And this kind of thing, in addition to Vardin, who else can do it?

The World Government-Government and Naval Headquarters, it is impossible to destroy all the pirates in the world!

Only when there are pirates do we need a navy, and when there is a threat of pirates, we also need the existence of a world government.

The main reason why the World Government-Government can arbitrarily charge extremely expensive heavenly gold from the World Government member countries is because of the existence of pirates.

What the world government-government wants-want is never to really destroy the pirates in the world, but just to maintain their own rule!

Binz and Yamato began to do their best to spawn iq plants, and even Saga himself would go to the sky island in his spare time to exercise his seedlings, and also spawn some iq plants.

Relying on the gradually expanded production line and the birth of Binz and Yamato, Saga believes that starting from next month, the monthly output of the first generation of iq human evolution medicine will be enough to maintain more than one million pieces!

"?" One million pieces a month, only more than [-] million pieces a year? "

"Valdin now has a total of [-] million citizens, and the population under Vardin's rule will only be more in the future,"

"This output is far from enough!"

"You still need to cheer up!"

Saga randomly spawned an iq plant, and then encouraged Binz and Yamato who were sweating profusely.

The production of millions of sticks in one month seems to be a lot, but it is far from enough to actually use it.

It's just that the output of iq evolution potion is limited by raw materials for a while, and it can't grow again at all.

As for letting Saga also join the sequence that spawned the iq plant?

It's okay for Saga to spawn an iq plant occasionally. (Li Li Zhao) specializes in spawning an iq plant. Of course, it has to rely on Binz and Yamato...

Isn't the biggest advantage of being a king that you can just command and not work?

Binz and Yamato looked at each other.

Especially Binz, he felt that under the hard training of Alabasta, the control ability of the luxuriant fruit became more and more proficient!

Even in the navy headquarters, with Binz's current strength, he might even become a lieutenant general.

He is a lieutenant general, why has he been able to do the work of planting trees and producing plants...

Is Varding's advanced combat power already so extravagant?

Binz looked at Yamato, who seemed to be different in combat power from his own, and became more and more speechless.

But at the same time, his confidence in whether Vardin can really cure Zefa's broken arm and asthma, and help himself and Teacher Zefa complete the revenge against the World Government-Government, has also become more and more firm.

Binz already believed in the bottom of his heart that the World Government-Government really was behind the attack by Whitebeard II against Teacher Zefa and his group of students a few years ago!

Time passed quietly, and the sea was calm, but Zepha, whom Binz urged repeatedly, did not arrive at Albana soon. .

Chapter [-] The Resolution of the Five Old Stars

Binz wasn't stupid enough to tell Mr. Zefa directly what Saga told him on the phone about Zefa's broken arm and the fact that the group of students suffered heavy losses that the World Government-Government was behind it!

It is possible for the phone bug to be eavesdropped. In addition, before there is definite evidence, rashly tell Zefa the possible truth of the year!

Yi Zefa's temper may not be endured, and it is very likely that he will ask the Five Old Stars of the World Government in person to clarify!

But when Zefa's broken arm has not recovered and his asthma has not been cured, he directly exposed the incident!

There is only one consequence, Zefa will never have a chance to heal his broken arm, and at the same time never have a chance to go to Vardin!

The World Government-Government will not let Zefa, who has learned the truth, continue to live in this world.

Even though the World Government has been secretly suppressing some of Zefa's disciples all these years, among the naval headquarters, as long as Zefa raises his arm, there are still many people who are willing to follow Zefa.

Binz didn't want to rashly use a piece of news that has not yet been determined to be true or false to harm Zefa or to attract the attention of the World Government in advance.

At least until Zefa didn't stay away from the Navy Headquarters and healed his broken arm and asthma.

Binz didn't even plan to tell Zefa everything Saga said!

He just invited Zefa to Albana in the name of Albana having a brand-new healing operation, enough to cure Teacher Zefa's asthma and broken arm!

Zefa got a call from Binz.

He believed that Binz would not lie to him,117 but just as he was about to set off for Walding.

Suddenly he received the news.

The CP agents of the World Government discovered the whereabouts of Edward Weibull of Whitebeard II in the first half of the Great Route!

The pirate who cut off Zefa's arm and killed a large number of Zefa's disciples back then was Edward Weibull, the Second Whitebeard.

After discovering the whereabouts of Edward Weibull, who had disappeared for many years, Zefa of course did not bother to go to treat his asthma.

In Zefa's heart, Edward Weibull had already become his obsession.

Edward Weibull, must die!

All pirates must die!

Zefa angrily led some of the elite navy to besiege Edward Weibull.

