The number of murlocs settling in the San Dora River is growing!

The San Dora River is not like Fishman Island, it is [-] meters under the sea and it is wide enough.

The Sandora River, which is only dozens of miles wide, cannot accommodate all the murlocs by relying on a small section of the river.

Within a short stretch of the San Dora River, the maximum number of murlocs that can settle at the same time is only [-].

The [-] murlocs who migrated to the San Dora River before had to be divided into two settlements!

The separate settlement of the murlocs poses a certain degree of danger to their own safety, but the murlocs living separately have also provided great help for Saga to completely recover those murlocs!

When all the murlocs lived on Fishman Island, they were one entity, all belonging to the Ryugu Kingdom's subjects belonging to Neptune.

But as they gradually settled apart from the rest of the murlocs, away from Neptune and Neptune's king's army.

The imprint of the Dragon Palace Kingdom on them is also gradually fading.

In particular, when there were some merman who abducted and sold merman for Bailey's lawless slave traders, it was often not the soldiers of the Dragon Palace Kingdom who saved them, but the navy of Valdin.

They also became more and more loyal to Saga and Vardin.

It was Saga and Vardin who gave them the chance to live freely under the sun, and it was Saga and Vardin who kept them all safe.

In Fishman Island, almost every day, merman quietly disappears.

Whether it is a passing navy or a passing pirate, or some merchant ships and bounty hunters, when they see [-] million Baileys walking one by one, it is difficult to completely put an end to the greed in their hearts!

In particular, the strength of Fishman Island is not that strong, and most of those little mermaid sisters are petite and frail and pure and kind.

Simply the best candidate for trafficking.

Even in Vardin in Megatron, there will always be some bounty hunters or caravans, and even some citizens in Alabasta. !

Saga can basically prevent pirates from entering Alabasta.

But there is no reason to stop those bounty hunters and caravans roaming Alabasta.

A profit of [-]% is enough to risk being hanged, and abducting and selling a mermaid can earn more than ten times as much.

Even among the tens of millions of people under Saga who are loyal to him, there are people who cannot resist such temptation!

Loyal to Saga, thank Saga for bringing them a stable life today, and they don't hesitate to violate Saga's law, abducting mermaids to earn more Bailey is not a conflict!

In this world, there are always some people who are greedy!

Compared with the fish-man island [-] meters under the sea, the Sandora River is undoubtedly more convenient for those traffickers.

But maybe someone was successful enough to capture the murlocs from the San Dora River.

But after adding a lot of elite combat power and obtaining the Asura fruit, his strength has grown rapidly to be comparable to the ordinary Qiwuhai, and he is even under the personal search of the constantly growing ghost Akin.

So far, no caravan or bounty hunter has managed to get any merman out of Alabasta!

The ghost man Ajin's rapidly increasing arrogance is enough to perceive the difference between the mermaid and the rest of the human beings.

And Alabasta is not as accessible from all directions as Fishman Island.

There is only one way for ships to go out to sea from Alabasta, and that is to go to the sea from the rapeseed port after walking the Sandora River.

And all ships that want to enter and leave Alabasta must go through the most stringent inspections at the rapeseed port.

The physical attributes of adult murlocs can basically reach d. or even higher, and the national strength that millions of murlocs can provide to Saga is quite considerable.

Saga will not let go of the millions of murlocs.

Time is passing quietly, and Vardin is constantly getting stronger.

In addition to the murlocs who settled apart a little bit more towards Vardin, the martial arts master Bang Gu, as the head coach of the three armies, also established an elite training camp with the support of Saga to teach the elites of the Vardin Kingdom army. , On the other hand, he is constantly trying to find ways to work with Ji Guoyuan to perfectly integrate Liushuiyan Shattering Fist and breathing method!

Following Guo Yuanyi's creation of breathing techniques in the mortal world by himself, a natural legend that directly raised the upper limit of mortals in the whole world, coupled with the martial arts master Bang Gu, it is difficult for Saga to imagine that the two of them are in one? What kind of sparks of wisdom can collide!

At least Saga believes that with the perfect integration of the Flowing Water Rock Crushing Fist and the Breathing Technique, it is not long before Vardin has a cultivation technique that allows ordinary people to quickly become stronger and has a very high ceiling.

If one person becomes stronger, how much national strength can Valdin provide to Saga when tens of millions of citizens become stronger?

The basic part of the Flowing Water Rock Shattering Fist gradually spread throughout Vardin under the hint of Saga.

Liushuiyan Shattering Fist is a super-strong boxing technique that enables ordinary people to train to S-level combat power step by step as long as they have excellent talent.

Compared with the pure 323 combat skills of the Navy Sixth Form, it is undoubtedly much more precious.

Although Saga wants to - to quickly increase the war power of the Valdin nationals.

But he wouldn't be stupid enough to publish the complete Liushuiyan Shattering Fist directly.

The population that Vardin now rules is only [-] million, while the population of the entire Pirate World is at least [-] billion!

If you really want to announce all the Liushuiyan Shattering Fist, if there are some top geniuses who practice Liushuiyan Shattering Fist among these two billion people.

In a few months, I directly cultivated to the S rank!

Wouldn't that make it more difficult for Saga to rule the world afterward?

