"Fuck the Walding Navy, fuck the Navy Headquarters, fuck One Piece!"

"Let's have fun in this weak sea area!"

A large number of pirates returning from the great route began to do all kinds of evil in the world.

In a short period of time, the midst of the four seas, which had always been relatively calm, became violent.


"Why don't you let us go directly into the four seas and destroy those pirates?"

"You should know that the soldiers of the naval branch alone cannot deal with the opponents of the pirates who returned from the great route!"

"Sengoku you bastard

Garp grabbed Sengoku's collar and roared angrily.

There was a sound of killing in the four seas, but the large number of elite combat power of the navy headquarters still continued to stick to the first half of the great route, and did not go deep into the four seas to find a way to destroy those pirates who did all evil.

"Do you think I don't want to enter the four seas to destroy those pirates?"

"But this is the order of the world government!"

"If we enter the four seas in a big way,"

"What should Varding do..."

"Just send the first half of the great route directly to the Walding Navy?"

"Don't forget the Holy Land Mary Joa and Marin Vando, all of them are in this place!"

Sengoku pushed Garp away, ripped off his own collar, and replied in a deep voice.

As the Admiral of the Navy, the Warring States period is now stuck in the middle of the World Government-Government and the Admirals and Colonels, and it is extremely tangled!

It is impossible for the world government to let the elites of a large number of navies abandon the Holy Land Mary Joa and enter the four seas in spite of their great efforts.

If the elites of the navy headquarters entered the four seas, let’s not talk about the (cifi) expansion of the Waldin Navy in the first half of the great route during this period, just because a large number of elites from the naval headquarters were not there, in case Walding directly dispatched their nests to besiege the Holy Land Mary again. What about Joa!

Also in the first half of the Great Route, the Navy Headquarters can also support the Holy Land Mariejoa in time.

But if the elite of the navy headquarters entered the four seas in large numbers!

What is really going to happen, wait for them to arrive in time, the Holy Land Mary Joa may be renamed Varding!

World governments are reluctant to take such a risk.

What's more, the world government never cares about some pariahs who died because of pirates.

Human life is priceless, but in some cases, it is also the cheapest!

At the same time, the World Government wants to use a large amount of Heze to burn, kill, and loot to beat the World Government member countries in the four seas!

Some of the World Government-Government nations in the first half of the Great Route broke away from the World Government and joined the Grand Alliance of Walding.

But the allied countries in the four seas, the world government-government do not want to see them also join the Walding Alliance!

As for those pirates who burn, kill and loot, it will not be long before they will be completely wiped out!

The World Government-Government is reluctant to let a large number of elites from the Navy Headquarters enter the four seas, but a small number of elites and some staff members of the World Government spread all over the four seas to work together, and it is enough to slowly remove those who dare to act arbitrarily in the four seas. All the pirates were wiped out.

The pirates who escaped back to the first half of the great route in the Four Seas were basically all the weak chicken pirates who had no heart and never thought of entering the new world and becoming the pirate king.

"Valdin? What are you worried about Vardin?"

"I joined the navy to enforce justice, not to be a thug for the world government to guard against what Vardin!"

"The World Government-Government will not allow the army to march, then I will go back myself!"

"I'm sick now and need to take sick leave. I'll be back when I get better!"

After Garp finished speaking in a deep voice in the Warring States period, he was silent for a moment, then burst out suddenly, strode out of the conference room, and then decisively cut off his dog-headed warship and rushed directly to the East China Sea!

Karp left in anger, but the words Karp left before leaving made a large number of admirals in the conference room fall into silence!

The atmosphere is eerie!

"Oh, it's really troublesome, yawn, I seem to have a cold recently because I wear less clothes,"

"Well, looks like I need to take a sick leave too!"

Zhan Maojing wanted to say something to encourage morale, and the Admiral Aokiji of the Navy Headquarters also stood up at this time, yawned, and said lazily.

Aokiji also can't sit back and watch the pirates who returned to the four seas from the first half of the great route do whatever they want!

After Aokiji finished speaking, the atmosphere became even more bizarre, and even more so in the Warring States period - his complexion instantly became ashen.

Chapter [-] New January

"Okay, the frozen fruit person has a cold, and the lava fruit person has a high fever?"

"And you, how many are sick or are about to get sick, stand up for me - come on!"

After Warring States had finished speaking, he looked around coldly at the Admirals of the Navy Headquarters. Some Admirals from all over the world wanted to learn from Garp and Aokiji to take a sick leave, but looking at the blue face of Warring States, they did not say anything after all.

"You don't say yes,"

"Okay, let me tell you!"

"The green pheasant is sick, and then you brought me some fellows who are also sick? Hurry up and go to the West Sea,"

"Huoshaoshan, you take some subordinates - go to the South China Sea, Anshu, you take some subordinates - go to Beihai!"

