Then he is likely to be rescued in time.

Even the slow fruit that is enough to be partially dull, when dealing with some physical trauma, it is very likely that the operation will be performed directly without the need for anesthesia!

When performing surgery on a body that is relatively stagnant in time, there is no need to worry about the massive bleeding during the operation and other problems. In addition to being an auxiliary magical skill, the Slow Fruit is definitely a life-saving magical skill for one's own teammates.

But before going deep into medical ninjutsu and extracting chakra with Tsunade, Koya asked Saga to help him back to Shirobu Village.

After temporarily handing over almost all the assets of his Xilob village to Usopp for management, he made an agreement with Usopp. One day, he will

They will become the bravest sea warriors!

And Keya will be in Vardin, waiting for Usopp's arrival.

Keya started to study with Tsunade with peace of mind after returning to Shirobu Village!

As the headmaster of Walding Ninja School, Tsunade's students are of course more than just Koya.

But Keya, who is careful and gentle and has the fruit of slowing down, has a strong talent in medical ninjutsu, just like Sakura!

As for the target fruit and the ghostly beast vampire fruit that Hei Tong brought back?

The target fruit was taken by a giant squid man who was very eager for the warmth of the sun and yearned for Walding!

No way, the target fruit can only mark one place with one hand, and it can only be marked again after washing your hands!

Ordinary human beings only have two hands. If it wasn't for Saga who couldn't find the legendary hundred-armed giant, Saga would have kept the target fruit for the hundred-armed giant to take!

But fortunately, the king squid man with eight hands took the target fruit and it was not bad!

Under the order of Saga, the king squid man who took the target fruit quietly walked in the Holy Land Mary Joa and the Marine Headquarters Marine Vandeau in a submarine specially made by Waldin and took a punch!

Then, the two hands of the giant squid man named Icarus Muto, who is related to Icarus Musi, a tracer of Hody Jones, put on the gloves directly!

The two hands that marked the Holy Land Mary Joa and the Navy Headquarters were a great gift prepared by Saga for the Holy Land Mary Joya and the Navy Headquarters Marine Fando!The target fruit is only used to throw some weapons such as machetes and axes, it is too overkill.

The target fruit that can throw Noah's ship, deliver some bomb rocks, or a nuclear bomb that Tony Stark is trying to make equipment refining shafts ready to forge, that's not a problem, right?

It's really not good, just delivering some boulders, Saga thinks it's enough to make the Holy Land Mary Joa and the Marine Headquarters Marin Fando eat a pot...

Target Fruit is the strongest strategic bombing weapon...

But before the bombing of the Holy Land Marijoa and the naval headquarters.

The other hands that Icarus Muto had left were also playing a powerful role on Saintin Island at this time!

In addition to being used for bombing, the target fruit can be used to transport large quantities of material express, which is simply a must.

At least, after having the target fruit, there is no need to use a large number of ships or use black pupils to control the floating island for transportation of a large amount of wood, stone, grain and other materials on Walding Island!

Just need a light pat, and then a small wave.

A large amount of wood and stone, as well as rice paddies with protective measures, can be directly vacated, and quickly fly from Vardin Island to the designated marked location in Alabasta.

From Vardin Island to Alabasta, even with Vardin's upgraded steel warships, it takes days to sail!

But it only takes more than ten hours for air transportation through the target fruit.

This is also because the throwing speed-speed of the target fruit is not very fast.

The target fruit ability person is temporarily regarded as a courier brother by Sajia, responsible for transporting bulk couriers.

As for the phantom vampire fruit, Saga temporarily sealed it after hesitating for a moment!

The phantom vampire fruit is undoubtedly a powerful devil fruit!

If you give it to a strong man in the Kingdom of Vardin, it won't be long before Vardin will have another S-rank top-level combat power in the sea!

But after hesitating for a moment, Saga still chose to seal it up!

Saga is not clear, the Devil Fruit still needs to be developed after taking it to make the user strong enough.

For Vardin, taking Devil Fruits in time is the best option!

After all, Saga has never thought about controlling the number of Devil Fruits like the World Government to reduce the combat power of the entire sea or the Kingdom of Vardin.

After all, the stronger the Valdin nationals, the more national strength Saga can harvest each month.

However, this animal-type Eudemons vampire (cieb) fruit is different.

This is a devil fruit that is extremely precious and has a great possibility to allow the user to obtain immortality...

Immortality surgery requires those who have the ability to awaken the fruit of surgery and sacrifice their lives to make people immortal!

But the animal-type phantom vampire fruit, just taking it, is enough to replenish itself by absorbing the vitality of other creatures, so as to make oneself rejuvenated and close to immortality.

Although Saga is very confident about drawing out prizes that are enough to make you live in the future!

But in the situation where the immortality operation has not been affected, the pure gold is too lazy to find it for a while, and there is not much energy to find it, and whether the pure gold has a certain degree of side effects has not yet been found out.

The vampire fruit of the animal-type phantom beast, which is enough to make people close to immortality, became Saga's alternative target.

