Vardin and the world government can never deal with it.

The three cpOs stopped, and after the sudden attack was unsuccessful, it was no doubt a delusion to kill Miss Bajin in front of Saga and the others.

Taking the risk of triggering a war between the World Government and Vardin to forcibly kill him, and to forcibly kill Miss Bajin with an almost zero chance?

Although cpO is a loyal dog of the Tianlong people, cpO is by no means brainless.

The cpO was silent, and Zefa also chose silence after taking a deep look at the three cpOs.

He always felt that the three CPOs were a little strange, but for a while, he couldn't find any strangeness about them.

Saga Qing shook his head lightly, ignoring the three cpOs, and walked directly to miss Ba Jin, who had been severely injured and had recovered to the appearance of a rickety old lady.

miss Ba Jin only used the Rongrong fruit to hide in the mud at the last moment, but she had to bear all the trauma she suffered on Whitebeard II before!

miss Ba Jin looked at Saga who was walking towards him slowly, just recovered from the sudden attack of the cpO, and hurriedly said as if he had caught the last straw.

"I am Rongrong who took the Rongrong fruit, and I have deep research on human genes.


Miss Ba Jin hadn't finished saying everything he knew, Saga's eyes narrowed, and a powerful and incomparably powerful tyrannical domineering and spiritual oppression directly pressed on miss Ba Jin's body.

The next moment, Miss Ba Jin, who was already severely injured, could no longer bear the terrifying pressure Saga brought to her.

Miss Bajin fell unconscious, while Zefa, three cpOs and Lieutenant General Mozambique looked at Saga in disbelief.

"That is, the overlord is domineering?"

Zefa asked Saga in disbelief.

Domineering and domineering is not uncommon for Zefa, three cpOs and Lieutenant General Mozambique.

But just relying on the domineering domineering can directly stun a crew member who once stayed on the Rox Pirates ship. Even now, he has the domineering arrogance of the big pirates who are comparable to the combat power of the Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters. I have never seen the law!

Haven't even heard of it!

The domineering arrogance of the overlord is indeed enough to deter a large number of weak guys.

But not to mention that the red-haired tyrants of the Four Emperors, who are recognized as the most domineering and most powerful on the sea today, can only affect some non-commissioned officers of the Navy headquarters, and at most can have a certain degree of influence on the lieutenants of the Navy headquarters!

As for the captain of the Navy Headquarters?

If the officers of the Navy Headquarters can be directly deterred by the domineering arrogance of the overlord!

The navy headquarters is estimated to have been destroyed many times.

Even if Rox is resurrected, it is impossible to deter a big pirate with the power of a lieutenant admiral of the Navy Headquarters with the overlord's arrogance alone!

Zefa was a little unbelievable. The three cpOs and Lieutenant General Mozambique also pricked up their ears and waited for Saga's answer!

Saga looked at Zefa, did not respond positively, just smiled mysteriously,

"miss Ba Jin is a heinous crime, and what awaits her will be Walding's merciless sanctions!"

"However, General Zefa, has Binz told you that Vardin has the medical ability to restore your broken arm and completely cure your asthma?

With the cpO and a vice-admiral loyal to the World Government-Government, Saga certainly won't reveal his abilities!

It is indeed impossible to deter miss Bajin just by the tyrannical arrogance, but coupled with the sixth sense awakened after wearing the Gemini Gold Cloak and the greatly increased spiritual power, it will directly deter the severely injured miss Bajin, then Not necessarily impossible.

Seeing that Saga didn't respond positively, Zefa didn't get to the bottom of it, but replied in a deep voice,

"I've received a letter from Binz, and I'm planning to go to Walding myself after I've dealt with Whitebeard II!"

"But, I want to know,"

"What's the price!"

Zefa looked at Saga deeply, and did not shy away from the Mozambican lieutenant general and the three cpOs beside him.

He didn't believe that Saga was willing to help himself back to the top unconditionally.

He is a member of the Navy Headquarters, and in name, he can be dispatched by the World Government at any time.

And the relationship between the World Government-Government and Vardin!

Zefa was clear in his heart.

Sooner or later the two will fight.


Saga looked at Zefa Qing and shook his head lightly

"Valding never needs to charge any price for the heroes who rescued and guarded countless civilians!"

"Or, if there is a price to pay,"

"Then the price is for you, take a good look at Varding today!"

...... ask for flowers .....

Directly on the grounds of restoring Zefa's severed arm to cure Zefa's asthma - asking Zefa to join Varding, because of Zefa's stubborn temper, I am afraid that he would rather die than join!