The basic part of Liushuiyan Shattering Fist is enough to select those geniuses who are really suitable for cultivating Liushuiyan Shattering Fist among the nearly [-] million citizens in Vardin.

As for the geniuses other than [-] million people who are suitable for cultivating Liushuiyan Shattering Fist!

Saga can't handle it now unless he joins Vardin.

In the current elite training camp of Banggu, apart from some elite Varding with good strength.

There were thirteen ordinary people in Vardin with outstanding talent who were directly accepted as disciples by Banggu.

They are the super geniuses who practice the Flowing Water Rock Shattering Fist among the tens of millions of people in Vardin today.

Each of them has the potential to at least reach A+ level combat power by cultivating Liushuiyan Shattering Fist! .

Chapter [-] Surrounding Blackbeard?

It is even possible to make a breakthrough again in the future practice and become the top combat power of S-rank.

In addition to the elite training camp created by Banggu, the Liushuiyan Shattering Fist gradually spread throughout the country.

Charlotte Bray's Mirror Trial and Fierce Beast Trial are also unfolding in Walding's grassroots combat power.

Coupled with the increasing production of the first generation of iq human evolution medicine.

Almost every one of the current Vardin soldiers is an elite with at least D-level combat power.

The elite of D-level combat power, whether in the Navy headquarters or in the Four Emperor Pirates, is enough to be called an elite soldier or even a low-level officer.

However, the D-level is only the beginning. Saga's future hope is that every soldier in Vardin has at least the combat power of C-level or even B-level!If possible, Saga even hopes that every citizen of Vardin will be like a dragon.

Flowing Water Rock Shattering Fist and Breathing Technique, Tsunade’s Ninjutsu School that is gradually expanding its enrollment, and Saga’s more magical prizes that are likely to be drawn in the future.

There will be a great possibility to achieve Saga's wish.

But just as Saga watched happily that his national strength was continuously increasing every day, he was still imagining whether the national strength that he would get in the near future would allow him to directly send another S-rank lottery!

Weakly Hassan said weakly to Saga,

"Your Majesty Saga, I have discovered the traces of Blackbeard and Ace that you have been paying attention to,"

"Do I need to keep trying to track them down?"

Saga-I have been following the news of Blackbeard and Ace.

He was even thinking about whether to recall Hei Tong, relying on the magical ability of the compass of destiny, directly summon Esdes and others, forcibly besiege or capture Blackbeard, and then find a way to capture Blackbeard's body. The dark fruit of , directly end the top war in advance!

However, in the new world, Kaido formed an alliance in advance, and the Red Hair Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates also secretly reached an alliance.

The army headquarters and the Waldin Navy's large-scale entry into the new world were directly blocked, and after receiving the news just from Orochimaru, there was great progress in how to extract the devil fruit from the pirates!

As for whether to besiege and capture Blackbeard in advance, seize the dark fruit in Blackbeard's body, and end the top war in advance!

Saga began to have other ideas.

Vardin doesn't seem to need the Dark Fruit much now to extract the Devil Fruit that has been consumed.

"There are too many emperors in the new world.

"The combat power of the naval headquarters should also be appropriately weakened,"

"The most important thing is that the demise of the Whitebeard Pirates can just make the fragile balance of the new world collapse directly."

"After Whitebeard's death, can the Pirate Kings of the New World work together to force the Valdine Navy back?"

Saga muttered.

The occurrence of the war on the top and the destruction of the Whitebeard Pirates are undoubtedly more beneficial to the current Vardin.

"Don't worry about Blackbeard and them for the time being,"

"Blackbeard is a key that may lead us into a new world!"

Saga gently shook his head at the weak Hassan beside him, and then asked in a deep voice to the weak Hassan beside him,

"However, for Ace, tell me his current coordinates!"

"I think it's time to meet him!"

Blackbeard Saga can sit back and watch!

Even if the current Blackbeard consumes the Dark Fruit, before he captures the Shocking Fruit, he has only S-rank combat power at most.

Even if he succeeded in capturing the Zhenzhen fruit, Varding is also not very concerned about being just a sea peak-peak powerhouse who has just stepped into the s+ combat power!

Saga will not give Blackbeard the opportunity to enter the advancing city and gather a large number of top powerhouses in the infinite hell.

Many powerful Devil Fruits that Black pupil is looking for are all in the Advance City!

The Devil Fruits in the Undersea Prison Advance City are the most numerous among all the forces in the entire pirate world!

The World Government-Government will not easily execute any devil fruit person.

One of the best ways to reduce the overall combat power of the entire sea is to detain a large number of Devil Fruits in the advancing city and reduce the number of Devil Fruits on the sea.

The Lone Ranger and his subordinate s have several battle strengths, and the battle strength below s is even more powerful. There are a lot of four emperors, but there is a big difference!

Destroying one or more of the four emperors is likely to bring a lot of losses to Vardin.

And a large-scale war is also likely to bring opportunities to the World Government-Government and other forces hostile to Vardin.

Saga didn't want to fight one of the four emperors, and suddenly came the reinforcements of the world government or the other four emperors.

Then his hometown was stolen by the Navy Headquarters.

However, the lone strongman who surrounded and killed an S+ strongman took out a few black beards and has now gathered a few younger brothers around A-rank!

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