It's all just a technique to better exert one's own strength.

People in the pirate world will never continuously enhance their physical fitness because of the practice of two-color domineering or the six naval styles.

On the contrary, only after the physical fitness reaches the standard, can you learn to master the two-color domineering or the six naval styles.

The strong in the pirate world are more because of blood or talent.

The two-color domineering made Bang Gu a little surprised and put it aside for the time being. As for the six naval styles, Bang Gu had already learned them all and put them on hold after a few glances.

Many of the martial arts in Liushuiyan Shattering Fist are not weaker than the Sixth Form of the Navy!

In addition to the moon step and Lanjiao, Banggu's eyes light up a little, the rest such as iron block, paper painting, finger gun, shaving, etc., Banggu has similar and more perfect martial arts.

Bang Gu put down the two-color domineering materials and the Navy's six-style materials, but in front of the breathing method materials, he thought about it for nearly ten minutes!

Of course, Saga did not urge Bang Gu, but just waited quietly drinking tea.

Saga has a hunch that the appearance of Bangu may be able to bring more powerful changes to Varding!

Even enough to surpass the changes brought by an S+ peak powerhouse to Varding.

After a long time, Bang Gu took a deep breath, and then said in a deep voice,

"The guy who created the breathing method is definitely the top genius in the world, no, he is probably comparable to the founder of martial arts!"

"So can the breathing method be of great help to the strength of Grandmaster Banggu?"

Saga asked directly.

Estes and the others also practiced breathing techniques!

But unless you turn on the stripes or understand the transparent world.

Otherwise, the increase of the breathing method to the combat power of A-level and above has become very small.

At the same time, it is also difficult to quickly enhance the body-physical attributes above Grade A through breathing methods.

Following the breathing method created by Guo Yuanyi, it can fundamentally continuously enhance the physical fitness of the user, and the most superficial physical-physical training in the world of pirates, as well as training such as fighting with wild beasts and survival in the wilderness. Compared with the method, the breathing method is safe and fast for the improvement of the underlying combat power!

Now he has succeeded in having Kasuga Zhu Toshitsunoichiro, who is close to the combat power of s, but within two months, he has been directly promoted from an ordinary person of about e- to a

A column-level swordsman of around B-rank!

Although it is impossible for ordinary people to directly upgrade from e- to b-level in two months...

Xiazhu Shitotsu Wuichiro is a rare genius who has been in the world of Ghost Extermination several times...

But this at least shows that, as long as you have enough talent, the breathing method can completely improve the physical quality of an ordinary person in a short time...

Bang Gu shook his head lightly and said in a deep voice,

"Although this breathing method can fundamentally and rapidly enhance the physical fitness of ordinary people, for this old man's battle-hardened body, it is difficult to make him stronger by this breathing method alone. It's gone!"

After Banggu finished speaking, Saga sighed slightly disappointed!

He also thought that Banggu could perceive something in the breathing method, so as to quickly upgrade himself to the combat power of S+ level, so that Varding could add a real peak-peak combat power again!

Vardin's current peak combat power is indeed a bit stretched, especially after Vardin's navy begins to march into the new world!

Esdes needs to be stationed at the Walding Naval Headquarters on Vardin Island, and cannot roam at will. Esdes has protested to Saga several times, asking him to replace Fujitora and let Fujitora stay at Vardin. Go to the new world by yourself!

Eslyth Desires for War I

But Saree II had to forcibly refuse Esdes' order.

Although there is a certain distance between the islands of Valdin and Santin, they are still in the first half of the great route.

In case of any danger in Valding Island or St.tin Island, even if Hei Tong is not there, there is an aerospace carrier and Bree!

Both sides can also quickly support!

In addition, Fujitora's fruit ability also allows him to fly freely in the sky!

Although Fujitora is not as powerful as Esdes, his mobility in the New World is much stronger than Esdes.

At least there is really a crisis in Walding's homeland!

With just one phone call, Fujitora can quickly get back!

As for Esdes, she really wants to let her go to the new world, and she will rush back when Vardin encounters a crisis.

Maybe the war is over...

For Saga, the tens of millions of people in Varding's native land are the foundation that Saga absolutely cannot afford to lose now!

And if Vardin can have another peak-to-peak combat power as support, then whether it is to consider entering the new world in an all-round way, or stationed in Saint 2.8 Island or Vardin Island!

Undoubtedly, it can become a sea-suppressing needle for Varding.

It was even enough that Varding could no longer fear the threat of the four emperors joining forces.

