On the other hand, Dr. Fashion is more direct. After hearing that this piece of metal is active, he snapped directly, opened his mouth, and then opened his own mouth.

;=! Sheep - XT0Bi=ti

For the things that he can swallow and digest, Dr. Shi Li can often give a more detailed analysis.

What's more, Dr. Fashion is very much looking forward to whether this piece of active hard metal can bring him a more magical improvement.

In addition to some alloys, Dr. Fashion swallowed the genes of many beasts during this period, and even went to a small garden not far from Alabasta to find a lot of ancient beasts, green ghosts and The blood that fell when the two giants of the red ghost were fighting was swallowed up.

The power of swallowing fruit is too miraculous.

It is too wasteful to only use it to devour and manufacture metals.

If it weren't for swallowing some of Bai Xing's blood, he still couldn't parse out the genetic fragment about Neptune hidden in Bai Xing's blood.

The current Doctor of Fashion will be another sea king in the pirate world.

And this sea king will be completely awakened, and maybe it will be able to produce the terrifying existence of other sea kings.

However, even if the genetic fragment of the sea king cannot be analyzed, but relying on the powerful Tuntun fruit and the fashion doctor who is constantly evolving and becoming stronger by devouring the genes of various magical creatures, sooner or later, he will become another trump card of the Walding Kingdom.

The current Doctor of Fashion and Orochimaru already have the combat power of S.

As for Tony Stark 7

Uncle & Uncle who doesn't wear armor is just a d+ grade weak chicken. This is after he directly took the first generation of iq human evolution medicine, and was trained by Banggu and Ji Guoyuan and others. result!

But if you put on the alloy armor that he made for himself!

In a short period of time, in terms of destructive power, Tony Stark can even be comparable to an S-rank general.

Who told him to directly put the bomb rock and the Pluto cannon that had reduced some of its power directly on the battle armor of his own characteristics!

"I can't digest it in a short time,"

"Or even if I digest it, it's hard for me to replicate it perfectly,"

"In this piece of metal, as I devour and digest, a mysterious power is constantly dissipating in a way that I can't understand!" Dr. Fashion swallowed a small piece of time alloy scale armor , covering his stomach and frowning.

The last time he encountered something that was difficult to completely swallow and digest, only the blood of Neptune.

"It doesn't matter, even if it can't be replicated perfectly, it's not bad if it only has partial performance!"

Saga comforted Doctor Fashion, and then looked at Tony Stark, who had been studying the scales in his hands with the last hope! .

"A powerful and mysterious metal,"

"It's even more magical than vibranium and Edman alloys!"

"In addition to the legendary Ulu metal possessed by Asgard,"

"It's hard for me to imagine that there is such a magically hard metal in this world!"

Tony Stark sighed with emotion.

But Saga didn't want to hear Tony Stark's praise for the Time Digizoid.

He just wants to know, is it possible for Vardin to achieve mass production of the Digizoid of Time without the scales on the body of the steel sea dragon?When the Iron Seadragon was tearing the scales on its body with its dragon teeth, although the Iron Seadragon was expressionless the whole time, Saga looked at it with pain... Tony Stark studied the Digizoid of Time again. After a while, looking at Saga's expectant gaze, he shook his head lightly,

"It is impossible for us to perfectly replicate and mass-produce this metal for the time being!"

"There is a trace of time and the energy of information flow in it,"

"It is unimaginable that time and information can also become metal."

Tony directly analyzed that there is a trace of time and some information flow in the Digizoid of Time.

In Dr. Fashion's stomach, what is mysteriously passing and cannot be digested and analyzed by Tuntun Fruit is also the flow of time and information in the Digizoid of Time. "Time and flow of information?"

"I almost forgot, the digital world is a world of information flow,"

"And the Digizoid of Time also clearly carries the word "Time".

After hearing the time and information flow, Saga suddenly realized, and felt vaguely about Vardin's perfect copy and mass production of Time Digizoid - to the point of despair! Vardin's technology is not advanced enough to control the time and information flow.

Even the technology that Tony has mastered is far from reaching this level.

