Regarding Zefa's sudden announcement to join the Walding Navy and the sudden addition of a new admiral to the Walding Navy, although curious, he did not think much about it.

Wanguo and Vardin have never had any positive conflict, but they can still be regarded as having a certain friendship.

What's more, I don't believe that the day when the Walding Navy and the Navy Headquarters can make concerted efforts to enter the new world.

At least until either of the World Government and the Vardin falls.

The Walding Navy and the Navy Headquarters will never be able to truly work together.

I don't care about Zefa's actions, and I don't care about the recovery of Zefa's broken arm either!

Known as a steel balloon, the body is extremely tough, born a monster, and has never been injured, and never thought that he would be severely injured one day.

But they didn't care about the recovery of Zefa's broken arm. The Whitebeard Pirates and the Beasts Pirates were very interested in Zefa's sudden recovery of the broken arm.

...for flowers??o


"Valdin can restore Zepha's broken arm,"

"I believe that Vardin can also heal the old wounds on your body!"

"Let me speak to King Vardin,"

"It doesn't matter what the price is, as long as you can cure Daddy,"

"That's enough!"

Marko looked at Zefa, who had healthy hands and healthy hands on the newsprint, and said excitedly to the white beard covered in drips.

With the gradual aging of Whitebeard, the old wounds on Whitebeard's body and some dark wounds caused to his body when he used the ability to shake the fruit, Whitebeard gradually began to be unable to suppress.

Whitebeard is really getting old!

"Don't go!"

After Marko finished speaking, Whitebeard stared straight at him and stopped Marko.


Marco wanted to continue to persuade Whitebeard, but Whitebeard was unmoved and said coldly,

"I said that,"

"Don't go!"

After Ace left the Mozambique to pursue Blackbeard long before he began, Whitebeard didn't want to leave any family members on his ship.

From Whitebeard's point of view, Walding is much more dangerous than Blackbeard.

The so-called strongest pirate group in the world is still just a pirate group.

The so-called strongest man in the world is still just a bounty pirate.

As a remnant of the old times, Whitebeard no longer wants to see his sons take any risks for himself.

And at this time, in the ghost island of Wano country.

Epidemic Quinn was holding Zefa's newsprint, excitedly facing Kaido, who was blind in one eye, but still did not affect his heroic aura, and said loudly,

"Boss Kaido, your eyes and my hands are all hopeful to recover!"


Kaido looked suspiciously at Plague Quinn beside him with his only one eye.

Even with the terrifying resilience of the awakened phantom beast species, there is no way to regenerate from a severed limb.

"Yes, Zefa, who lost his broken arm for several years, now has both arms!"

"Valdin must now have a powerful medical ability to regenerate severed limbs."

Plague Quinn was a little excited.

As a world-class scientist who used to conduct research with Vegapunk on the mads, Plague Quinn has an extremely strong curiosity about the powerful medical ability that Vardin has mastered.

The arm that has been lost for several years is absolutely impossible to recover with the power of the Devil Fruit.force.


"Reborn from a severed limb?"

When Kaido heard this, he silently touched his blind eye,

"Ugh, cluck, cluck, cluck

"It would be great if it could be recovered!"


Kaido's tone was extremely low.

Even if Kaido has lost one eye, he is still a well-deserved peak powerhouse of the sea.

But if he can restore his blind eye, it would be the best for Kaido.

Of course, Kaido who is able-bodied is one point stronger than Kaido who is blind with one eye.

"Just, Boss Kaido,"

"How on earth can we find a way to master the top medical ability that Vardin has, or find a way to let them treat us?" After being excited, Quinn grimaced and thought of this big problem.

Vardin does have the best medical capabilities in the world.

Tsunade and Orochimaru cooperate, as long as they don't die, they can be saved.

But there's no way Vardin could have healed Kaido and Quinn.

"Eight Eight Zero" Kaido's face froze when he heard this, and then he slapped Quinn on the shoulder heavily, and slapped Quinn directly on the shoulder. Above it was even more red,

"Quinn, I believe in your abilities!"