Saga sighed slightly, Banggu also saw Saga's disappointment and smiled mysteriously,

"Although I have no way to make me stronger again through this breathing method!"

"But if you give me some time, I may not be able to integrate the breathing method into the Flowing Water Rock Shattering Fist."

"Therefore, a more powerful boxing method is created!"

"I believe that the day I comprehend the new Liushuiyan Shattering Fist is the time when I will break through the limit!"

"In addition, Your Majesty Saga, the brand new Flowing Water Rock Shattering Fist that incorporates the Breathing Technique will have almost no threshold for ordinary people. Even ordinary people with mediocre talents can use the complementary Breathing Technique and Flowing Water Rock Shattering Fist. Quickly enhance your physical fitness!"

"I think this is more important to His Majesty Saga than this old man's strength breakthrough!"

After Banggu finished speaking, Saga was ecstatic at first, then forcibly restrained the excitement in his heart, and said embarrassingly,

"What did Grandmaster Banggu say?"

"Valding's strength has become stronger, can't everyone become better!"

"Valding will have no limits!"

"Master Banggu, the future strength of the Valdin nationals will be entrusted to you,"

"Look, what's the status of the head coach of the three armies of Varding?".

Chapter [-]: The unexpected character brought back by the black pupil

"It's my honor to serve His Majesty!"

"Exactly, I haven't recruited disciples for a long time!"

Bang-gu smiled back.

Saga also burst into laughter!

After the development of the first generation of iq evolution potion, Saga's basic strength for the name of the country of Vardin has been improved - no longer worry about it!

Sooner or later, all the citizens of Vardin will have at least D-level combat power!

But from the D-level to a higher level, the strength is improved!

Saga thought about it for a long time, but has not been able to find a good way to quickly increase their combat power.

For D-level nationals, do C-level and B-level nationals provide high national strength?

Each level of lottery from S-level and above requires a lot of national strength, which is massive...?

Although the breathing method can continuously enhance the physical fitness of the controller!

But unless it is an extremely rare genius, it will take at least a few years for the average person, think-to go from a D-level to a C-level by breathing!

And from C-level to B-level, relying solely on breathing techniques, if one's own talent is not enough, it may be difficult for him to break through to B-level combat power for the rest of his life!

There are no more members of the ghost killing team in the ghost killing world!

But there are only a few column-level swordsmen!

Moreover, those pillar-level swordsmen have been the strongest generation of pillar-level swordsmen in the Ghost Killing Team for hundreds of years.

The ordinary citizens in the pirate world have good physical fitness.

But in fact, count all the humans in the entire pirate world, except for the giants!

The vast majority of ordinary people can have a C-level evaluation in their entire life, which is comparable to that of a lieutenant of the Navy Headquarters, which has some potential.

And there are not many people who can have the potential of B-level or above, and they can't find many people in the entire human world.

The pirate world is a world that pays attention to talent and blood!

It is difficult for people with insufficient talent and blood to become truly strong.

Therefore, after it was impossible to develop the second-generation iq human evolution medicine in a short period of time, Saga intentionally made Vardin's eyes turn to the new world!

Saga is not to kill those pirates in the new world, but for some powerful countries in the new world!

For example, the strongest kingdom in the world, Elbaf, the kingdom of giants!

As long as every giant is an adult, he can basically have a combat power close to B-rank!

If you have some more potential, with a little training, you can directly have a strength close to a.

It can be said that if the peak-peak combat power is not considered, the giant kingdom Elbaf is definitely the most powerful kingdom in the world!

Nothing else, because other people's soldiers are enough to become the middle and high-level combat power of the navy or pirates.

And the giant kingdom with the name of the kingdom has a small population!

But anyway, there must be close to [-] people...

Saga even suspects that all human beings except giants, including murlocs, do not necessarily have a combat power of about +[-] b-rank...

A navy officer with a combat power of around B-rank can usually manage more than a thousand people!

All the navies in the pirate world add up to a maximum of several million.

And if you count the whole pirate world, if there are more than [-] pirates with a reward of tens of millions, I am afraid that the navy and the whole world will be completely in chaos!

In the entire East China Sea, there are only a few pirates with a reward of tens of millions...

Tens of millions of pirates with bounties, even on the great route, are enough to be called well-known pirates!

As for the big pirates with a reward of hundreds of millions!

There are basically a few supernovae a year. . . .

And if Saga can find a way to regain the entire giant kingdom!

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