Some world government countries and non-world government countries on countless great routes have also begun to quietly make contact with the Walding Navy.

In particular, those non-world government-government countries have long lived in dire straits and are waiting for the rescue of the Walding Navy.

The navy of the World Government will not care about the countries that are not members of the World Government.

Except for some non-world government-affiliated countries that are particularly powerful in their own right, almost all non-world government-affiliated countries have become paradises for pirates and lawbreakers.

But now, just by nominally joining the Walding Alliance, without paying expensive gold, the Walding navy can constantly patrol the waters of these non-world government-affiliated countries, fight pirates and land operations at the same time. Fight against those lawless elements in countries that are not affiliated to the World Government, and even more, Waldin also continuously brings in food to finance the civilians of those countries that are not affiliated to the World Government.

For a time, a large number of non-world government countries joined the Walding Alliance.

The consequence of this is that the current strength of the Walding Navy, even after it has been streamlined, is completely insufficient.

Exactly, the [*] soldiers that Saga has already collected are just ready to be used!

The portal with mirrors and the elites of the Murloc Legion guard the entrance of the San Dora River, and under the prestigious name of Vardin in the whole world, the pirates who dare to come to Alabasta to loot have become extremely rare.

At the same time, the public security situation in Alabasta has also been greatly improved under the circumstance that the Grand Canal has been gradually dug and sufficient food supplies have been continuously delivered by Saga.

Everyone eats and drinks, and there are always a few who commit crimes.

Saga left [*] of the [*] collected troops, plus Anilu, and [*] Vardin veterans led by the ghost Akin as the guard and the security force.

Huang Yuchu cut down [*] soldiers, and Saga decided that after letting them all train hard for a month, he would directly let them join the Warding Navy, and go with Esdes and others to hunt them down. Those pirates, at the same time guard the tranquility of one side of the sea.

The Walding Alliance is about Saga's annexation of those countries after Saga, and it is also about the growth of Saga's national strength.

After joining Vardin in name on Fishman Island, Saga found that as long as a murloc recognized Saga and Vardin's rule from the bottom of his heart, even if he was a member of the Dragon Palace Kingdom, he could also provide Saga with national strength. .

The east-west of the national strength value comes from the heart. As long as people from other countries in name only have Vardin in their hearts and recognize Saga's rule, they can also provide national strength value for Saga.

Like a loyal spy in another country.

This is the main reason why Saga decided to vigorously develop the Walding Alliance, and at the same time spare no expense in supporting and subsidizing those countries that are not members of the World Government.

The kings of the non-world government-affiliated countries knew that they only nominally joined Vardin and nominally obeyed Vardin's rule, but the nationals of the non-world government-joined countries were protected by the Vardin navy and at the same time. After getting the food given by Vardin, they don't think so.

They can only take pride in being Waldin.

In order to strengthen the Varding Alliance, let more non-world government countries join Vardin.

The strength of the Walding navy must continue to grow.

The turbulent sea and countless islands in the pirate world are destined to be the most important force in the world.

Varding's strength continues to grow, and the appearance of the Varding Alliance shocked the entire sea!

In the hearts of all those with a little knowledge, they began to cry out madly,

"Valding Major League?"

"Is this about re-forming a world government?"

"Is this world really going to change?"

At the same time, the so-called Grand Alliance was founded by Vardin, and at the same time, the World Government and the Navy Headquarters that were not members of the World Government-Government countries were constantly being accepted, and the atmosphere became inexplicably tense. .

Chapter [*] The response of the five old stars

"Valding Major League?"

"Today is just an alliance, should it be renamed the Walding Coalition Government tomorrow?"

The bearded five old star said quietly.

The significance of Saga's formation of the Vardin Alliance is obvious, directly targeting the world government!

When enough countries join the Vardin Alliance, it is not impossible for Saga to turn around and directly reorganize a world government.

"Is it important?"

"Isn't Vardin's ambition exposed long ago?"

The curly-haired Wu Laoxing glanced at the blond silver dragon Wu Laoxing and said calmly.

The curly-haired five-stars who had already known Saga and Vardin's ambitions were not surprised and angry at all because of the appearance of the Varding League, not to mention that surprise and anger were meaningless to Vardin at this time.

"Ignore them,"

"Sir Im will settle everything sooner or later!"

"What's more, the people who joined the Walding Alliance now are just some garbage from non-world government-government countries."

The blond silver dragon five old star replied indifferently.

