If nothing else, with the powerful strength of the giant clan, one hundred thousand giant clan may be enough to provide Saga with tens of millions of national strength every month.

The per capita strength of the giant clan is really too strong.

Saga has been thinking about ruling the giant family Elbaf for a long time!

But to regain the entire giant clan, it is not that simple!

The giants are famous for their brain axes...

Combat oppression in the conventional sense makes it almost impossible to regain the entire giant kingdom!

But now, if Banggu can find a way to integrate the breathing technique and the Flowing Water Rock Shattering Fist, even ordinary people with little talent can become stronger quickly by practicing the new Flowing Water Rock Shattering Fist!

Saga doesn't expect to have a few masters who can have S-level combat power of Liushuiyan Shattering Fist!

Being able to allow a large number of ordinary people without talent to improve from D-level to C-level through the cultivation of the brand-new Liushuiyan Shattering Fist is enough to satisfy Saga!

The per capita combat power of the giant clan is strong!

But how many giants are there?

Saga can't believe that the monthly national strength provided by the [*] million per capita C-rank Vardin nationals is not comparable to that of the giant kingdom of about [*] per capita B-ranked!

Besides, the giant population thought - it's not that easy to grow!

But ordinary human beings, as long as Vardin's strength gradually grows, and the constant subtle influence of Vardin's major alliance!

In a few years, it will not be a problem for Varding's population to directly exceed [*] million.

Saga's most optimistic population is always the human with the largest base.

Satisfied, Saga went to see Hei Tong directly after appointing Bang Gu as the head coach of the Warding Army.

A month has passed, in addition to thoroughly cleaning up the San Dora River, the excavation and circulation of the other canals and the work of afforestation are also going smoothly. Orochimaru on the floating island also directly sent [*] to [*] first. In addition to the IQ evolution potion, Hei Tong is back again!

This time, in addition to bringing the target fruit and animal vampire fruit to Saga, Hei Tong also brought two people directly to Saga!

One of them - one has taken the slow fruit of rebirth.


"It's trouble until the extraction technology of devil fruit is mastered!"

Saga murmured, and then looked at the weak girl brought up by Hei Tong, who was full of fear, but still showed a very strong and weak girl, Ke Ya!

"Did she actually eat the slow fruit?"

Saga scratched his head!

Even with the Compass of Destiny, there will always be many difficulties when searching for those Devil Fruits.

For example, I finally waited until the slowing fruit was reborn, and then determined its location, and as a result, I haven't waited to find it!

It has already been eaten by people...

Well, but fortunately, it was eaten by the weak Keya. If the person who ate it was a pirate and a navy, the most common thing to do on weekdays is to wander in the sea!

It would undoubtedly be more troublesome to find someone who took the slow fruit.

Saga is a little worried now. If a vicious pirate ate the slow fruit, Hei Tong would definitely chop it up without saying a word, and then wait for the rebirth to find it again!

But now a kind and innocent little girl has eaten the slow fruit!

Whether it's Saga or Hei Tong, it's hard to get rid of it!

Saga was still distressed, but Keya had gathered up the courage and said to Saga,

"Who are you, if you want to kidnap me,"

"The Navy will not let you go!"

In the East China Sea, Keya, who was weak and sick for many years, did not recognize Saga at all.

The four seas are the most powerful territory of the world government-government. The news of Vardin and Saga, the world government-government is now even more intentional to block the entire four seas!


"Sorry, I never thought of kidnapping you,"

"Also, the Navy?"

"I almost forgot, I am still the commander of the Walding Navy!"

Saga smiled gently at Keya, and then looked faintly at the housekeeper who was beside Keya, who was sweating coldly and trembling all over, and said in a deep voice,

"Perhaps you should also thank me,"

"If it weren't for me,"

"The housekeeper by your side who has never left,"

"But it won't be long before I plan to kill you and take all your property!"

"Are you right, Hundred Crow..."

