He even said that if General Zefa hadn't tried his best to protect him, he would have died at the hands of Whitebeard II along with those students of the same period!

For Teacher Zefa, Binz was even willing to give his life.

"Also, I have certain evidence that the attacks on General Zefa's wife and children and your group of students are very likely related to the World Government-Government!"

Saga said coldly to Binz, the cold words hit Binz's heart like a fatal blow.

"how is this possible?"

Binz, who was still silent at first, looked at Saga in disbelief, extremely surprised,

"Teacher Zefa is a general of the Navy Headquarters, and even single-handedly developed the Navy Headquarters to the point where it is today!"

"Even if we hadn't been attacked, and Teacher Zefa had broken his arm, the current Admiral would not be Warring States at all, but Teacher Zefa.

It was nearly seven years ago that Zefa broke his arm, and the former Admiral Warring States was promoted to the Admiral of the Navy, and it was also during that time period.It wasn't long before he became a marshal in the Warring States period, and when Roxandi died, he was still only a general.

"Yes, Admiral Zefa almost became a Marine Marshal!"

Saga sighed, and then said quietly,

"After all, Admiral Zefa taught the three current admirals of the Navy Headquarters and most of the Vice Admirals of the Navy Headquarters."

"It can be said that without Admiral Zefa, there would be no such powerful naval headquarters today!"

It is not every period that the naval headquarters will have three sea-peak-peak powerhouses close to s+ and a large number of backbone combat powers.

At least in the Rocks era, the naval headquarters was far less powerful than it is today.

"But, because of this, do you think the World Government-Government will watch General Zefa become the Marshal of the Hai 023 Army?"

"If Zefa becomes the Marshal of the Navy Headquarters, is this Navy Headquarters the Navy Headquarters of the Ten World Government or the Navy Headquarters of Admiral Zefa?

At a time when Cyborg Kong is about to retire and the naval headquarters is about to change its marshal.

The elite training camp led by Zefa, the former admiral of the Navy Headquarters and now the Chief Instructor of the Navy Headquarters, was suddenly attacked by Whitebeard II!

And when Zefa was attacked, it happened to be a time when his asthma was often attacked.

What a coincidence!

"Do not,"

"Impossible, how could the world government-government do this..."

Binz is a little broken!

"Why not?"

"You also know the virtues of Tianlong people,"

"They claim to be gods!"

"Besides, politics has always been so dirty!"

Sarah said in a low voice.

Politics is almost the dirtiest thing in the world.

What's more, the World Government, which has ruled the entire world for [-] years, has long since become corrupted and degenerated into something unknown.

If it weren't for Lord Im and the King of Heaven.

As for the brainless people of the Tianlong people, they have completely played themselves to death.

Binz collapsed for a moment, then forcibly regained his energy, stared at Saga, and said in a deep voice,

"I'm not sure if what you said is true or not, but if I'm willing to really work for you, can you really cure Teacher Zefa's broken arm and asthma?"?

Chapter [-] The Key

After all, Binz is also a colonel of the Navy Headquarters. Although he was a little bit broken by the words of Saga, but just based on Saga's words, he wanted Binz to believe that their group of students and Teacher Zefa suffered from Whitebeard II. The attack of the World Government is the hands and feet of the World Government, and Binz is not so simple.

Binz would naturally inform Teacher Zefa to investigate the truth with him, but now, the most important thing is to help Teacher Zefa and return to the top!

If it is really the world government secretly using the hand of Zefa teacher.

With Mr. Zefa's broken arm and asthmatic body now, it is impossible for him to be the opponent of the World Government or any current admiral of the Navy Headquarters!

Zefa was known as a black arm at the beginning, and the loss of an arm would have a great impact on the pure body technique powerhouse.

Binz made up his mind.

If just joining Vardin can exchange for Teacher Zefa to return to the peak, this wave can't be lost!

Binz was getting used to it.

What's more, if the attack on Teacher Zefa and his group of students was really the hands and feet of the World Government!

Also, only by joining Vardin, can he and Teacher Zefa have the opportunity to take revenge against the World Government-Government.

As a colonel of the Navy Headquarters, Binz knows very well how powerful the World Government-Government and the current Navy Headquarters are.