Saga was a little disappointed and secretly thought to U

"Could it be that Xuan only let the Thin Iron Sea Dragon Beast smash the Digizoid of Time on his body?"

"Will that be too cruel to the steel sea dragon beast..."

Saga thought of this, just in the deep sea, relying on Longwei to recover a large-scale sea king-type steel sea dragon beast inexplicably shivered!

But the next moment, Tony's next words made Saga's face full of smiles.

"Although we have no way to perfectly replicate and mass-produce this amazing metal right now,"

"But if you get rid of time and information flow, it shouldn't be a big problem to find a way to mass-produce some secondary alloys!"

"And even if it's a secondary alloy, it should be enough to ignore the attack of ordinary s-left and right combat power!"

"Well, if I can have a set of armor made of secondary alloys, I should be able to completely add the Pluto Cannon to the armor.

"Unfortunately, if only there were more of this magical metal!"

"A steel armor made of perfect magical metal, the weapons that can be carried on it should be even stronger!"

Tony said with a little regret...

The secondary Digizoid of Time was still a little underpowered in Tony's opinion.

But the secondary alloy of time, which can almost ignore the s-combat normal attack-attack, is for today's Vardin.

is enough.

Counting the entire pirate world, how many people have the combat power above s?

The analysis and forging Saga of the Secondary Time Digizoid were entirely left to Tony and Dr. Fashion for research.

As for Orochimaru, after giving up research on the Digizoid of Chrono, he began to work hard on how to extract Devil Fruits from the human body.

The biggest problem when Black Eye was searching for the Devil Fruit was not the weird weather and the long journey!

But sometimes when the coordinates of a Devil Fruit are just not far away.

That devil fruit has already been consumed.

In addition to the four emperors, the world government, and a very small number of poor and crazy bounty hunters.

Ordinary pirates are often the first to eat Devil Fruits after they get them.

And after killing the pirate who took the target devil fruit.

The rebirth of the Devil Fruit will take some time, and it is completely unknown where it will be reborn!

The most annoying thing is.

But Black Eye waited until the Devil Fruit was reborn, and then went to look for it again!

It is very likely that the Devil Fruit has been swallowed again...

This is a little embarrassing.

Black pupil can't be on the road forever.

Saga must find a way to extract Devil Fruits directly from the pirates!

Orochimaru began to study how to extract devil fruits from pirates.

For a while, in the laboratory on the floating island of Varding, the pirates of Baroque Works 3.0 and some devil fruit power users ushered in hell again!

Time goes on and on.

The sea is still calm.

The Four Emperors of the New World are divided into two major alliances to maintain balance.

In the first half of the Great Route, the World Government-Government and Vardin also maintained a fragile balance.

The Vardin Grand Alliance continues to grow with the wild growth of Vardin's naval power!

Even the current Vardin Navy, in addition to Alabasta and the native soldiers of Vardin Island!

A large number of nationals of the vassal states of the Walding Grand Alliance also began to actively join.

On the surface, they are members of other countries, but in their hearts, the number of citizens of the remaining dependent countries that have recognized Saga's rule has also begun to grow.

The national strength that Saga can harvest is also increasing rapidly every day in a clearly visible way.

As for Alabasta, which Saga focuses on?

Over the past few months, canals in most of Alabasta's important towns have been fully dug.

And there are Nami and many meteorology doctors and Saga's sixth sense.

No more drought crisis in Alabasta!

Even Binz and Yamato were no longer busy producing plants on both sides of the canal during this time.

Instead, the planting of trees was started directly - around all important towns and cities in the whole of Alabasta.

Green is spreading in Alabasta. .

Electric reward




One hundred and seventy-first octopus and genius

This is the green that represents vitality, definitely not the green that represents hats!

There are not many Pharaohs next door in the pirate world.

Alabasta is beginning to come alive, even though the rain clouds above the sky are still sparse and the sun is just as hot.

However, the mere dry weather could not stop Saga's determination to change Alabasta.

Moreover, the hot sun is the favorite for murlocs.

The murlocs have been looking forward to the sun for a long time.

Although Saga is more curious, why do murlocs living at the bottom prefer sunlight, aren't they afraid of being sunburned into salted fish?

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