Originally, the forehead was sweating constantly, and the trembling Baijie Crow quickly recovered his composure after Saga directly exposed his identity. Holding the knife, Keya, who was closest to him, said calmly,

"His Majesty King Val 573 Din, with great respect,"

"I'm just a little pirate,"

"I have absolutely no intention of offending your dignity,"

"Flea, you are willing to let me go, but you need Miss Keya to do something, I don't know anything, and I don't see anything, even if you want, I'm willing to return to Xiluobu Village for you and destroy it completely. That village!"

"I promise, no one will know that the disappearance of Miss Koya has nothing to do with the great Walding..."

Hundreds of tricks, Crowe finished calmly, and kept scolding in his heart!

He felt that he had also been out of luck for eight lifetimes!

He was coaxing the naive rich lady to sign a will and send her to die, but inexplicably, a woman who suddenly appeared knocked him and Keya unconscious, and after waking up, he appeared directly in In front of the king of the world's strongest kingdom Vardin!

The person who secretly took Keya and him turned out to be Valdin...

He's just a little pirate who offers a reward of [*] million to defraud his family and prepare to retire!

Why did he get involved in the secret operation of the strongest kingdom in the world...

The extremely intelligent Baiji Kloko did not give up the detection of external intelligence!

What Saga, the king of the world's strongest kingdom of Vardin, represents, a hundred thousand Ke Luo clearly knows...

A little pirate with a reward of [*] million appeared directly in front of the most powerful boss comparable to the five old stars of the world government. How can this be broken?

Hei Tong's strength has been seen in a hundred ways.

Only Ke Ya, who is weak and weak, is Baiji Keluo's only vitality at present.

No matter what Waldin secretly took Koya for.

But since Hei Tong didn't kill Keya and him on the way.

Then it is very likely that the living Koya is more valuable to Walding!

As for Baiji Clow himself.

He felt like he was an ass.

He only hoped that Saga could see Keya's value and let him go directly...

This is the best way he can think of so far! .

Chapter [*]: Brave Sea Warriors

"Mr. Crabattle, are you really a pirate and want to kill me?"

The strong Keya eyes filled with tears and said incredulously!

Hundreds of Crowes have always used the identity of Crabattle to gain Koya's trust.

"Enough, I don't have time to play the game of Miss Butler with you now, in front of the respected King Vardin!"

"Your Majesty Saga, I just want to get out of here safely!"

Baiji Ke Luo roared at Keya in a low voice, and the sharp knife in his hand directly cut through the skin on Keya's neck, causing blood to ooze out of Keya's neck!


The tingling brought Koya back to her composure!

Keya herself is an extremely strong girl.

"The legendary king of Vardin, is your Majesty Saga?"

"Thank you very much for bringing me here, and helping me see through the tricks of the pirate Chloe,"

"So, is there anything I can do to help you?

Koya said calmly to Sagar.

Just as Hundreds of Cleo knew that only Saga could decide his life and death, Keya also understood that the legendary King of Vardin could not only easily decide the life and death of Chloe, but also save her life in this crisis. !

"What a wise girl,"

"But the fruit of slowness is really a waste on you!"

Saga covered her head and sighed, and then glared at Baiji Keluo!

A powerful and incomparably powerful tyrannical arrogance rushed directly into Baiji Keluo's mind.

In the next instant, Baiji Keluo, who offered a reward of [*] million, had his eyes turned white and fainted!

If it was the previous Saga, just relying on the domineering arrogance of the overlord, it would be impossible for a well-known pirate like Baiji Keluo who offered a reward of tens of millions of Bailey to faint directly to the ground!

Not to mention precise control, it only deterred Baiji Crow.

In the world of pirates, it is difficult for even a red-haired person to directly knock down a pirate with a bounty of tens of millions of baileys simply by virtue of his arrogance.

After all, pirates with a reward of tens of millions of Baileys generally have a combat power of at least b-, which is comparable to the major of the Navy Headquarters!

If the overlord is domineering, it can directly deter the captain of the Navy Headquarters.

I'm afraid there is no need to fight at all!

Whitebeard is a domineering overlord, and it is estimated that there are only a few thousand of the [*] elites in the Navy headquarters.

But what red hair and white beard can't do doesn't mean Saga can't do it!

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