The so-called Four Emperors and the World Government - the Government and the Navy Headquarters - are far behind.

Only Vardin is the only existence on this sea that can resist the World Government.

"Of course, I never lie!"

Saga replied confidently.

And after Saga finished speaking, Tsunade urged Chakra scalpel, and then slashed Orochimaru fiercely!

Blood splattered everywhere, and bone was visible deep in the wound.

Binz was dumbfounded, and Orochimaru also looked at Tsunade helplessly!

He knew Tsunade was unpleasant to look at him all the time.

But he really didn't expect that even in the new world, Tsunade would still be so cruel to him.

"Look at what, can this injury still hurt you?"

Tsunade endured Orochimaru's sentence, and then began to urge the hand-in-hand Chakrashi to directly perform the technique of healing and regeneration!

The next moment, the wound on Orochimaru's body, with a deep visible bone, healed quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just a few tens of seconds, apart from the broken and blood-stained sleeves, Orochimaru's wound was completely restored to its original state, leaving no scars.

"Rebirth from a broken arm is no better than recovery from a wound, not to mention that his broken arm has been lost for many years...〃,"

"But it's not too much trouble as long as Orochimaru extracts a little of his cells, and then regenerates an arm, and then I connect it to him!

Tsunade said quietly to Binz,

"As for his asthma, I can directly use the delicate extraction technique to extract the virus and lesions in his body, which is also not difficult!"

Want? If Binz really wants to join Walding, he has to show some real materials!

What's more, in the ninja world, changing an arm and treating an asthma is really not a big problem.

Ninja World - Middle Organ Transplantation is very common!

Especially for eye transplantation, it's just plug and play...

Binz watched this scene with his own eyes, and then nodded subconsciously.

This is the first time he has seen such a magical medical ninjutsu!

"Is this the power of the legendary Devil Fruit?"

"This devil fruit is too powerful!"

Binz subconsciously regarded Tsunade's ability as a devil fruit.

"No, it's not the power of the Devil Fruit, it's Ninjutsu!"

Tsunade shook his head.


Binz was a little dazed, but he didn't continue to ask, he just knelt down on one knee to Saga, and said in a deep voice,

"I will work hard for Your Majesty, Mr. Zefa will ask you!"

Saga nodded with a smile!

Binz starts, will Zefa be far behind?

Finding a way to retake Binz is only the first step for Saga.

Attracting Zefa through Binz, and then trying to get Zefa to join Vardin, is another important goal of Saga.

With Orochimaru and Tsunade, Saga can completely bring Zefa back to the top.

And Ze Fa, who is at the peak of the peak combat power, is also a top SS-level sea powerhouse!

Most importantly, Zefa is a key.

It is a key to pry open and recover most of the elite of the naval headquarters.

The three current admirals of the navy headquarters, a large number of lieutenant admirals of the navy headquarters, and countless generals and colonels are all disciples of Zefa.

Zefa later defected from the naval headquarters in a fit of anger and created the NEO Navy, but it attracted countless naval soldiers to join him.

Even Zefa, the secret weapon pacifist of the Navy Headquarters, can find a way to get a batch of them into mass production.

It can be said that as long as Zefa waved his hand, the forces of the Navy Headquarters would have to be weakened by at least [-]%.

And if Zefa really joined Vardin, it would be possible for Saga to find a way to recover most of the elites of the Navy headquarters in the future.

Garp, as a family of D, may join Vardin and Saga at the last moment to fight against the world government.

But Garp, who has not been able to adjust his roots all the year round, has the name of a naval hero, and there are not many naval elites in the naval headquarters who are willing to follow him at all costs!

Karp is not fit to be a leader.

Binz chose to join Vardin, and Saga didn't think about continuing to conceal Binz, and directly brought Binz and Yamato to the empty island, and then told them to start producing iq plants with all their strength.

Saga believes that, at least until Zefa comes to Albana, recovers his broken arm and heals his asthma.

It is impossible for Binz to leak the existence of the iq plant to the Navy Headquarters!

And when Zepha came to Varding.

Saga doesn't think Zefa can get out of his control.

Zefa thought - to destroy all the pirates in the world?

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