The headquarters of the navy directly belongs to the world government, there is no so-called national borders, but the simple naval officers and soldiers always have national borders....

Most of the allied countries are willing to join the world government only to seek the help of the world government and the naval headquarters to curb those vicious pirates.

In terms of politics and power, almost every country that joins the world government is an independent kingdom.

Well, those kingdoms in the four seas don't really count.

Pirates are the weakest, and the tentacles of the world government and the navy have already penetrated into all corners of the world, and they have always been the base camp of the world government.

Almost all countries in the four seas have to rely on the power of the world government.

"They dare to join Vardin, can't they just give them destruction?"

The five old stars with blond hair and silver dragon replied directly and arrogantly.

As a Tianlong person, at the same time, the blond silver dragon five old star who has just become a five old star, does not know much about politics!

He only understands that in this world, power is the foundation.

And the world government, which has the most powerful force in the world, is the well-deserved master of the whole world.

However, times have changed.

"Don't forget, they joined the Walding League!"

"Do you also want to go against the wishes of Lord Yim and let the World Government and Vardin go to war directly and liquidate everything in advance before the time of prophecy has come?"

The five old stars with curly hair said faintly.

Since the emergence of Vardin, this era is no longer an era where the world government can do whatever it wants.

After the curly-haired Wu Laoxing finished speaking, the rest of the Wu Laoxing fell into a deep silence at 4.4. Even the blond silver dragon Wu Laoxing stirred his lips a few times, but remembered when

At the beginning, he was targeted by dozens of Hades cannons, but he didn't say a word in the end!

For a long time, the curly-haired five old star looked at the other five old stars in disappointment, shook his head deeply, and then sighed deeply,

"So be it!"

"Anyway, the Immen will settle everything in the end, and the countries that joined the Walding Alliance will definitely be completely destroyed!"

After the five old stars with curly hair finished speaking, they walked out of the conference room with a sullen face.

Just after walking out of the conference room, in the empty aisle, the curly-haired Wu Laoxing's face was ashen, and there was a direct flash of light in his eyes, secretly said,

"We are five old stars, not dolls on the seat!"

"Is the time of prophecy really that important?"

"Perhaps, before the prophecy comes, this world has no world government!"

"Lord Im,"

"Can you really clear everything up by then?".

Chapter [*]: Hei Tong's Great Harvest

Varding's strength has grown too fast.

The strength of the world government is constantly weakening under the pressure of Vardin.

As the Five Old Stars of the World Government, the Curly-haired Five Old Stars actually intends to push the World Government and Vardin to start a full-scale war, and let Lord Yimu begin to liquidate the whole world in advance.

But none of the other five old stars dared to offend Lord Yimu and tried to provoke a full-scale war between the World Government-Government and Vardin against the wishes of Lord Yimu.

And the five old stars with curly hair alone cannot mobilize too much power of the world government.

In other words, even if he arbitrarily provoked a dispute between the World Government-Government and Vardin, without the combined efforts of the other five old stars, the World Government and Vardin would not be able to start a full-scale war at all.

I don't know why, the five old stars with curly hair always feel that Varding's strength has grown too weird.

At the same time, he has no confidence in whether Lord Yimu can completely clear up everything in the end.

"Maybe, it's time to think about the arrival of a new era

The curly-haired five old star finally said something meaningful, and then began to quietly look at Walding's information!

In particular, the Admiral Void Ulquiorra, who suddenly appeared in the Varding Navy, has attracted the attention of the curly-haired Five Old Stars.

There are always some unexpected masters in Vardin.

The world government died down and did not react to Zefa's actions and the continued growth of the Walding Grand Alliance.

The Four Emperors are just sticking to the new world, but during this period of time, they have become much more low-key!

However, the Navy Headquarters suddenly emerged at this time. When Varding's strength continued to grow, the Navy Headquarters also vigorously launched a world conscription campaign for the whole world. By constantly gathering masters from all over the world, to recover quickly The naval headquarters was damaged by the departure of Zefa and a large number of middle and low-level officers.


"Is there a world conscription in the Navy Headquarters?"

"Also, did that man show up too?"

Saga looked at the results of the military recruitment in the Navy headquarters that Hassan silently handed over.

Later, the Navy Headquarters Admiral Lu Niu' also stood out again in this world conscription, and was appointed as an admiral candidate by the Warring States Period!

