After bringing a large number of middle and low-level officers!

0 .....

The Warding Navy has now completely crushed the Navy headquarters in terms of grassroots combat power, mid-range combat power, and even in terms of weapons and equipment!Tony Stark's fully upgraded steel warship runs much faster than some of the normal sailing warships in the Navy Headquarters.

What's more, the world government and the navy headquarters do not have the first-generation iq human evolution potion and the breathing method open to the whole army. The six naval styles, the two-color domineering, the flowing water rock shattering fist, the trial of the mirror, and the grand master of Bangu and Ze The French General will teach some of the elites of the Walding Navy in person!

Ulquiorra, Zefa, and some of the elites in the Waldin navy set off quickly, and even entered the four seas ahead of the Aokiji and Karp from the naval headquarters.

At this time, those pirates who are revelling in the four seas do not know that their nightmare is coming!

Saga didn't pay much attention to them after sending Ulquioracifer and Zefa into the four seas!

Those weak chicken pirates in the four seas could not possibly be the opponents of Ulquiorra and others.

As for the possible siege of Ulquiorra and others by the World Government?

If the number of people is small, they are delivering food. If the number of people is large, it is impossible for the World Government-Government to hide the current Varding!

There are only so many peak combat powers on the sea, and it is impossible for the World Government to conjure up a bunch of top combat powers out of thin air to surround Zefa and Ulquiorra.

Those reckless pirates in the four seas are about to usher in their own nightmare, and in Albana, Saga also quietly opened his system panel after bathing and changing his clothes.

A new month has arrived!again.

Chapter [-]: S-level prizes with infinite potential

[The host currently rules the kingdom: Waldin Kingdom]

[The land area is [-] million square kilometers, including [-] square kilometers of Valdin Island and [-] square kilometers of Santin Island! 】

[The population of the kingdom is [-] million, the comprehensive evaluation of the strongest person in the kingdom is s+, the average evaluation of the people of the kingdom is e, and the comprehensive evaluation of the kingdom's national strength is s.]

[Currently, the host can provide [-] points of national strength every month! 】

[In addition to the balance of last month, the host currently has a total of [-] national strength points! 】

"Is it [-] million?"

"I originally thought that the growth rate of the national power value would decrease after the national power value I harvested every month increased to several million. As a result, the increase in national power value this month has directly reached - more than [-],"

"Is it because of the millions of first-generation iq human evolution potions that have been distributed this month?"

"Looking at it this way, before I have raised all the citizens of Varding's "June [-]" to rank D, the national strength value that I can harvest every month will only increase more rapidly!"

"Continue to grow like this. When the monthly income of tens of millions of national strength points, the SS-level lottery is not a dream!"

Saga looked at the millions of national power points lying quietly on the system panel, and was delighted, and then decisively pressed the lottery button,

"System, send me an S-level lottery!"

After the national strength value is credited, of course, there is a lottery draw!

[Consumption of national strength is [-] million points, and the host's remaining national strength is [-] points]

[Congratulations to the host for winning the s-level prize, the tree of life? Seedling from the elf kingdom of a fantasy world]


"The tree of life, or a seedling?"

Saga looked at the S-rank prize that he had drawn with one million national strength points, and suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart!

He remembered the seeds of the gourd baby that he had drawn.

I plant a seed in the spring, and a hundred years later, I can successfully harvest seven gourd babies.

The seeds of the gourd baby have been buried directly by Saga, and after summoning Yamato and obtaining the allegiance of Binz, he also asked them to know if they could ripen the gourd directly like a normal plant. baby!

If he really wants to give birth to the gourd baby, Varding can add at least seven births with A-level, and the potential is still unpredictable.

As for whether the gourd baby will be called Grandpa Saga or Binz and Mom and Dad after being born, Saga doesn't care at all.

Anyway, for the prizes awarded by the system, the basic loyalty is still guaranteed!

But the result, maybe the growth of the gourd baby may not only need the nutrients in the ground, but the essence of the world, the aura, the sun and the moon, etc. Yamato and Binz gave birth to it for a long time.

The seeds of the gourd baby are motionless, not even the roots and sprouts...

"The seedlings of the tree of life will not be like this again - something like a gourd seed with great potential, but it is completely useless now..."

Saga decisively looked at the detailed introduction of the tree of life seedlings, and then suddenly heaved a sigh of relief,

"The seedlings of the tree of life don't need to be planted for hundreds of years to harvest like the seeds of gourd babies."

"Well, it has a longer growth period. It takes a thousand years from seedling to adult..."

"But fortunately, even if it is a seedling, the tree of life can still play its huge role!"

【Tree of life seedlings

As the supreme mother tree of the elves, the tree of life possesses all kinds of magical abilities and infinite potential!

Field of life: As the tree of life, the tree of life will naturally develop a large-scale life field. Within the field of life, all plants will grow extremely quickly and healthily, and can purify all harsh environments. And continue to provide weak vitality and greatly increase the recovery ability of creatures in the field of life for all recognized life in the field of life!

