaido has always been intentionally absorbing the new blood from the pirates to join his Beasts Pirates, and at the same time is constantly acquiring artificial devil fruits to strengthen the Beasts Pirates!

However, Kaido, who entrusted most of the source of income of the Beast Pirates to the mining and sale of Hailou stone minerals in Wano, and at the same time did not care about the lives of those who mined in Wano, had no way to win. At the same time, the people of Wano will never be able to fully grasp the powerful forces of Wano!

If Kaido is a little more merciful, let the black charcoal snake take the blame, do all the good things by himself, and establish a good image of himself in Wano country!

Wano country has long been completely ruled by Kaido!

Is it true that everyone in Wano country is a die-hard loyalist of the Kozuki family, and even willing to go through fire and water for the Kozuki family who haven't appeared in [-]-[-] years?

Wasn't that guy Kaido's rule too brutal, and the citizens of Wano country couldn't live on, that's why he placed hope on the previous ruler of Wano country.

No way, man, I'm afraid to compare...

If Kaido can make the people of Wano country live a better life than when the Kozuki family ruled, not to mention relying on the mere nine red sheaths and the bastard Momonosuke.

The fart boy can restore the rule of the Kozuki family, even if Kozuki Oden is reborn, he will be directly defined by the citizens of Wano country as a chaotic party and driven out!

Kaido's reign is still full of pirate style!

Even in his own base camp, Kaido never thought of good governance.

After the environment of Wano Country deteriorated, what was ultimately lost was the heritage of the Beast Pirates!

As for the red-haired pirates, the red-haired pirates with only a few dozen people in the elite mode have not fallen too far behind the other four emperors in the world of pirates whose top combat power (ciab) is enough to destroy the world. many gaps.

But the red-haired pirates, with only a few dozen people, can indeed come and go freely and traverse the sea at will.

But it only takes a siege or a big battle, and the strength of the Red Hair Pirates will drop sharply.

The strong are always rare, and at the same time replenishing - is also very difficult!

War always kills people. After a battle, [-] people die, for the rest of the four imperial regiments, it is completely irrelevant!

But if ten or eight of the elite crew of the Red Hair Pirates died, it would be a big problem.

Even Whitebeard may be killed by a large number of elites.

Those ordinary crew members of the Red-haired Pirates, as long as they can hold back the red-haired and Beckman and others, and kill those ordinary crew members, it is even easier.

The Red Hair Pirates' war potential is too small.

But the kingdoms ruled are different.

A large number of marriages allow the pirate group to use a huge amount of power. Although many pirates don't care about marriage, compared with ordinary loyalty relationships, family relationships are always stronger.

What's more, IWC has a Hormiz Legion that is tireless, amazing in combat power, and constantly replenished!

As long as the nations still exist, as long as they are still alive, the annual soul tax collected from the territories of the nations is enough to make the Hormiz army endless.

After owning high-quality rice seeds, the Hormiz Corps is expanding.

Some top-level Hormiz fighters are comparable to the Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters.

And this kind of combat power can even achieve mass production to a certain extent.

For example, the cookie soldier of the Cracker after being Homitzized.

Plus, even without the Hormitz Corps.

The potential of the pirates also far exceeds that of the other pirates.

She is so able to give birth, her youngest child is still crawling on the ground!

And each of her children has inherited her terrifying genes to a certain extent.

It is difficult to guarantee the future to become a top powerhouse!

However, it is not difficult to grow into a major admiral or a lieutenant admiral of the Navy Headquarters.

This means that, at least in the next few decades, when the children who are waiting for them gradually grow up, the middle and high-level combat power of Wan Guo will not be lacking.

Moreover, the children of the same age, as brothers and sisters, even though most of them have weak feelings for each other, but all the Charlotte family members are naturally united by blood!

The Whitebeard Pirates, the Red-haired Pirates, and even the Beasts Pirates, as well as most of the pirates in history, will inevitably fall apart or their strength will be greatly reduced after the death of a powerful captain!

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