"Did they think we'd be like that bloody bastard Roger?"

"Well, well, let Vardin and the World Government be hostile to each other,"

"When they really go to war, it's the best time for us to take action together and divide up the world!"

laughed back.

The World Government-Government agents who came to Cake Island to persuade were directly taken away from their souls.

After the soul fragment of the nun Carmelite, who was hidden in the back of Vardin's mind, devoured the soul of Spandart, who intended to possess the body with the attached fruit and control this powerful body at the same time!

Eating disorder has not occurred for a long time, and at the same time, the whole person has also become a lot more treacherous.

He and Kaido directly rejected the so-called cooperation of the World Government-Government, and at the same time sent a message to the red-haired and white-bearded, inviting them to join hands, suppressing the naval headquarters and the Warding Navy's combat power.

In the new world, the navy is the common enemy of all pirates.

A few days later, even if Whitebeard and Red would know that Kaido and the former allied target were likely to be one of them.

But without hesitation, he dispatched a large amount of combat power, together with the Pirates and Kaido Pirates, to attack at the same time, suppressing the Navy Headquarters and the Walding Navy!

'The newly built G7G8 branch of the Navy Headquarters in the New World was directly destroyed by the destruction of the Whitebeard Pirates.

The G5G6 branch was also attacked by the Red Hair Pirates and suffered heavy casualties!

The G5G6 base branch chiefs of the original navy all died in the battle. The G6 branch had to be abolished because of too many casualties. After the G5 branch also had too many casualties, a large number of naval elites had to be urgently dispatched to join, and Vergo started to serve as the G5 base. the head of the branch.

Whitebeard personally attacked Admiral Akainu, and Admiral Aokiji was forced to retreat under the coercion of Red Hair.

As for Karp?After three days and three nights of fighting with Da-, he finally chose to retreat.

...for flowers 0??-

drag on some time, karp is enough to beat o

But it's not just one person, Dessert Four Stars and the eldest son Perospero have extremely powerful combat power.

The strength of the navy headquarters is far more than that of one four imperial regiment, but in the face of three four imperial regiments joining forces, they can only choose to hide among the top-ranked G-level branches.

It is impossible to expand at all.

Sengoku and Kiabou must stay at the naval headquarters.

As for the Walding Navy?

When they entered the new world for the first time, they directly encountered the attack of the Beast Pirates under the Four Emperor Kaido!

But the Walding Navy did not retreat!

The newly appointed Admiral Fujitora of the Walding Navy directly showed the peak combat power of the sea. He fought with Kaido Moose for a day, and followed Fujitora to the new world. Ghost Webber and the strange monk Wuerji and others also showed extremely powerful combat power at the same time, directly holding back the three disasters of the Beast Pirates and a large number of top-level real fights!

As for basic combat power?

The breathing method is fully open, and the six types of navy and the two-color domineering information can be consulted at will, and one manpower is available.

The first generation of iq evolution potions, each of which has undergone several mirror trials, and the Waldin Navy elite who went to the new world with automatic weapons at the same time completely crushed the Beast Pirates!

If it weren't for the fact that there are a large number of artificial devil fruit capable people in the Beast Pirates and Kaido earned a lot of Bailey by selling Hailou stone weapons, they would also equip the Beast Pirates with a lot of advanced equipment!

The Beast Pirates can be directly defeated by the Walding Navy in one fell swoop!

The battle continued for a day and a night, and before the support of Esdes and Vardin arrived, Kaido and the Beast Pirates withdrew from the battlefield!

But the Walding Navy also did not make another major advance because of the threat of the other Four Emperor Pirates!

In addition to keeping several G-class branches in the New World like the Navy Headquarters, there are three Warding Naval Branches 001 to 003 in the New World.

The rest of the Walding navy has also returned to the Great Route!

Saga doesn't want to die with the Four Emperors now.

If Vardin and the Four Emperors were defeated, only the World Government would be happy.

As for the massive population and land in the New World?

Saga said that today's tens of millions of people in Vardin, as well as a large number of non-world government countries in the Varding Alliance, are enough for Saga to develop T!

Not to mention, after Jinping and Shaoxing led a large number of murloc elites to thoroughly clean up the beasts in the San Dora River.

The first batch of [-] murlocs have settled in the San Dora River!

Nominally, these [-] murlocs are now also citizens of Saga.

The national strength that the murlocs can provide is much higher than that of ordinary citizens.

A new month has arrived.three.

Chapter [-]: S-class character card, head coach of the Warding Armies?