Note: The field of life will continue to expand with the growth of the tree of life, and the tree of life has no conventional lifespan limit. When the lifespan of the tree of life exceeds [-] years, it will automatically grow into an ancient tree. When its lifespan exceeds one million years, it will automatically grow into the Eternal Tree!

The life field of the ancient tree can cover a kingdom, and the life field of the eternal tree is enough to cover a planet, and when the tree of life grows into the ancient tree and the eternal tree, it will automatically get more magical and powerful. ability.

The water of life: As the supreme mother tree of the magical elves with infinite lifespan, the tree of life can accumulate a certain amount of water of life from the heart of the tree every year.After taking the water of life, it can heal almost all injuries, including the damage on the soul, and it can also greatly enhance the vitality of the user!

If you continue to take the water of life, it is even enough for the user to gain eternal life!

Note: With the continuous growth of the tree of life, the water of life that the tree of life can accumulate every year will also continue to increase.

Breeding of life: As the supreme mother tree of the elves, the tree of life has the magical ability to nurture natural elves!

Note: The life-breeding function can only be used after the tree of life becomes an adult! 】

"As expected of a treasure that is enough to obtain an S-rank rating even if it is just a seedling,"

"Each of the three abilities of the Tree of Life is a miracle!"

"It's just, hehe, it takes a thousand years to become an adult tree, and ten thousand years to grow into an ancient tree. What is the use of the ability to nurture life now?"

Saga spit out a little, and has a certain degree of understanding of the tree of life and the time concept of elves!

The time of longevity is really worthless...

"However, is there still water of life in the field of life?"

Saga silently looked at the tree of life? The first two abilities that the seedling can currently exert.

The field of life is not bad. It is a good choice to control the desertification of Alabasta and to train soldiers.

But the water of life made Saga fall into a deep-deep silence!

"Enough to heal all wounds, and even to constantly take the water of life that is enough to make people live?"

"This is really exciting!"

"However, Hei Tong's current hunt for pure gold must not stop like this!"

Saga said secretly.

Continually taking the water of life can make people immortal, and with the yield of the seedlings of the tree of life?

Saga even doubted whether the water of life accumulated every year before the tree of life had grown into a mature tree would be a problem for a person to gain eternal life.

After Hei Tong gave Saga the soil fruit, Eustace Kidd and Bartolomeo not long ago, under Saga's order, he started a journey to find pure gold.

The technology of refining pure gold has long been lost. At present, all the pure gold in the world is in the body of a huge lanternfish in the deep sea.

Black pupil is relying on the compass of destiny, constantly tracking its traces.

That gigantic lantern fish is not like some devil fruit or some 4.7 people who will stay on a fixed island obediently.

The lanternfish is alive, and it swims continuously in the deep sea every day.

And its field of activity is the whole world.

Locking its position, even with the help of the Compass of Fortune, takes a lot of time.

But under the circumstances that Saga is not in urgent need of devil fruits for the time being, and many top-level devil fruits are already difficult to obtain.

Saga is willing to let Hei Tong spend a lot of time to find the lantern fish and capture the pure gold.

Saga himself doesn't care about the passing of life in a short time.

But neither Banggu nor Zepha, they are no longer young.

They have begun to need pure gold to prolong life and maintain their fighting power.

Aging is the most terrifying enemy that all ordinary people in the world have to face. .

Chapter one hundred and ninety-fifth birth?

The seedlings of the tree of life were directly extracted by Saga and planted in the iq planting base on the floating island!

He originally wanted to plant it in the desert surrounding the Albana Palace, 'relying on the field of life to directly turn the desert into fertile soil, and at the same time to maximize the field of life to assist Waldin's soldiers in training!

But after seeing the extraction, the height was less than ten meters, and the field of life was only a few hundred square meters of the tree of life seedling.

Saga is still very decisive to plant it on the floating island.

In the field of life of hundreds of square meters, there is still a tree of life less than ten meters in height and a diameter of at most tens of centimeters!

Planting it outside, Saga was really worried that a bear child would chop it up and use it as firewood!

As for the hundreds of square meters of life area, Saga said that Alabasta really does not lack green space of hundreds of square meters of wood.

On the contrary, if these hundreds of square meters are filled with iq plants, it may slightly increase the output of the first-generation iq human evolution potion of Da She Wan every month.

"Although I knew it was a seedling, I really didn't expect it to be so young..."

Saga looked at the tree of life on the floating island that was vaguely expressing her joy and admiration towards Saga, and sighed in a low voice.

I also feel vaguely despairing about the water of life that this tree of life can produce next year.

Just this physique, one drop, at most one drop, no more...

"However, what kind of sun and moon essence, heaven and earth aura, etc. are needed for the gourd baby, and the tree of life can't be ripened?"

Sa 28 added his head, and then directly called Yamato!

"Your Majesty, is this?"

Yamato was a little puzzled, and at the same time, after approaching the tree of life, he was slightly stunned, and then said with great surprise,

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