However, after seeing Saga so resolutely, miss Bajin flashed a look of surprise on his face, and then roared in a low voice,

"Is it false justice again?"

"In this world, the strong eat the weak is the real truth."

"See the true power of my greatest masterpiece!"

After miss Ba Jin roared in a low voice, the face of miss Ba Jin, which had been looming on Whitebeard II's chest, disappeared directly into Whitebeard II's body.

Afterwards, Whitebeard II began to roar like a beast, and the red light in his eyes skyrocketed again.

"Insects, all have to die!"

Whitebeard II was completely violent. Under the control of instinct and miss Bajin, Whitebeard II began to wave the dipping knife in his hand with all his strength, and slashed directly at Saga who was standing in front of him without fear.

On Zefa's left hand, the armed arrogance was completely entangled again, and he was about to strike hard and directly block the dipping knife that Whitebeard II slashed.

With a flash of sword light, Ji Guoyuanyi had already waved the blade in his hand, directly blocking Whitebeard II's dipping knife.

Jiguo Yuanyi, who has the ability to foresee the domineering and domineering of the future, in the process of more than a year, in addition to mastering his own two-color domineering to a very high degree, his own strength has already made breakthroughs!

The current Jiguoyuanyi is no weaker than the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters.

Even if he is willing, the throne of the world's No. [-] swordsman, Jiguo Yuanyi, is very likely to take it directly now.

For the born legend, who can create breathing methods and raise the upper limit of the entire world by himself, 03 Jiguoyuanyi is concerned.

Just give him enough time.

Saga even felt that it was only a matter of time before he broke through the s+ level and reached the ss-level field after the breakthrough of Guoyuan!

Even achieving higher combat power is not impossible.

Following Guoyuan's wave of the blade, after blocking Whitebeard II's dipping knife, he leaned back slightly.

The Whitebeard II, who simply fights for strength, possesses the strength of a white-bearded middle-aged man, and whose physical fitness has skyrocketed after the merger with miss Pakistan, is no longer a rival in the world of pirates!

But in real battles, whoever has the most strength will never win!

Otherwise, the ruler of the entire world at this time should be the once-strongest kingdom in the world, the giant kingdom Elbaf, not the world government!

Every giant possesses unimaginable terrifying powers.

Jiguoyuanyi leaned back, but the next moment, Jiguoyuanyi's figure began to flicker around Whitebeard II.

Afterimages filled the entire battlefield, and the incomparably sharp sword glow was far more dazzling than the sun in the sky.

Whitebeard II kept roaring, and at the same time, in the sword shadow of the sky, he swung the dipping knife in his hand out of the mountain of thousands of swords.

But it didn't work.

Whitebeard II wins with rough skin and strong strength, but in terms of combat skills, how can a beast who fights by instinct can be an opponent of the legendary Jiguoyuanyi!

The sword light and the sword light flickered continuously along with the blood light.

Zefa dissipated the incomparably rich armed color on his left hand, narrowed his eyes, and said in a deep voice,

"Valding's strength is really impressive!"

"His strength is no less than that of the world's largest swordsman, Eagle Eye!"

Zefa has seen the information of Jiguo Yuanyi.

Knowing that Jiguoyuanyi, who is the first swordsman of Vardin, is extremely powerful!

But he never thought that Jiguoyuanyi could be so strong.

What's more, Varding has ten swordsmen of Zhuguo!

Zefa marveled at Jiguo Yuanyi's strength.

In the middle of Mozambique, there were three cpO agents who watched the performance of Jiguoyuanyi with expressionless faces.

The sword light became sharper, and the blood light became more frequent.

Whitebeard II's roar began to weaken, but the thick-skinned Whitebeard II was not so easy to be knocked down by Jiguoyuanyi!

Even Whitebeard II's body was already covered with sword marks at this time.

It is very common for the battle between the top powerhouses on the sea to last for days and nights.

Every top-level expert in the sea, physical strength and defense, have long exceeded the imagination of ordinary people!

Of course, the battle between Guo Yuanyi and Whitebeard II could not last for a few days or nights, but they were both S-rank top powerhouses.

In a few hours, it is difficult to tell the specific victory and defeat, and it is still very possible!

Of course Saga didn't want to watch Jiguo Yuanyi and Whitebeard II chop for hours.

But just when Saga was about to take action and directly deal with Whitebeard II.

Battle situation mutation

"Bug, no, monster, hack you!"

It seems that the severe pain awakened some of Whitebeard II's intelligence suppressed by miss Bajin, or perhaps there was some problem with the fusion between life and life.