"All the rest of the navy must stay in the first half of the Great-Route,"

"Remember, you only have three months,"

"It is impossible for too many patients to appear in the Navy headquarters, and it is impossible for all of them to be ill for too long, understand!"

With a straight face, the Warring States said coldly to Qingzhi and Huoshaoshan Lushu and others with a blank expression.

Huoshaoshan and Rat are among the few elite lieutenant admirals in the Navy Headquarters who possess moral justice.


Aokiji, Lushu and other admirals who couldn't sit back and watch the pirates do whatever they want in the Four Seas - accidentally glanced at Sengoku, and then immediately replied loudly!

And some of the generals of the Navy Headquarters who were loyal to the world government or extremely hawkish also unexpectedly glanced at the expressionless Warring States and did not reply.

Just the transfer of one admiral, two lieutenant admirals of the navy headquarters and some of the navy elites will not make the strength of the navy headquarters and the world government-government in the first half of the great route empty!

Especially after this round of world conscription, a new monster powerhouse has been added to the naval headquarters!

Akainu and the others glanced at the candidate General Lu Niu, who was sitting with Taotu Chabu and the others, and kept their silence.

The meeting of the Navy Headquarters ended in silence, and in the end, Admiral Warring States, who was left alone, silently looked at the banner of justice that reigned in the world hanging in the conference room, with a complicated expression, huh? He muttered,

"Justice reigns over the world!"

"He who reigns over the world is justice."

"Is it really enough to maintain the balance of this sea?"

There is something going on in the Navy Headquarters that Saga is unaware of.

But in the turmoil in the four seas, Saga still received the information immediately!

Waldin's intelligence organization is not weak under the leadership of the weak Hassan and the seven people of the ninja sword. After absorbing most of the power of the so-called underground world and recovering Morgans, the intelligence network has become more- Add information!

Intelligence-gathering, sometimes the paparazzi under Morgans' command, and the albatrosses that can be seen everywhere in the sea, are the real trump cards for intelligence-gathering...

"Are those guys from the World Government and the Navy Headquarters just watching those rubbish do whatever they want in the world?"

Saga looked at the atrocities of a large number of pirates in the four seas in the information, and his face was a little dignified!

The innocent civilians injured by those pirates will all be Saga's citizens in the future, and they must provide Saga with national strength every month!

In just ten days, the pirates who acted recklessly in the four seas directly killed nearly [-] civilians, and because the pirates robbed all their property, they would die of hunger and cold. People, it is far more than this number!

Although the average force value of the Four Seas is relatively low, the area of ​​the Four Seas and the population of the Four Seas are larger and larger than the area and population of the New World in the first half of the Great Route.

And from the first half of the great route, the pirate group that was hunted by the Walding Navy and the Navy headquarters and escaped back to the four seas was far more than the pirate group that went to the new world!

After all, there are only a few pirates who have the dream of becoming the pirate king and bravely march into the new world!

The vast majority of pirates are just used to looting for a living.

Like Bucky staying in the East China Sea all year round.

In the first half of the great route, there are also many pirates who are entrenched in one place and dare not rashly enter the new world!

But now, they are all either destroyed by the Navy Headquarters and the Walding Navy, or they have fled back to the four seas in despair.

"Latest news,"

"The world government intends to prevent a large number of naval forces from entering the four seas,"

"The World Government-Government is afraid that we will attack the Holy Land Mary Joa!"

Weak Hassan hugged Fat Ding, tilted his head, and said weakly.

"Sneak attack on Mary Joa?"

"Am I the kind of guy who sneaks up?"

"Isn't it because the World Government-Government declared war on Vardin the last time I hit Marijoa directly?"

"Next time I really want to fight Marijoa, I will definitely declare war on them in advance!"

"Well, it seems not bad to drive on the floating island, with a large number of Hades cannons and millions of elites to declare war in the Holy Land Mary Joa.

Saga replied immediately.

...for flowers...

He's not the kind of person who doesn't talk about martial arts and likes to do sneak attacks!

"However, the world government doesn't care about the world. It just so happens that the world government doesn't care about the pirates that the Navy Headquarters won't kill. I will kill the pirates in the Walding Navy. They don't care about the lives of ordinary civilians in the world. I Valdin cares!"

"It's time to stretch out some of Varding's tentacles to the world!"

"Let Ulquiorra and Zefa lead some of the Warding Admirals and go straight to the four seas!"

Saga made a decision, and after receiving the order, Ulquiorra and Zefa immediately led a large number of Vardin naval elites and rushed directly to the four seas!

At the very beginning, the Walding navy is still a bit lacking in strength!

However, he ruled Alabasta in Saga, incorporated hundreds of thousands of troops, and formed the Waldin Grand Alliance.

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