They received orders to assist Zefa and completely eliminate Whitebeard II.

Of course, their first order was to kill Miss Bajin first before killing Whitebeard II, to prevent Miss Bajin from saying something he shouldn't say. .

Chapter [*] Black Wrist

Of course, the actions of the World Government-Government against Zefa back then could not have been a direct deal with Miss Bajin!

The World Government-Government just arranged for some CP agents to attract Whitebeard II and Miss Bajin with a lot of information about the treasure, and then let them accidentally crash into Zefa's recruit ship!

Everything seems to be just a coincidence.

Whitebeard II is even more stupid, it is impossible to guess what!

But only miss Ba Jin, the cunning and treacherous old woman who experienced that battle personally, even the Five Old Stars, it is difficult to be sure. When Whitebeard II collided with Zefa, he killed most of the recruits in the recruit ship. , after cutting off Zefa's arm, will miss Ba Jin guess something.

Whitebeard II can not cut first, miss Ba Jin must die first!

The agents who were responsible for luring Miss Bajin and Whitebeard II to crash into Zefa's recruit ship have all disappeared, so long as Miss Bajin is killed again.

Everything the World Government did back then could be kept secret forever.

"Edward Weibull? Go to hell!"

Zefa did not hesitate when he discovered Edward Weibull and Miss Bajin, waved the crusher in his hand, and rushed directly to Edward Weibull.

"Mom, is that. Yes, the bad guy?"

Some mentally retarded Whitebeard II looked at Zefa who rushed towards him in anger, and the large number of navies who had surrounded him at some point, his face full of doubts!

He had forgotten what Zepha looked like.

Even if he cut off one of Zefa's arms with his own hands.

"That's Zefa, and a lot of navy?"

"Have you been surrounded?"

"Really, son, go all out to kill them!"

Miss Bajin looked at Zefa and a large number of navy elites who were rushing up, and a drop of cold sweat appeared on his forehead, and then hurriedly ordered Whitebeard II to do his best, thinking that he would use Whitebeard II to repel the navy.


"The defeated generals dare to come and die again,"

"If you don't let it go, keep your other arm today!"

There was a loud bang, and the dipping knife in Whitebeard II's hand and the shredder in Zefa's hand were extremely confrontational, and then Zefa and Whitebeard II took a few steps back at the same time.

However, the dipping knife in Whitebeard II's hand was not damaged at all, but there was already a big gap in the clumsy shredder in Zefa's hand!

Although the shredder is extremely hard, it is still more than one step worse than Zefa's once invincible black wrist!

Miss Ba Jin looked at the scene in front of him and laughed wildly.

miss Ba Jin was laughing wildly, but Whitebeard II was aroused by Zefa's heavy blow, wailing and waving the dagger in his hand, and charged directly at Zefa!

''It has been a long time since he was repulsed!

And Zefa's powerful blow also made his hands start to go numb.

The hard power Whitebeard II is slightly weaker than Zefa!

Even though Zefa was old and lost an arm at the same time, Zefa was once the most powerful general of the Navy Headquarters!

Zefa in his peak-peak period had at least an S-rank combat power.

Even though he still has asthma because of his broken arm, when he does not have the disease, Zefa can still exert his combat power close to his peak in a short period of time.

Edward Weibull's dipping knife slashed at Zefa fiercely, but in an instant, two figures suddenly appeared, stabbed, and sparks flew!

The Vice Admiral Stellas and Mozambique, who came to hunt down Whitebeard II along with Zefa, took action, waving the long knife in their hands directly.

Holds Whitebeard II's dipping knife.

"Pirates must be punished!"

"This is your graveyard!"

Stierres and Lieutenant General Mozambique said in unison, the two of them exerted force at the same time, and they did not take a half step back under the dipping knife of Whitebeard II!

As Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Stierres and Mozambique are not disciples of Zefa, and they are more obedient to the World Government!

But as veteran lieutenant generals of the Navy Headquarters, each of them has a combat power close to the elite lieutenant generals of the Navy Headquarters.

It is not a problem for the two to work together to temporarily block Whitebeard II.

Zefa looked at Stierth and Mozambia who were standing in front of him. He didn't speak, but silently took off his right hand and put on the extremely cumbersome shredder!

The shredder is made of fine steel, and it also contains the ingredients of Hailou stone, which has a miraculous effect on those who are capable!

But for Shang Whitebeard II, a physique expert with rough skin and thick flesh, it is undoubtedly more effective to take off the shredder and simply use a lightweight prosthesis!

Zefa completely covered the prosthetic limb of his right hand and the arm of his left hand with his domineering aura of armament. Then he roared angrily, jumped up, and struck hard from top to bottom, directly hitting the head of Whitebeard II!

Zefa used to be a general who did not kill, and never killed any pirates.

But after his wife and children were killed by pirates, a large number of disciples whom he had painstakingly trained were mercilessly slaughtered by pirates, and his right hand was also taken away by pirates!

