The next moment, Whitebeard II's dipping knife and his tall and sturdy body instantly fell back, and Zefa also stepped back a few steps, leaving the battle group!

Zefa was gasping for breath, even though he had taken the medicine in advance.

But the full outburst just now still made Zefa's asthma show signs of another attack!

"General Zefa!"

The Mozambican lieutenant general came to Zefa in a flash, and looked at the Whitebeard II at this time with a solemn expression, and he had the intention to retreat.

The three cpO agents also shook their heads lightly after approaching Zefa!

Especially with the light jingle.

Zefa's mechanical right hand disintegrated piece by piece and fell heavily to the ground.

Without his mechanical right hand, he was old and frail, and there were faint signs of an asthma attack. Even with them, he would not be the opponent of Whitebeard II at this time.

"Bug, crush them!"

Whitebeard I's eyes were blood red, and he muttered in his mouth to crush insects, while under Whitebeard II's neck, miss Bajin's face quietly emerged.

"I said, this is your graveyard!"


"Chu Shanheng" Whitebeard in the young age and Whitebeard II with the golden lion gene are my best masterpieces! "

"This sea will be mine,"

"Endless treasure, 770 is also mine!"

The dull voice came from Whitebeard II's body constantly, and Miss Ba Jin was laughing wildly.

As the ship doctor of the Rocks Pirates, and also the ability to eat the fruit of Rongrong, miss Bajin has always had one wish, that is, to find a way to create the strongest creature in the world!

To this end, Miss Bajin took advantage of the opportunity to be a ship doctor on the ship of the Rocks Pirates, and tried to get the blood of the Whitebeard and the Golden Lion, and obtained their genes.

Even if it wasn't for Lox who had never been injured before the Battle of the Valley of the Gods, and Lox's genes, miss Bajin would also not let it go!

As for the genes of Kaido, the most powerful creature in the sea today?

In the Locke Sea M ship, Kaido is just a lot of miscellaneous fish and cute, and has not been included in his plan of the world's strongest creatures by miss Bajin!

"A monster that combines Whitebeard and Golden Lion genes?"

Zefa looked at Edward Weibull's conspicuous crescent beard, which was exactly the same as Whitebeard, and looked at Edward Weibull's golden hair, which was the same as the golden lion behind him, and roared resolutely,

"In any case, this time, I will never let you go again!"

"Edward Weibull and miss Bajin, you must die here!"

Zefashuang-a flash of death intent flashed in his eyes!

Even in death, Zefa decided that Whitebeard II and Miss Bajin must be dragged into hell together.

The decisive battle of the old and frail general is still enough to shock the whole world. .

Chapter [*]: Saga who fell from the sky

But just as Zefa was preparing to join forces with miss Pakistan, the powerful Whitebeard II was fighting to the death.

Zefa suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky!

In the sky, a huge and terrifying aerospace aircraft carrier quietly emerged.

"Binz helped me a lot!"

"I said, I will get rid of Whitebeard II for you!"

Saga stepped step by step from the sky carrier above the sky carrier and walked down slowly. Behind him, Ji Guoyuanyi and the weak Hassan who was hugging the fan fat Ding, followed closely behind!

"The supreme controller of Vardin, the legendary king of the world Saga?"

"Binz has received a lot of care from you!"

Zefa looked at Saga and the others who suddenly appeared, and a smile appeared on Jujue's face!

Although Zefa already has the will to die, but if he can not die, it is naturally better not to die!

What's more, Zefa had a good impression of Vardin and Saga from the very beginning.

Zefa hated pirates, but admired Saga, who established the Walding Navy and the Navy Headquarters to fight pirates together.

As for the conflict between the world government and Vardin?

Zefa doesn't care.

Zefa had a smile on his face, but Lieutenant General Mozambique and the three cpO agents looked at Saga and the others who suddenly appeared, with extremely solemn expressions!

The Mozambican lieutenant general who is loyal to the world government has three cpOs, and he has no good feelings for Saga.

The Mozambican lieutenant general and three cpOs looked solemn, while Whitebeard II and Msis Ba Jin were immediately panicked.

In other words, panicked only to miss Ba Jin.

Whitebeard II is just a mental retardation. When he first tried to combine the genes of Whitebeard and the Golden Lion to create Whitebeard II, Whitebeard's head was not very bright!

And now that miss Ba Jin is directly integrated with Whitebeard II, the only bit of wisdom left by Whitebeard is almost completely suppressed by miss Bajin.

But it is precisely because Whitebeard II is not very smart, otherwise, if you change to a more shrewd character, miss Bajin may not be able to smoothly integrate with Whitebeard II.

