Saga did not rush to summon the Iron Sea Dragon Beast.

Although the ultimate Digimon is not weaker than humans, the secret room of the palace in Albana and the whole of Alabasta are not very suitable for the existence of the steel sea dragon beast!

'As the overlord in the ocean, the most suitable area for the steel sea dragon beast is the boundless deep sea.

"It just so happens that Orochimaru and the others have obtained some blood from Bai Xing, but in a short period of time, there is no way to crack the principle of the sea kings and directly control the sea kings!"

"As the overlord of the deep sea, I don't know if it can roam freely in the sea, whether it will be able to command many sea kings and form a deep navy regiment that belongs to Vardin just like many ocean Digimon!"

Saga murmured.

Although Neptune lives in the Santa Dora River not far from Albana.

But Bai Xing, who has not yet fully awakened, has no way to easily control the Neptunes.

In addition, although there are many fishmen on the island of fishmen who have directly joined Vardin in name.

But Bai Xing was always the princess of Ryugu Kingdom first, and only then accepted Saga's rule in name.

It is also difficult for Saga to order the kind-hearted White Star to control the sea kings to do some cruel acts in times of crisis!

For example, if the battle between the World Government and Vardin is really about to fall into anxiety.

Then Saga, who controls the sea king's mighty power enough to control all the sea kings, would not mind at all, and ordered all the sea kings to frantically attack all the ships and naval bases on the sea with the flag of the world government-government!

It may be difficult for a kind white star to do such a cruel act.

Crazy-mad attacks of the sea kings, it is inevitable that there will be accidental injuries.

But when the war came, Saga would not care about accidental injury.

The people who die in the world government are better than the Vardins who can dedicate their national strength every month.

The power of the sea king is enough to control the entire sea.

One of the ancient weapons in the pirate world - contains unimaginably powerful technology.

The power of the Pluto main cannon is no longer weaker than that of ordinary nuclear weapons!

Heavenly King and Sea King have magical powers beyond conventional nuclear weapons.

Saga even suspected that all devil fruits, at the very beginning, were man-made!

Vegapunk and Caesar now control the power of the artificial animal type Devil Fruit.

And since the animal type fruit can be artificial, the superhuman type and the natural type can also be artificially artificial!

It's just that it's hard for Saga to imagine that the ancient civilization that existed in the world of pirates has what kind of magical technology to integrate some rules of nature and even the whole world into the fruits!

Especially those Devil Fruits that involve time and space!

How powerful is a civilization that can artificially produce this kind of fruit.

Why did it disappear completely.

Sacha was full of doubts, but he didn't have time to think so much!

No matter how mysterious and powerful the ancient civilization is, it is only the past after all.

Varding, who can draw prizes from the heavens and the world, is the future of the entire world.

Saga believes that the future Vardin will one day surpass the so-called ancient kingdom and create his own history.

But now, we still have to find a way to make Vardin stronger and earn more national strength.

Saga quietly went to the coast of Alabasta, and then directly summoned the steel sea dragon beast by the sea!

In the next instant, a giant metal dragon covered in Digizoid of Time appeared directly in front of Saga.

"Are you my master?"

"Iron Seadragon will work for you!"

The steel sea beast, the snake, coiled its body, and the ferocious and terrifying metal dragon head lowered slightly in front of Saga, directly expressing submission to Saga.

Saga nodded, and then said in a deep voice to the steel sea dragon beast,

"Perhaps soon, I will need your strength!"

"But now, this sea is yours!"

"Go, conquer all' and rule all,"

...for flowers 0...

"There are countless sea beasts even bigger than Digimon in this sea,"

"Go and conquer them!"

"I hope the next time I see you,"

"You can bring me a whole powerful deep navy regiment!"

Ordinary sea kings only have weak intelligence, but most of those giant sea kings that have survived long enough and are huge in size have wisdom close to human beings.

Wisdom is enough to be conquered and ruled.

Saga hopes that the steel sea dragon can bring a powerful deep navy regiment to Saga.