"What Vardin can master, you can master too!"

"My eyes will depend on you from now on


Quinn's eyes widened, just about to cry and say to Kaido that he couldn't do it, but looking at Kaido's gloomy eyes - God, Quinn still forcibly swallowed the words of refusal, and then said without confidence. ,

"Okay, Boss Kaido, I will work hard!"

Kaido patted Quinn on the shoulder again, and then said to Quinn in a deep voice,

"We are pirates,"

"What the pirates want - what they want, just grab it!"

"I'll find a way to bring back some of the Varding medics for you!"

Kaido certainly won't let Quinn study how to regenerate from a broken limb when he has nothing.

Varding masters the medical skills of rebirth from severed limbs, so Varding's medical staff will at least have a certain degree of understanding of the information related to rebirth from severed limbs.

The Beast Pirates had no way to break into Vardin and force Vardin's medical experts to cure the blindness and broken arms for Kaido and Quinn, but they tried to take away some of Vardin's ordinary medical staff, but they might not be able to do it. .

Vardin now has a population of nearly [-] million!

The Four Sovereigns changed their minds because of Zefa's sudden joining of the Walding navy and the rebirth of the broken arm, but the one that shook the most was the countless ordinary people in the entire world.

The Admiral of the Naval Headquarters, Zefadu, gave up and joined the Walding Navy. Does this mean that the Walding Navy is more trustworthy than the Navy Headquarters, and at the same time, it is more capable of protecting us from the dangers of pirates?

Ordinary people don't think about the deep reason behind Zefa's departure from the naval headquarters to join the Walding Navy.

They only care about what they see with their own eyes.

After Zefa and a large number of naval headquarters officers left the naval headquarters to join the Walding Navy, the number of allies in the Walding Grand Alliance also began to grow sharply!

Even a few world government-government countries that are really overwhelmed and can't pay the gold in the sky finally have a large number of naval headquarters officers in Zefa to join Vaal.

After Ding, he openly withdrew from the World Government-Government and directly joined the Walding Alliance!

This is the first time that a World Government member country has opted out of the World Government Government to join Walding.

And such an action, there is no doubt that the Five Old Stars in the Holy Land Mary Joa began to become a little restless.

If it is said that Saga's current root is the countless citizens of Walding today.

Then the foundation of the world government is the more than [-] countries that join the world government on the sea.

Without the more than [-] World Government-Government member countries continuously supplying blood to the World Government-Government, the World Government-Government simply does not have enough manpower and material resources to form a naval headquarters and maintain the extravagant life of the Tianlong people.

The reduction of world government-affiliated countries undoubtedly means the weakening of the foundation of world government.

It's not a nerf like the Navy Headquarters being taken away by a large number of officers from Zephyr.

The weakening of the Naval Headquarters is only temporary.

But every less one world government joins the country.

The annual gold income of the world government-government will always be reduced by a few shares.

"Zefa's still in big trouble,"

"Already the allied nations have announced their withdrawal from the World Government to join the Vardin,"

"If we don't respond quickly, there will definitely be more World Government member countries opting out of the World Government!"

The bearded five old star said with a serious face.

"Reaction, how to react?"

"Did you directly order the Navy Headquarters to launch a demon slaughter order to destroy the alliance countries that dared to withdraw from the World Government?"

After the bearded Wu Laoxing finished speaking, the somewhat bald Wu Laoxing sneered.

The world government can destroy some island countries mercilessly, but rashly destroy the countries that have just quit the world government-government turned around and joined the Walding Alliance, not to mention whether it will cause a full-scale war between Walding and the world government?

Just if this kind of thing leaks out, the [-] remaining member states of the world government will not immediately fall out!

What's wrong, this world government can only join but not withdraw?

Dare to withdraw from the world government - the government must be directly destroyed?

Do you really think that we, the world government-affiliated countries, are vegetarians?

Most of the elite combat power in the naval headquarters, but most of them were born in the countries that joined the major world governments!

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