Saga was a little tangled, and temporarily left this happy worry, and then coldly looked at Bartolomeo, the barrier fruit ability, and Eustace Kidd, the magnetic fruit ability, who were brought directly to him by Hei Tong!

There is no doubt that the barrier fruit and the magnetic fruit are also the top devil fruit in the world! .

Chapter [-] Magnetic Fruit

"Are you the legendary king of the world?"

"I didn't expect that even the Golden Lion would surrender to your command!"

"Your Majesty, please let me join Vardin"

Bartolomeo looked at Saga furiously.

With some information from Vardin and Saga, it gradually spread all over the world under the dissemination of Morgans.

Saga has long since become a big man even more terrifying than the legendary Four Emperors.

Just as there are countless pirates who worship the Four Emperors, there are also countless people who worship Saga in the pirate world.

Bartolomeo is also among the admirers.

"Join Varding?"

Saga looked at the frenzied Bartolomeo, and did not immediately nod to agree to join Bartolomeo, but turned to look at Hei Tong.

Although Bartolomeo pays great attention to loyalty and loyalty, after becoming a pirate, Bartolomeo is an extremely vicious and cruel existence.

In Bartolomeo's eyes, the lives of ordinary people are not worth mentioning at all.

"He's not a pirate yet, but as an underworld leader, what he does on weekdays is definitely not kind!"

Black pupil directly told Saga the current status of Bartolomeo.

Bartolomeo, who has not yet witnessed Luffy's audacity in Rogge Town, and has not yet made up his mind to go to sea, is now just a gang leader in Rogge Town.

"Is the underworld leader?"

Saga was thoughtful, and then asked Bartolomeo directly,

"As the leader of the underworld, have you killed ordinary people wantonly!"

Bartolomeo's barrier fruit is very powerful, and he is also an extremely loyal person, but if Bartolomeo has killed ordinary people wantonly, then Saga will never include it in Vardin.

"Will want to kill ordinary people?"

"Bi Bian, "Don't underestimate the audacity of the underworld, I have never wanted to kill ordinary people,"

Barto; Lomio denied immediately.

As the underworld leader of Rogue Town, let alone Bartolomeo under the rule of Lieutenant Colonel Smoke of the Navy Headquarters, Bartolomeo couldn't make some outrageous actions, even if Bartolomeo wanted to act recklessly.

But Rogge Town is Bartolomeo's hometown. Bartolomeo is reckless, and he won't mess around in his hometown!

"Have you not completely become a pirate who will act recklessly in the future 々々?"

Saga glanced at Bartolomeo, said secretly, then nodded to Bartolomeo, and at the same time signaled Hei Tong to release the bondage of Bartolomeo directly!

Your Majesty, I will always be loyal to you! "

Bartolomeo immediately knelt down on one knee towards Saga after being untied, and offered his loyalty to Saga!

"I believe in your loyalty, but I want you to remember one thing, this is Vardin, not the Pirates,"

"In Vardin, anyone who dares to wantonly kill civilians will be punished the most severely!"

Saga was beating Bartolomeo, and he didn't want Bartolomeo to be reckless after joining Vardin.

"Okay Your Majesty,"

"Understood, Your Majesty,"

"From now on, whoever dares to hurt Vardin wantonly, I will crush his head with my own hands.

Bartolomeo said fiercely, but his gaze turned directly to Eustace Kidd, who was still bound by Hailoushi handcuffs.

Compared with Bartolomeo, who has not yet gone to sea, Eustace Kidd, who has made a lot of names in the world, is fierce and powerful.

Eustace Kidd, a being who could slaughter a small town for the smallest thing.

Even in order to raise their own bounty.

Eustace Kidd was also deliberately provocative, burning, killing and looting along the way.

Before reaching the first half of the great route, Eustace Kidd and his pirate group killed at least a thousand civilians on the way!

"Oh, will the legendary king of the world also find a way to recover some gangsters and pirates as his subordinates?"

"Hahaha, could it be that the strong men in the Varding navy were all pirates before!"

Eustace Kidd looked at Saga coldly, his face full of ridicule!

After seeing Bartolomeo surrender directly and be unshackled, he thought that Saga sent Black pupil to arrest him in order to subdue him.

"I will not surrender to you even if I die. I will find onepiece and become the Pirate King!"

"The future One Piece will never succumb to anyone!"

Eustace Kidd said firmly.

He never thought of taking refuge with anyone.

Even that - the man is the legendary king of the world, even if he has now been caught.


Saga looked at Eustace Kidd, who thought he was very firm and full of backbone, and let out a faint sound, and then said to Hei Tong without caring,

"Give him directly to Orochimaru,"

"Magnetic fruit is a powerful devil fruit, it's really a waste in his hands!"