But if you slow down, let Zefa see the current situation of the people of Walding, and shout some slogans to Zefa, such as completely eliminating all the pirates in the world.

He Chou Zefa is not included in the bag?

For people with firm ideals, of course, they have to use their ideals to impress the other party!

What's more, all the ideals that Saga said are not just empty talk!

Zefa glanced at Saga strangely, and nodded in agreement.

He had no reason to refuse.

Lieutenant General Mozambique still has three cpOs who want to stop them, but under Saga's watch, he has never been able to find a suitable reason! Besides, Zefa today doesn't care about Lieutenant General Mozambique and those three cpOs. name cpO.

Zefa and Saga carried the unconscious miss Bajin directly to Saga's air carrier, and then started to return to Vardin at full speed.

Only the Mozambican lieutenant general and the three cpOs were left, looking at each other in dismay as they watched the chaotic battlefield.

the next day!

The world government issued news that the former admiral of the navy headquarters, Zefa, led the elite of the navy in the first half of the great route to directly kill the great pirate Whitebeard II Edward Weibull, who now has a bounty of [*] million.

Saga looked at this whole article advocating the great achievements of the former admiral Zefa of the navy, and at the same time constantly spreading the news that the world government and the navy headquarters have the strength to protect everyone from pirates, and dismissed it.

He knew that the World Government-Government not only wanted to use this news to maintain the authority of the World Government-Government and the Navy Headquarters, but also wanted to play family cards, and at the same time firmly stamp Zefa on the World Government and the Navy Headquarters!

But Saga knew that Zefa was not someone who would be bound by a so-called false name.

In his heart, he has his own uncompromising justice.

As for Zefa, after seeing the news, the old face blushed slightly.

It was not him at all who cut off the head of Whitebeard II, but Jiguo Yuanyi.

Jiguoyuan doesn't care about these false names.

He doesn't care about that at all.

Today's Vardin doesn't care either.

And in the new world, after seeing the news, Marko took the newspaper and rushed directly to Whitebeard.


"He really looks like you, is he really not your son?"

On the newsprint, the beheaded head of Whitebeard II was very similar to the whitebeard when he was young.Several.

Chapter [*]: Zefa's Hanging Out

Whitebeard II is of course not the real son of Whitebeard.

When Whitebeard was in his prime, something might have really happened with miss Ba Jin!

But he was very sure.

miss Ba Jin could not possibly be pregnant with his son.

As for the dead Whitebeard II, who was very similar to him, Whitebeard has no time to worry about who he is.

Ace has been hunting Blackbeard for some time.

Whitebeard began to worry a little in his heart.

And Kaido and the alliance are getting closer and closer, and the strength of the Pirates and the Beasts Pirates is also rapidly expanding!

A large number of high-quality rice seeds have been obtained from Saga and have been harvested more than once.

After possessing a large number of high-quality rice seeds, the Wanguo region has directly attracted a large number of refugees to take refuge!

Compared with taking huge risks, trying to find a way to reach the first half of the great route from the new world and adding "[*]" to Varding.

There will always be some refugees from the New World who are willing to choose to join the nations.

Even after joining the nations, they need to pay the equivalent of two months of life each year.

But compared with the two-month lifespan that is turned over every year, there may be terrifying natural disasters and a large number of pirates looting at any time, and the precarious life of starvation and cold is undoubtedly even more difficult!

After paying at least two months of life each year, within the territory of China, the taxes that ordinary citizens need to pay again will be very little except for some desserts they like to eat!

No matter how much food she can eat, how much food can she eat alone?

The high-quality rice seeds are enough to ensure the daily life of all refugees who join the kingdom, and the prestige of the four emperors is also enough to protect them from the rest of the sea.

The robbery of thieves!

Compared with the tragic life of the rest of the islands in the New World, the life of Wanguo is surprisingly good in addition to the loss of some lifespan!

As for the two months of life lost each year?

In other islands, it is very likely that they will not lose two months of life, but will be directly killed by pirates or directly starved to death after most of the food is taken away by pirates and nobles!

The new world is a paradise for pirates!

But the New World also has a large number of kingdoms.

The influx of a large number of refugees has made the population of the world grow rapidly, and the soul tax paid by the large number of people has also made the Hormiz army grow stronger!

On the number of soldiers alone!

The grassroots soldiers under his command are the most among all the four emperors.

The strength has soared, and the Hundred Beast Pirates after the alliance has also not stopped its own development!

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