The former general who did not kill has long since become a bloodthirsty Shura.

Zefa attacked with a heavy punch, and Whitebeard II's incomparably keen combat intuition sensed the danger of Zefa's heavy punch. The ground is slashed horizontally, and I want to cut Zefa directly in two!

...for flowers...

With a bang, Zefa's iron fist and Whitebeard II's dipping knife clashed again extremely.

But this time, Zefa didn't take a half step back. Instead, Whitebeard II was directly knocked into the air by Zefa's heavy punch!

After taking off the shredder, you can fully display your own iron fist, which is not something Whitebeard II can easily resist!

Whitebeard II was repelled, and Stierres and Lieutenant General Mozambique also took this opportunity to ruthlessly attack Whitebeard II on the way to Whitebeard II's retreat.

There are two scars left on the body!

The scars are not deep, the physique of Whitebeard II is at least s, and the armament of Whitebeard II is also extremely domineering!

Even if most of Whitebeard II's armed arrogance was used in the fight against Zefa's Iron Fist, the blows of Stellas and Mozambia might not be able to be used on Whitebeard II's body? leave scars.

But, in any case, Whitebeard II was injured!

"Mom, mom, I hurt so much,"

"I can't beat them!"

Whitebeard II, with a crying voice, swung his dipping knife violently, thinking - Lieutenant General Stierres and Lieutenant General Mozambia, who wanted to continue chasing, repulsed, and then asked Miss Bajin for help.

"It's rubbish

Miss Bajin's face was ashen, and she cursed in her heart, but her face was full of smiles. She glanced coldly at Stierez and Lieutenant General Mozambique, then rolled her eyes and looked at Jiang and Bai. The navy soldiers surrounded by Second World Beard, then directly said loudly,

"Son, don't worry about those powerful ones, let's get rid of the weak navies around them first!"

Whitebeard II couldn't deal with Zefa, and there was no way to directly deal with Stiles and Lieutenant Admiral Mozambia in a short time, but dealing with those ordinary naval soldiers, it was a one-shot death.

miss Ba Jin hopes that Whitebeard II can find a way out for himself first, and at the same time, he also wants to repeat his old tricks. Just like using that ship's naval science to threaten Zefa, he once again used the lives of a large number of naval soldiers around him to force Zefa to give up on them. 's pursuit.

"Mom, I know..."

"Mom be careful

Whitebeard II nodded naively, before he finished speaking.

Three agents in white cpO uniforms suddenly appeared and attacked Miss Bajin from three directions!

Lan's feet danced, pointing guns in a series, and the last cpO agent even held a sharp saber and slashed directly at miss Ba Jin's head.Seeing that Miss Ba Jin was about to die on the spot.predict.

Chapter [*] Cemetery

But the next moment, I saw Miss Ba Jin snorted,

"Rong Rong Fruit, Earth Fusion!"

miss Ba Jinyu's thin and thin body instantly merged into the ground, directly avoiding the serial attacks of the three cpOs!

"Don't underestimate the old lady,"

"However, why do you rats in the gutter suddenly come to the door?"

"My mother didn't offend the World Government!"

After escaping the attack of the three cpOs, miss Bajin suddenly emerged from the earth like a gopher, and looked at the three cpO agents in the distance with a puzzled face.

Although she and Whitebeard II cut off Zefa's arm and killed a boatload of recruits.

But the navy is the navy, the world government is the world government, why did you send cpO agents to kill her about the navy?

Could it be that her identity "two-one-three" as the ship doctor on the Rocks Pirates was exposed?

As a member of the Rocks Pirates, the once-overlord of the sea, although Miss Bajin is not like Whitebeard, the monsters like Golden Lion and Kaido have all become the peak powerhouses of the sea.

But the former miss Ba Jin has a combat power comparable to that of an elite lieutenant general of the Navy headquarters. Even if he is old and frail, the current miss Ba Jin will not be weaker than an ordinary lieutenant general of the Navy headquarters in a short period of time.

miss Ba Jin was a little confused, but the three cpO agents had no time to answer for miss Ba Jin.

They are agents, and the order they received is to find a way to kill Miss Bajin as soon as possible, and to stop Miss Bajin from saying some remarks that may be detrimental to the world government!

"Flying finger gun!"

"Lan Foot. Charge Slash!"

"Shaved. Iron chop!"

The three cpOs didn't say a word, they just attacked miss Ba Jin again!

Miss Ba Jin's face was solemn, and the cold sweat on his forehead began to drip continuously.

Although miss Bajin can still exert the combat power of the first-level admiral of the ordinary navy headquarters!

But among the three cpOs in front of her, the weakest one is comparable to her current combat strength, and the cpO leading with a saber has a strength comparable to that of an elite lieutenant general of the Navy Headquarters!

The three cpOs joined forces, not to mention that she is old and frail now.

Even if she is still in her prime, she will definitely not be the opponent of the three cpOs teaming up!

However, miss Ba Jin still has a trick!

"Son, help!"

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