Although the third admiral of the Navy Headquarters could not move lightly at this time, the following of two Vice Admirals of the Navy Headquarters and the assistance of several cpOs were enough for Zefa to easily besiege Edward Weibull.

Besides, this time, Zefa had already prepared enough asthma medicine.

Zefa was busy chasing Edward Weibull, and in the Holy Land Mary Joa, the five old stars gathered again because of Zefa.

"Zefa has set off,"

"But we haven't detected any cifa at this point in Vardin's willingness to treat Zefa's severed arm and asthma," he said.

"Then should we continue targeting Zefa, or should we simply help Zefa fulfill his wish and kill the so-called Whitebeard II!"

"We don't have much time for hesitation, it's been a few days since Zefa caught up with Whitebeard II!"

The curly-haired five old stars asked in a deep voice to the other five old stars.


"That's a lot of trouble,"

"If the Navy finds out about him again,"

"But there's going to be a big mess!"

Some bald five old stars shook their heads gently!

He was not in favor of targeting Zefa again.

"What's more, after Zefa completely wiped out Whitebeard II and that woman this time,"

"What happened back then will always be a secret!"

The bald Wu Laoxing finished speaking in a deep voice, and the bearded Wu Laoxing nodded silently in agreement.

After a series of plans against Walding all failed, the bearded five old star and the bald five old star all don't want to do any more trouble!

Anxin waits for the time of prophecy to come, and then sits and waits for Lord Yimu to come out - wash the whole world with your hands, won't you lie down and win?

"But is Vardin going to heal Zepha for no reason?"

"Take this opportunity to let Zefa and Whitebeard II perish together, and make him a legend of the navy, enough to solve all problems!"

"Zefa's influence in the navy is too great. Once he completely falls to Vardin after being cured by Vardin, it will bring us even more trouble!"

"Don't forget, Varding also has a navy!"

The bald five old stars had a cold face, thinking in their hearts - to completely solve the hidden threat of Zefa.

The Navy Headquarters is the Navy Headquarters, and the World Government-Government is the World Government-Government!

Also in order to enforce justice, it seems that there is no difference between being a navy in the naval headquarters or a navy in the Walding navy.

But as the most powerful force under the jurisdiction of the World Government, and at the same time it is almost the strongest army in the Pirate World, the World Government would not want to see the day when the Navy Headquarters fell to Vardin.

In that case, even if Im-sama can really settle the whole world in the end, there will inevitably be some troubles.

"I don't care about the navy or anything,"

"Anyway, Lord Yimu will completely settle everything in the end,"

"However, I also don't want to cause too much trouble to Lord Yimu until I have no way to know the specific purpose of Vardin!"

"Killing problems before they arise is the best solution!"

The five old stars of the blond silver dragon said casually, 'The words are full of ice!

As the strongest shield of the Tianlong people, it is also today's five old stars.

Silver Dragon has always had no good feelings for the Navy Headquarters.

The Navy Headquarters is not the most loyal dog of the Tianlong people like the CP agent.

And when dogs have their own thoughts and sometimes make their own decisions, the Tianlong people who claim to be the masters of the Navy Headquarters will of course not be happy.

The other five old stars expressed their opinions one after another, and then looked directly at the curly-haired five old stars.

When none of the other four could convince the other party, the initiator of the meeting of the Five Old Stars with Curly Hair became the most crucial vote.

The status of the Five Old Stars is relatively equal. When Lord Yimu did not issue an order, when most of the matters were discussed, the minority obeyed the majority.

The curly-haired Five Old Star looked at the other four Five Old Stars who were looking at him, smiled lightly, a strange light flashed in his eyes, and then said firmly,

"I'm against taking a shot at Zefa now,"

"We can't take any more risks!"

"The world government can't afford more unrest!"

After the appearance of Vardin, the authority of the government-government-government began to decline rapidly. If this solution can be solved smoothly, Whitebeard II and Zefa will be solved. If it is not solved smoothly or this matter If it is exposed, most of the generals in the naval headquarters will inevitably riot.

The world government-government will inevitably be hurt!

"Besides, Zefa is already old!"

"Even if Zefa is completely cured by Vardin, how much strength can he maintain in the end?"

"The times have changed!"

After the five old stars with curly hair finished speaking quietly, the secret meeting of the five old stars in the Holy Land Maryjoa also quietly came to an end.

Time passed quietly, and the news of Whitebeard II suddenly became quite accurate. The world government-government CP agents led Zefa and two Vice Admirals of the Navy Headquarters directly to surround Whitebeard II!

Three cpO agents also appeared in Zefa's pursuit team at the same time!

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