Some of the countries that have joined the Walding Alliance at present are just some non-world government member countries with weak national strength who cannot afford the gold in the sky.

Those non-world government-government countries that are truly powerful enough to defend themselves against pirates and the world government's allied countries will not rashly join the so-called Walding Alliance when the dust has not settled.

Of course, there are quite a few World Government members who have secretly contacted Vardin.

However, there is not a single one of the world government-affiliated countries that have officially joined the Walding Alliance.

"But if those countries that are not members of the World Government are integrated, they will still be a powerful force!"

"Do we need to figure out a way to knock-down this sea?"

Some bald five old stars suggested.

Can't deal with Vardin, can't deal with those weak non-world government countries?

The power of the world government-government is extremely powerful.

"But if we were to do it ourselves, it would easily lead to a conflict with Vardin,"

"Master Yim doesn't want to consume too much energy when the so-called era has not yet come!"

Yinlong Wu Laoxing frowned and said in a low voice.

"Of course we didn't do it ourselves!"

The bald five old stars smiled mysteriously,

"I will send someone to contact Vinsmoke Gage of Germa 66 Kingdom. Hasn't he always wanted to revive Gilma and rule the North Sea again?"

"As long as he sweeps away those garbage countries who think they can get security by joining the Walding Alliance, we can promise him that he will not interfere in his wars against the rest of the kingdoms in the North Sea in the future!"

"Germa 66?"

"It's easy to destroy those non-world government countries with their power!"

"But if Germa is allowed to rule the North Sea again,"

"This will also affect the balance of the entire sea!"

Silver Dragon Five Old Stars whispered.

Weakened a Vardin, and supported a Germa, which seemed to make no difference to the world government.

"Hmph, if Germa can really pacify those countries that dare to join Vardin, we can certainly promise him not to interfere with his attack on the rest of the North Sea kingdoms!"

"But the premise of all this is that the kingdom of Germa can finally continue to exist under the vengeance of Vardin!

That's a bit too much.

"What do you think of Vardin's formation of the Vardin Grand Alliance and the admission of those non-world government-government countries?"

Warring States asked in a deep voice.

Although the world government - the government has control over the navy.

But as almost the most powerful violent gang in the entire pirate world, the relationship between the Navy and the World Government-Government has always been quite delicate.

When the navy is weak and the character of the marshal of the navy headquarters is weak, the navy will listen more to the orders of the world government.

But if the navy is strong enough, and the character of the marshal of the navy headquarters is strong enough.

Without selling the face of the World Government and the Five Old Stars, the Five Old Stars really have no good way to deal with the Navy.

Strength is the foundation of this sea.

"What do I think?"

"I'm sleeping?"

Garp was snoring, and the snot bubbles that came out of his nose became bigger and bigger, until after reaching the limit, it exploded and woke Garp from his sleep!

"Who dares to steal my senbei?"

Garp said confusedly, and then looked at the livid face of the Warring States Period and the wonderful expressions of many admirals, and finally came back to his senses, and then his face was solemn, and he said in a deep voice,

"What does the establishment of the Walding Alliance have to do with our navy?"

"It is their own choice for those countries that are not members of the World Government to join Vardin, and it has nothing to do with the navy!"

"Remember, we are the Navy. We have only one responsibility, to fight criminals and enforce justice!"

After Garp finished speaking, Kizaru had a lazy face, as if he didn't care, Akainu snorted coldly, and Aokiji nodded lightly, only the Warring States period had a complicated expression.

"Okay, okay, it's okay to drive here,"

"In the sea? There are still a lot of pirates waiting for us to catch!"

...for flowers???0

That's a bit too much.

"What do you think of Vardin's formation of the Vardin Grand Alliance and the admission of those non-world government-government countries?"

Warring States asked in a deep voice.

Although the world government - the government has control over the navy.

But as almost the most powerful violent gang in the entire pirate world, the relationship between the Navy and the World Government-Government has always been quite delicate.

When the navy is weak and the character of the marshal of the navy headquarters is weak, the navy will listen more to the orders of the world government.

But if the navy is strong enough, and the character of the marshal of the navy headquarters is strong enough.

Without selling the face of the World Government and the Five Old Stars, the Five Old Stars really have no good way to deal with the Navy.

Strength is the foundation of this sea.

"What do I think?"

"I'm sleeping?"

Garp was snoring, and the snot bubbles that came out of his nose became bigger and bigger, until after reaching the limit, it exploded and woke Garp from his sleep!

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