The steel sea dragon beast nodded lightly and said in a buzzing voice,

"Of course, I am the master of the deep sea, the king of the sea!"

"I believe in your strength,"

"However, this sea is very vast,"

'And, remember the flag of Vardin,'

"In addition, if it is not necessary, try not to hurt the murlocs and humans when you are fighting in this sea,"


"It is very likely that they will all be my citizens in the future!"

Saga has no doubts about the strength of the steel sea dragon beast.

It can be said that after several times in the entire pirate world, those who can defeat the steel sea dragon beast in the sea are absolutely invincible, except for the "steel total sea dragon beast" that has survived for unknown years.

Even the four emperors of S+, in the deep sea, are absolutely impossible to be the opponents of the steel sea dragon beast.

Iron Sea Dragon Beast

Strength: S

Physique: S+

Agility: s

spirit-spirit: s-

Abilities: Digizoid Body of Time, Dragon Power, Sea Control, Ultimate Wave Cannon

Comprehensive evaluation.s

The most powerful Ultimate Digimon in Lifang Haizhi-, Steel Seadramon is covered with Digimon of Time, which has both super hardness and biological activity, and can ignore and rebound almost all ordinary attacks below SS rank. Dragon species, born with the ability to control the sea, stun monsters in the sea and soar in the sky, are the ultimate creatures capable of fighting in the sea, land and air at the same time, and the only master in the deep sea.

Saga looked at the detailed attributes of the steel sea dragon beast, and the mouth-horns were light-lightly raised!

He was suddenly curious.

I don't know if Kaido, who is the strongest creature in the sea, land and air, can beat the steel sea dragon beast?

However, Saga felt that Kaido could not be more resistant to beating than the steel sea dragon anyway...

With super hardness and biological activity, the Time Digizoid that can almost ignore all normal attacks below SS level is really awesome...

"There will be a chance to verify,"

"But now,"

"Iron Seadragon, before you go to rule the deep sea, I need some of your scales..."

Saga said with a smile to the mighty steel sea dragon beast.

Digizoid is such a magical metal, how can it be done without some research?

Anyway, the biologically active Chronine Digizoid on Iron Seadramon will regenerate.six.

Chapter [*] Super Alloy

The steel sea dragon beast was dumbfounded, and then silently tore the extremely hard scales on his body with his extremely sharp dragon teeth.

The incomparably powerful steel sea dragon beast, the born master of the deep sea has to obey Saga's orders!

In a short while, the majestic and terrifying steel sea dragon beast went directly into the sea with the dragon body of Lai Lai Que.

Although the scales on the body will regenerate, tearing those scales will still hurt.

Sacrificial sacrifice to Fanglan

He is good at the master of the deep star, the steel ginseng Fulong beast: 'How can Kepian just tear off some scales and almost can't bear to cry in front of his master?

The steel sea dragon beast is also good for face...

The dragon entered the sea, and after feeling the breath of Saga gradually going away, the steel sea dragon beast no longer had to endure it, silently opened its ape-tooth, and began to frantically carry out its own killing in the deep sea. and the road of conquest.

The steel sea dragon beast, which lacks some scales, is still the king of the deep sea.

Ordinary sea kings cannot be the opponents of steel sea dragon beasts at all.

Saga took some scales of the Steel Seadragon, and after personally testing the strength of the Chrono Digizoid, he gathered Orochimaru silently.

, Doctor of Fashion and Tony Stark, the busy man!

"Look at this metal,"

"Walding has "August [*]", is it impossible to find a way to study it thoroughly and then mass-produce it?"

Saga handed some Time Digizoid scales to Orochimaru and others, and then looked at Dr. Fashion and Tony Stark eagerly!

Orochimaru doesn't have much research on metals and the like, and it is most likely that the Digizoid will be thoroughly researched and mass-produced, depending on the fashion doctor who took the Tuntun Fruit and Tony Star, who is extremely smart and can rival the gods with the body of a mortal. gram.

"It's amazing metal,"

"No, it's not just metal, it's active..."

Orochimaru stretched out his long tongue and licked the scale on his hand, and said in surprise.

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