"Damn, what kind of fun is that monster coming for?","

miss Ba Jin cursed inwardly and then said to Saga in a buzzing voice,

"This is a grudge between me and the Navy Headquarters. I have never offended Walding!"

miss Ba Jin is a very discerning person. After accidentally cutting off Zefa's arm with Whitebeard II, he has been hiding in the east.

°After Varding was born, he strictly instructed Whitebeard II along the way not to shoot against Vardin and the countries of the Varding League!

If you offend the world government, there are still others. If you offend the world's strongest kingdom, Valdin, at the same time.

Then this sea may really have no place for Whitebeard II and miss Bajin.

"Of course you did not offend Vardin,"

"But catching criminals never needs a reason!"

"Three months ago, you and Whitebeard II looted a town and killed three hundred-two-seventeen civilians,"

"Two months ago, you plundered a merchant ship, stole all the treasures from that merchant ship, and sunk the ship and the [*] people on it directly to the bottom of the sea!"

"A month ago, you appeared in the first half of the Great Route, because a child in a village laughed at Whitebeard II, and Whitebeard II swept the village with his knife, killing and injuring one villager. Hundred and ninety + three!"

"Do you need me to say more? Go?"

"I won't let any one of those who act recklessly on the sea and kill civilians at will!"

Saga's words were extremely cold.

The civilians who died were not citizens of Vardin, or even a member of the Great Alliance of Vardin.

However, every civilian can be a potential source of national strength for Saga in the future!

How could he just die in vain at the hands of Whitebeard II and miss Bajin, who had no brains?

What's more, Whitebeard II and miss Ba Jin are the key to recovering Zefa.

"Just ordinary people,"

"Whitebeard II is my greatest masterpiece,"

"Your Majesty Saga, as long as you are willing to let us go, Whitebeard II and I are even willing to join Vardin and wait for your dispatch!"

miss Ba Jin rolled her eyes, and then said flatteringly,

"The world government - the government has the seven sea kings under the king, I think you can also have the seven sea kings under the emperor!"

Miss Bajin hummed in Whitebeard II's body, and at the same time, he had lost his intelligence and fearlessness, leaving only the purest fighting-fighting instinct. Whitebeard II also quietly retreated under the control of miss Bajin. step!

After miss Bajin merged with Whitebeard II, the combat power that Whitebeard II can exert is no less than that of the current Navy III-Admiral, and it has been directly promoted to the peak of S-class!

But miss Bajin is not an idiot. As a Rox crew member, miss Bajin, who has seen Rox's terrifying power, doesn't think that the fusion of himself and Whitebeard II can dominate the entire sea.

Although Whitebeard II is her highest masterpiece.

But she is also very clear in her heart that there is still a lot of gap between Whitebeard II and those who truly stand above the peak of the sea.

miss Ba Jin didn't have the idea of ​​​​using Whitebeard II to dominate the sea and ascend to the throne of the Pirate King. All she wanted was more gold and silver treasures to satisfy her luxurious life in old age.

And whether it is the king of the world government, the seven sea kings, or the emperor of the seven sea kings under Walding, they can undoubtedly satisfy her wishes to a large extent.

Miss Ba Jin finished flatteringly, and the expressions of three other cpO agents in Mozambique changed drastically, and even Zefa looked deeply at Saga with a blank expression.

Whitebeard II and miss Bajin's fusion of battle power Zefa knows.

This is a top-level combat force that is enough to shock the entire sea.

Whether it is the World Government-Government or Vardin, or the Navy Headquarters and the Four Emperors, if they can obtain the effects of Whitebeard II and Miss Bajin, they can make great progress.

And now, such a top-level combat power in the sea is placed (well, well) in front of Saga.

Can Saga stick to his decision, ignore the crimes of Whitebeard II and miss Bajin, and bring them under his command?

"?." His Majesty the Seven Sea Kings, it sounds pretty good! "

"But, sorry, I refuse ya!"

"Legal looting, as long as I live in this world, is absolutely impossible!"

"In the territory ruled by Vardin, there will never be room for brutal pirates!"

Saga was extremely firm, and silently pulled out the cloud tooth from the waist.

And after Saga drew his sword, following Guo Yuanyi and Hassan, a murderous aura began to brew in his eyes.

Zefa smiled with relief, becoming more and more satisfied with Saga and Vardin.

Only the three cpOs had their faces ashen.

Vardin will not tolerate legal looting, and he will also severely punish those ruthless pirates.

In contrast, he personally created the world government-government of the King's Qiwuhai, where should he put his face? ?

Chapter [*] Jiguoyuanyi's performance

Saga certainly doesn't care where the world's government-government's face goes!

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