In the future, if Saga's luck is too bad, he will not be able to draw a prize that is enough for longevity.

Taking vampire fruit to become a vampire doesn't seem to be impossible. …

The vampire fruit was carefully preserved by Saga.

Time passed quietly, and the whole sea became eerily calm.

The [-] D-level elites in Warding's increased combat power once again frightened the World Government-Government and the Navy Headquarters, and at the same time, it gradually became a habit!

It is nothing more than the superiority of the underlying combat power!

The key to really decide the outcome of a war is to look at the peak-peak powerhouse.

Besides, it's just like Vardin doesn't have the elites of hundreds of thousands of D-level combat power, ordinary naval soldiers and the Dragon Guards of the World Government-Government can directly beat Vardin soldiers with automatic weapons. ..

D-level elite soldiers still have to be blinded in the face of fully automatic weapons...

Technological weapons are enough to crush low-level combat power.

The first half of the Great Route was calm.

The World Government-Government and Vardin seemed to have nothing happened, and they had an incomparable tacit understanding and did not interfere with each other.

As for the Walding Navy and the Navy Headquarters, it was directly like a competition, and the pirates in the first half of the great route were almost cleaned up.

However, there are still differences between the soldiers of the Walding Navy and the Navy Headquarters when catching pirates.

Soldiers in the Navy Headquarters hunt down all criminals who have a World Government bounty.

And the Vardin Navy, now directly ignoring the so-called bounty order of the World Government, began to issue a bounty belonging to Vardin to those really vicious pirates on the sea.

The criminals of the World Government-Government do not mean the criminals of Vardin.

Of course, the consequences of Vardin and the World Government's respective announcements of bounties are!

In the past, only the people of Walding took the heads of some really vicious big pirates to the Navy headquarters to exchange for bounties.

Now, those guys in the Navy Headquarters have also learned to exchange some of the criminals that Waldin offered a bounty for Bailey...

If it weren't for the gradual spread of tap water and electricity in Alabasta and the Warding Alliance, as well as the secret support of the Golden Emperor Tezzolo, Saga would not be short of money now.

Those guys who dare to wear the uniform of the Navy Headquarters to exchange for Bailey, Saga really wants to see one-one-fight-one!

Anyway, let’s learn one. The Vardin warriors before the break, change your clothes after get off work and then change your bounty.

Let's respect each other and be friendly, okay?

The first half of the great route was peaceful, and the new world also returned to its former balance after the four emperors joined forces to repel the Walding navy and the navy headquarters!

The Pirates and the Beasts Pirates Alliance are indeed powerful, but the secret cooperation between the Red Hair Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates is also not to be underestimated!

The new world has changed from the previous four-legged force to the current two-point world, but it still maintains a fragile balance!

At least, when the four emperors are still alive today, and the alliance with Kaido is not broken.

The current balance of the new world will never be easily broken.

As for the four seas?

The strength is relatively weak, and the power of the world government-government is extremely deep in the four seas, except for the revolutionary-revolutionary army to overthrow-overthrow one or two small kingdoms from time to time, there is no big news at all!

Time passed quietly, and the next month was coming soon. .

Chapter [-] New S-level prizes, the deep sea master?

[The host currently rules the kingdom: Waldin Kingdom]

[The land area is [-] million square kilometers, including [-] square kilometers of Valdin Island and [-] square kilometers of Santin Island! 】

[The kingdom's population is [-] million, the comprehensive evaluation of the strongest person in the kingdom is s+, the average evaluation of the kingdom's people is e, and the comprehensive evaluation of the kingdom's national strength is a+.]

[Currently, the host can provide [-] points of national strength every month?! 】

[In addition to the balance of the previous month, the host currently has a total of [-] points of national strength! 】

Saga looked at the [-] points of national strength lying quietly on his system, and was extremely excited!

The current national strength that Vardin can provide Saga every month has directly increased to [-] points!

I'm afraid it won't be long before Saga's national strength can be harvested directly to millions.

The potential of Varding National is still far from being fully developed? And, next month, the first generation of iq human evolution medicine that Orochimaru and Dr. Fashion can provide to Saga every month will directly reach Four hundred thousand.

Moreover, the expanding production line is doubling the output of the first-generation iq human evolution potion they provide every month.

Varding's potential is far from being exploited to its limits.

The national strength value that Saga has not harvested can still continue to skyrocket every month.

"System, give me a s-level lottery draw immediately!"

Saga said in a deep voice.

With millions of national power values ​​in front of us, of course, we must conduct the S-level lottery as soon as possible!

What if you get a s-level or even s+ character card directly?

Every time S-level lottery prizes make Saga look forward to it.

[Consumes the host's national strength value of [-] million points, and the host's current remaining national strength value is [-] points! 】

[Congratulations to the host for winning the S-rank prize, the ultimate Digimon from the Digital Kingdom, the Iron Sea Dragon Beast! 】

"Steel sea dragon beast?"

"Besides Teki, can you directly draw Digimon?"

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