Saga never thought of conquering Eustace Kidd from the beginning.

He just took a fancy to the Devil Fruit on Eustace Kidd.

In the pirate world, the most suitable candidate for the magnetic fruit is, of course, Iron Man, Tony Stark.

Saga believes that Tony Stark will make people in this world understand what real magnetism is.

Eustace Kidd was taken down by several janissaries of Vardin with a blank expression on his face.

What awaits him is, of course, Orochimaru's Devil Fruit extraction technique.

As for Bartolomeo, who looked at him with a frenzy on his face, Saga did not send Bartolomeo to the navy or the rest, but kept him by his side and let him serve as the Captain of his own Guards.

Not to mention the barrier fruit, its defensive ability is really amazing.

Bartolomeo and Eustace Key were dealt with separately.

The Tutu fruit brought back by Hei Tong was also put into his treasure house by Saga and Shasha fruit!

Saga has not been able to find a suitable person to take these two powerful natural devil fruits.

Even Rongrong Fruit, Saga couldn't find a suitable person to take it for a while.

The ability of Rongrong Fruit is extremely powerful, but its power is not in simple combat.

Using Rongrong fruit for scientific research, such as fusing some high-yield and high-nutrition seeds, or fusing some brand-new animals and even brand-new materials, is the biggest use of Rongrong fruit.

Everything can be melted!

And the Rongrong fruit plays to the extreme quality.

(Noli's) No one knows what kind of monster can be merged out.

It's just a pity that Orochimaru and Dr. Fashion have already taken Menmen Fruit and Tuntun Fruit.

And Tony Stark has already ordered the magnetic fruit.

For a time, Saga fell into the trouble of happiness.

Time passed quietly, and the addition of Bartolomeo did not bring the slightest change to Varding. After taking the magnetic fruit, Tony Stark seemed to have not taken the devil fruit at all, and continued his research and research as usual. The overall technology tree of Varding has been upgraded!

But only Saga knows how quickly Tony Stark's own strength has grown after Tony Stark used the magnetic fruit.

Saga believes that even one day in the future, even if he doesn't wear steel armor, Tony Stark will be enough to shock the whole world with his own strength.

Magnetic fruit with endless potential.

It's just that when time passed quietly, the sea began to have new changes inexplicably. .

Chapter [-]: Can green pheasants catch colds?

Luffy is out to sea!

Even with the appearance of Saga and Vardin, Luffy still steadfastly abides by his agreement with Eszabo and others, and begins to go to sea!

Saga brought many changes to the world of pirates.

There is a new world in the first half of the great route, and even Saga's inadvertent actions will directly tremble.

But what about the world government - the stronghold of governments?

Walding's influence was extremely limited.

Luffy went to sea as usual, and at the same time found his first partner Zoro in the East China Sea, and then in Orange Town, Luffy did not meet Nami, but he was moved by his sincere smile and just wanted to go out to sea to find his sister-sister Nami's Nogi High!

Although Nuoqigao's navigation skills are not very strong, but under the influence of Nami, he is still much more powerful than ordinary people.

Luffy and the others continued their sea journey.

But the whole sea, especially in the first half of the great route, because the Walding navy has also experienced the world's conscription, the comprehensive strength of the Zefa exodus - the naval headquarters, which has not decreased but increased after the incident, is a double blow to the pirates. 0

In the first half of Wei X Huntkey's E-shang: every pirate starts to go crazy and goes crazy. A large number of pirates in the first half of the great route either return home to return to the world, or go to the new world ahead of schedule.

For a while, the first half of the 543 Great Route was calm and calm, but there were still new worlds in the four seas, but a large number of pirates who had just returned or just poured in, caused a lot of trouble!

Of course, the wind and waves are mainly concentrated in the four seas.

That lotus has poured into the new world, and most of them have not made a name for themselves in the new world, they will either be eliminated by the four emperors, or they will be incorporated by the four emperors!

Compared with the Four Emperors and those powerful pirates in the New World, the average strength of the pirates who have been in the first half of the Great Route for a long time is indeed much weaker.

However, compared with those pirates in the Four Seas, those pirates who returned from the first half of the great route often dealt a dimensional blow to the weaker pirates in the Four Seas.

A large number of pirates who returned to the four seas from the first half of the great route acted arbitrarily in the four seas, especially when they were surprised to find that the soldiers of the naval branch in the four seas were often weaker than the naval headquarters and the navy of Walding. When the big cut, the carnival of the pirates has begun!

"Compared with the great route, the four seas are simply heaven!"

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