Even if it is not bad to rush to add the position of general.

After seeing the terrifying strength of the Green Bull, the Warring States Period had the intention to directly put the Green Bull on the throne of the general.

"The influence of the World Government-Government and the Navy Headquarters in the world is still enormous,"

"Just, how long will it take before Vardin's reputation surpasses that of the World Government and the Navy Headquarters?"

Saga secretly said,

"Fishing reels can guide a lot of people!"

Vardin's current Minister of Information, but the big news Morgans who was secretly recovered by Saga.

The news agency of Morgans, and the countless news birds under his control, are enough to spread the news that Saga wants to spread to all parts of the world in a short period of time.

Even those news mouthpieces controlled by the world government are still not enough to watch in front of the News Corporation founded by Morgans, the albatross fruit capable man.

Devil fruit abilities are still very powerful in some specific aspects!

Positive reports about Vardin and the Vardin Navy, along with some black material about the world government and the Navy headquarters, are spreading all over the world.

Saga doesn't even need Morgans to report fake news. It only needs to report the current living conditions of the people of Vardin, the tax situation, and the Warring States period of Vardin's navy. It is enough to attract countless people who still live in the depths of water Fire-hot nationals of the rest of the country.

As for the black materials of the World Government and the Navy Headquarters, there is no need to forge them.

The world's government-government's black materials are simply too many!

As for the Navy Headquarters?

Those navy elites with justice in their hearts within Marin Vando are fine.

Some of the officers and soldiers of the naval branch in the Four Seas are not good goods.

Among the naval officers who cooperate with pirates to make huge profits, Aaron will never be the only one among those branches of the navy.

As for a guy like Monka who has a certain power and starts to become extremely arrogant, there are many more.

The world is quietly changing as the Varding League continues to grow and the news of Vardin continues to spread in the Pirate World.

This kind of change, silent, but like melting winter snow, constantly accumulating bursts of flames in the dark.

And in such a silent change, time is still passing quietly!

Just haven't waited until the arrival of the new January.

Kuroko and Artoria returned with a reward.

This time, Hei Tong brought back a top-notch natural devil fruit for Saga, the soil fruit!

And two pirates who were tied up with five flowers.

Bartolomeo the Barrier Fruit.

Eustace Kidd, who has the power of magnetic fruit.

The Tutu fruit is a natural devil fruit that Saga has been entrusting Hei Tong to find.

Although there are a large number of spawned forests near many cities in Alabasta today, there are also canals that allow the spawned forests to grow normally!

But Alabasta has always been a desert land.

And deserts always represent barrenness!

Except for the forests that were spawned and the land near the canals.

In the barren desert, it is difficult to change your hair to produce a powerful vitality!

But dirt is different.

Plants that are difficult to grow normally in the desert can all thrive in the soil!

Even high-quality rice seeds that are difficult to grow in most parts of Alabasta today, if you find a way to convert the desert into soil.

Those high-quality rice seeds, it is entirely possible to plant all of Alabasta.

At that time, Saga might really be able to rely on the output of Alabasta to satisfy the rations of everyone in the whole world.

In the pirate world, as long as everyone can be fed.

Then the national power value provided by those people to Saga will definitely not be too low.

"A soil fruit?"

410 "If it is combined with the rustling fruit extracted from the sand crocodile that has not been used,"

"It's not impossible to turn the deserts of Alabasta into land little by little!"

"It's just, who should take these two devil fruits?"

Shasha fruit and Tutu fruit are extremely powerful natural type Devil Fruits.

But in today's Varding, most of the top combat powers do not need to take Devil Fruits.

Some swordsmen among the swordsmen of Zhuguo are not very resistant to Devil Fruits, but the things that users of Shasha Fruit and Tutu Fruit need to do for a long time in the future are to farm safely in Alabasta.

The swordsmen of the Juguo who are used to fighting have not yet reached the age of retirement.

Saga is a little troubled, in addition to the shasha fruit and the earthy fruit, the Rongrong fruit extracted from miss Bajin not long ago is also a top-level devil fruit, but these devil fruits, for a while and a half, are also the same Difficult to find suitable candidates.

It would be a bit too wasteful for these top-level Devil Fruits to be directly handed over to some ordinary combat power in Vardin.

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