Whitebeard II recovered a little of his sanity, and then more and more madly - waving his hand - the dipping knife in his hand slashed towards Jiguo Yuanyi.

However, just when he recovered a little of his intelligence, after he had merged with miss Pakistan, the combat power of Whitebeard II, which had skyrocketed from s-level to s-level, began to decline rapidly, and the muscles on his body were originally high and bulging. There are also intertwined veins also began to slowly subside.

Whitebeard II's strength has weakened, but Jiguo Yuanyi's combat power has not been reduced in the slightest.

Ji Guoyuan waved the blade, and while avoiding the hand of Whitebeard II - dipped in the knife, he slammed the knife and slashed directly to the head of Whitebeard II (cifc)!

The blade comes,

Whitebeard II's body? Miss Ba Jin's face suddenly appeared, his expression distorted, and he let out a panicked shout,

"Do not!"

Then in the next instant, Whitebeard II's huge head flew high, and a lot of blood rushed into the sky!

The incomparably fierce aura on Whitebeard II began to dissipate, and the aura of miss Ba Jin also fell into a dead silence in an instant.

"Mom, it hurts

The head of Whitebeard II rolled to Saga's side, leaving only one head of Whitebeard II's mouth-lips moved slightly, exhausting his last strength-after murmuring these words, He closed his eyes completely - closed his eyes!

With a bang, Whitebeard II's tall and plump body suddenly fell to the ground, stirring up a cloud of dust.

"Finally dead!"

Zefa looked at the headless body of Whitebeard II and closed his eyes tightly.

He thought of the cadets on the ship he had high hopes for.

"I avenged you

Zefa secretly thought in his heart, and then suddenly opened his eyes, a bright light flashed between his eyes, and asked in doubt,

"Where's Miss Ba Jin?"

"Did she die directly in Whitebeard II's body?"

Zefa didn’t see Miss Ba Jin’s body.

But he was powerful and domineering, and he also didn't notice the breath of miss Ba Jin.

Rongrong fruit can let miss Pakistan finance into the body of Whitebeard II, and integrate the vitality and physical quality of the two people into one.

But when the fusion receives damage, the damage will also be shared by Whitebeard II and miss Bajin!

And when the fusion dies.

miss Ba Jin will also die directly.

Zefa glanced strangely at the corpse of Whitebeard II, shook his head directly after not sensing the breath of miss Ba Jin, and then quietly looked at Saga!

But he didn't wait for Zefa to say anything.

Saga suddenly raised the corner of his mouth, and then stomped the ground lightly!

The next moment, there was no breath of life. Miss Bajin, who should have died with Whitebeard II, was like a gopher, and was directly shaken out of the ground under Whitebeard II's feet. .

"It's an amazing fruit ability!"

Sarah sighed in a low voice.

Rong Rong is fantastic to let miss Pakistan merge into any object, and it can also control other objects to fuse with each other.

If it weren't for the fact that Miss Bajin couldn't move on his own after blending into the earth, and he couldn't develop the Rongrong fruit into the realm of light and air.

Otherwise, with just one Rongrong fruit, very few people in the entire pirate world can kill Miss Ba Jin.

miss Ba Jin had already made up his mind after Saga suddenly appeared.

After the fusion and strengthening, Whitebeard II can break out of the encirclement, which is the best.

If you really can't kill it, then at the critical moment, give up the integration with Whitebeard II, quietly merge into the earth under your feet, and then escape with a fake death.

No one will attack the soil on the ground at will, and the miss Bajin after being integrated into the soil will really become soil, thus completely hiding all his breath.

With the ability of this fusion fruit.

miss Ba Jin took this to escape countless pursuits.

But unfortunately, in front of Saga, who has awakened his sixth sense for the golden cloak of Gemini.

Miss Ba Jin's hiding is meaningless at all.

"How on earth did you find me..."

miss Ba Jin looked at Saga in disbelief. Saga did not reply, but three cpO agents, after seeing that miss Ba Jin was still alive, glanced at each other, and quietly stepped forward a few steps.

After Chu, he brazenly attacked Miss Ba Jin with his hands.

The cpOs haven't forgotten that their first task is to completely eliminate miss Bajin. .

Chapter [-] News

The cpO suddenly attacked, and Miss Bajin, who was already severely injured, couldn't escape in time, and he was about to die on the spot!

But the next moment, the weak Hassan behind Saga moved in an instant, and in an instant, he directly stopped three cpOs!

"She is His Majesty's prey,"

The weak Hassan hugged Fat Ding and said coldly to the three cpOs, Ji Guoyuan's long knife in the hand also quietly aimed at the three cpOs.

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