[The host currently rules the kingdom: Waldin Kingdom]

[The land area is [-] million square kilometers, including [-] square kilometers of Valdin Island and [-] square kilometers of Santin Island! 】

[The population of the kingdom is [-] million, the comprehensive evaluation of the strongest person in the kingdom is s+, the average evaluation of the kingdom’s people is e, and the comprehensive evaluation of the kingdom’s national strength is a+.]

[Currently, the host can provide [-] points of national strength every month! 】

[In addition to the balance of last month, the host currently has a total of [-] points of national strength! 】

"Is it a direct increase of nearly [-] points of national strength compared to last month?"

"Sure enough, quantitative changes are enough to cause qualitative changes,"

"It's just that the average evaluation of the people of the kingdom is only e? It seems that the potential of the [-] million Vardin citizens is far from being developed to the limit!"

Saga looked at the millions of national power points lying quietly on his system panel with a smile on his face, and then said decisively,

"System, give me an S-level lottery!"

[The consumption of national strength is [-] million points, and the remaining national strength of the host is [-] points! 】

[Congratulations to the host for winning the s-level prize, originating from a certain boxing country? The character card of the family, the martial arts master Bang Gu! 】

"The martial arts master in One Punch Man, Banggu, the third-ranked S-class hero?"

"Did the Kingdom of Vardin lack top-level combat power, so a martial arts master Banggu came directly?"

"Sure enough, the system still "zero-one-seven" is very kind to me!"

Saga Light - nodded lightly, and then used the character card directly!

The next moment, an old man with white hair and a hunched figure appeared directly in front of Saga.

Banggu activity-movement? He groaned and said in a low voice,

"A whole new world?"

"Although there are no weirdos,"

"However, there are still many monsters in the new world!"

"Old man Bangu, I have seen His Majesty Saga!"

Banggu activity - After the activity, he bowed slightly to Saga and said with a smile.

"Master Banggu, Vardin and I will ask you for the future!"

Saga did not despise Bang Gu because of his old age, but instead treated Bang Gu with the attitude of treating the top s+ level powerhouses!


Strength: s

physique: s

Agility: s

spirit-spirit: s+

Possess ability: Grandmaster-level Liushuiyan Shattering Fist, Hundreds of martial arts

Comprehensive evaluation.s

Serving as a great master in the martial arts world, Bang Gu realized Liushuiyan Shattering Fist to the realm of transformation. In terms of martial arts alone, there are very few people in the whole world who can surpass him.

And his aged body also contains an incomparably powerful force. When he bursts out with all his strength, the whole world will tremble for it!

Although Banggu's comprehensive evaluation is only s due to his physical fitness, his extraordinary martial skills still have the combat power when he bursts out with all his strength.

Saga even suspects that the casual s+ may not be the opponent of the full-fledged Bang Gu!

Banggu, who has mastered the Chief K Rock Crushing Fist to the Taro Transformation Realm, will at least not lose when facing ordinary S+ powerhouses.

Flowing Water Rock Shattering Fist is a top-level boxing technique that focuses on defense, and then looks for fighters from defense to lethal blows.

"Master Banggu, this is the domineering information that this Varding currently has, as well as some training methods for physical skills and breathing methods,"

"I just don't know if these can help you improve your strength!"

Saga directly handed over the domineering training materials currently owned by Vardin, as well as the Navy's Six Forms and Breathing Techniques, directly to Banggu!

As a master of martial arts, Banggu has already realized his martial arts to the limit of human beings in the world of One Punch Man.

Except for a certain bald-headed demon king who has already opened the human body limiter, Banggu is almost at the pinnacle of pure human martial arts!

But the world and human beings have limits.

In the one-punch world, unless Bang-gu is willing to be weird, Bang-gu's strength will only gradually diminish as he ages.

And if he can integrate the martial arts data of several worlds, and in a brand new world, Banggu might be able to quickly break through his own limitations and reach a brand new field!

"Are there any training materials in the new world?"

"The cultivation of martial arts will never end!"

Bang Gu directly glanced at the bi-color domineering information, and then said in a low voice,

"Almost perfect fusion of heart and body, domineering, this kind of east-west, it's really amazing!"

After Bang Gu finished speaking, a thin layer of armed domineering appeared quietly on the top of his arms and arms, and then quickly became rich, and at the same time, a powerful domineering arrogance swept over Saga directly.

"It's just a pity, although domineering is powerful, it is always a skill, not a technique. Domineering relies on the body and mind, but the body and mind cannot grow because of the use of domineering!"

Bang Gu sighed regretfully, and then directly dispelled his armed domineering and seeing domineering.

In the world of pirates, there is hardly any systematic training method that can make human beings grow stronger from weak to strong!

Whether it is two-color domineering, or Navy Six-style.

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