"Who dares to steal my senbei?"

Garp said confusedly, and then looked at the livid face of the Warring States Period and the wonderful expressions of many admirals, and finally came back to his senses, and then his face was solemn, and he said in a deep voice,

"What does the establishment of the Walding Alliance have to do with our navy?"

"It is their own choice for those countries that are not members of the World Government to join Vardin, and it has nothing to do with the navy!"

"Remember, we are the Navy. We have only one responsibility, to fight criminals and enforce justice!"

After Garp finished speaking, Kizaru had a lazy face, as if he didn't care, Akainu snorted coldly, and Aokiji nodded lightly, only the Warring States period had a complicated expression.

"Okay, okay, it's okay to drive here,"

"In the sea? There are still a lot of pirates waiting for us to catch!"

...for flowers???0

After Karp finished speaking, he didn't know where to find it - a bag of senbei came, and Kacha Kacha took a big mouthful - and ate it.

The rest of the admirals left slowly, and the third admiral of the navy also looked at Sengoku's face and left the conference room with a shrewd vein!

It's just that before they could go far, the angry roar of the Warring States period and the sound of the iron fist beating directly spread all around,

"Kapp you bastard!,,

The Warring States Erquan hammered Gongpu's head, and then angrily grabbed the few remaining senbei in Garp's hand, and poured all of them directly into his mouth!

"You leave me some

Garp stepped forward to grab the piano, but it was too late, and all the remaining senbei were eaten by Sengoku.

After eating the senbei and joking, Sengoku asked Garp in a serious tone,

"What the hell are you thinking about?"

"Are we really going to sit back and watch Vardin?"

Sengoku saw some anomalies in Garp to Vardin.

Warring States did not forget that d also existed in Garp's name.

"I don't know if Varding's appearance is a good thing or a bad thing!"

"Perhaps Vardin will eventually lead to a truly brutal war!"

"But everything that Vardin does now, before that war comes, is it wrong?"

Garp replied in a low voice with the same solemnity.

Taking in refugees, forming a navy, and fighting pirates, even if Vardin formed the Vardin Grand Alliance, the reason why those countries that are not members of the World Government are willing to join the Vardin Grand Alliance is also because Saga not only does not charge their expensive heavenly gold, Also willing to fund the protection of civilians in those countries for free.

Karp didn't think Vardin had done anything wrong.

Even now, Karp's heart has begun to loosen.

With the combat power that Vardin has shown now, if you add Garp and the navy who are willing to follow Garp, there is already a chance to overthrow world politics.

Mansion, destroy those cancers of the Tianlong people.


"Is this world just about right and wrong?"

"You should know, what are the consequences of letting Vardin continue to grow?"

"It is very likely that it will be a terrifying war with countless casualties and enough to spread to the whole world!

"A lot of people will die!"

Sengoku roared in a low voice.

"Is there no dead people in the whole world every day now?"

"Everyone is mortal!"

"If those who died can bring a bright future to the next generation,"

"Those sacrifices will be worth it!"

Karp replied firmly.

Hearing the words of the Warring States period, Wei-wei was stunned, and looked at Karp deeply,

"Do you know what you're talking about?"

"You suddenly look a little like Roger now!"

"The d family are all bastards!"

The Warring States were angry.

He had already seen some thoughts in Karp's heart.

"Yeah, the D family is the natural enemy of God!"

Karp sneered and replied,

"Not to mention the World Government? Those old folks in the government don't care about Vardin now,"

"What are we worried about now?"

Garp picked his nose,

"Hey, Sengoku, leave the future to the times!"

"The times will give us the right answer!"

After Karp finished speaking, he wiped his hands on himself indiscriminately, then took out a bag of senbei, and began to gulp it out..

"Asshole Karp

The scolding of the Warring States Period once again spread throughout the entire conference room!talent.

Chapter [*] Mad Scientist

"For the time being, I don't care about the research on Hao Shui and fierce medicine, but the iq evolution potion that can only evolve physical fitness to D level is still too weak. I hope that in the future, you will be able to develop enough for the citizens of Vardin to quickly evolve to c. A level B or even a level B evolution potion!"

"Haven't the beasts on the floating island basically reached the B rank after taking a lot of iq plants?"

Saga asked about Orochimaru and Doctor Fashion.

D-level citizens still provide too little national strength for Saga every month!

If one day, all the tens of millions of people in Varding today can reach the C-level or even the B-level.

Only the national strength that Nasaga gets every month can take off directly.

After Saga finished speaking, Orochimaru and Dr. Fashion gently shook their heads,

"If you don't consider the abnormality of body shape and abnormality of mind, simply make biological weapons,"

"Both I and Fashion can directly evolve a human into a B-rank or even stronger existence with the help of iq potion in a short period of time!"

"But such an existence can only become an indistinguishable combat weapon!"

"The evolution of the human body is a comprehensive and long process, and a powerful body must also be controlled by a corresponding spirit!"

"A simple evolutionary body can only be reduced to a deformed and violent monster!"

"Sorry, Your Majesty 28, in a short period of time, we are afraid that it will be difficult for us to develop an evolution potion that will allow the citizens to evolve to C-level or even B-level without any side effects!"

After listening to Saga, he sighed.

He suddenly remembered that the fierce beasts on the floating island that had been cultivated by the golden lions for twenty years were powerful, but after taking a lot of iq to evolve, although they did gain a lot of power, they also lost a lot of sanity at the same time.

"If the iq evolution potion is difficult to optimize and improve in a short time, let's put it for a while,"

"Just, I want to know, what is the monthly output of the first generation of iq evolution potions?"

"It's just Varding,"

"Gelmarco never feared war!"

After Reiju finished speaking, Gage's other three children, Igniji and Yuji, laughed and laughed.

Having lost most of their emotions, they didn't even fear death, and they didn't care about Vardin at all.

Even they knew that Germa would not be a match for Vardin.

"Hahaha, they're right, Germa never fears war!"

"But before we revive Germa, we can't just die in such a senseless way!"

"Leiju go and negotiate with the king of Vardin!"

"Tell him that the world government intends to hire us to destroy those non-world government-government countries!"

"But we can work together in secret," he said.

"As long as he gives up some weak countries,"

"Let Germa 66 grow,"

"In return,"

"Germa 66 is willing to contribute the great power of Germa 66 to Varding at a critical moment!"

Vinsmoke Gage said with a big smile.

In exchange for the destruction of some weak non-world government-government allies in exchange for the secret joining of the powerful Germa 66.

This deal is a good deal anyway.

As for the so-called critical moment, will Vinsmoke Gage really help Vardin?

This, who knows?

Bovins grassy sound Jiazhi ITT+zhzhongkouBYuebaiyiaccount c

Bronze is stupid only when the entire sea merchant's is completely in chaos, when Vardin and the world government really go to war!

Only Germa 66 has enough time and opportunity to unify the North Sea and make Germa 66 revitalized again.

Vinsmoke Leiju nodded secretly, then set off quickly.

At the same time, the entire kingdom of Germa began to mobilize at the same time, and began to leave for the first half of the great route!

As a country living on a giant snail boat, Germa 66 has no fixed country, but at the same time it has acquired an incomparably powerful mobility.

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