However, in front of Waldin soldiers who were fully armed and equipped with automatic rifles.

What happened to the Santola Tuatara!

Lizard leather bags are still very good.

Lizard meat is barely edible.

Alabasta and many countries in the pirate world are not picky eaters.

When there is not enough food to eat, lizard meat is also meat, not meat.

Time passed quietly, and in the blink of an eye, a new month has come again.

[The host currently rules the kingdom: Waldin Kingdom]

[The land area is [-] million square kilometers, including [-] square kilometers of Valdin Island and [-] square kilometers of Santin Island! 】

[The population of the kingdom is [-] million, the comprehensive evaluation of the strongest in the kingdom is s+, the average evaluation of the people of the kingdom is e-, and the comprehensive evaluation of the kingdom's national strength is a.]

[Currently, the host can provide [-] points of national strength every month! 】

Saga looked at the full [-] points of national strength lying quietly on his system panel, swallowed, and then still used great perseverance to prevent himself from directly taking a wave of A-rank five consecutive draws!

The remaining [-] points of national strength from last month were reserved for this month.

If it takes a few months to collect [-] million national strength for the next S-level lottery, Saga is of course reluctant.

But if it only takes two months for the first-second S-level lottery to be held, Saga is of course willing to wait.

Saga closed the system interface, then looked at the black pupil in front of him who was chewing on a small cookie, rubbed her little head, and said softly,

"Hei Tong, have you worked hard this month?.,"

"The land shouldn't need rain too badly next," he said.

"But, I'm sorry, I can't let you rest!"

In Alabasta, there is no need for the black pupil to control the golden lion and Nami and others to fly everywhere in the sky to rain.

Kuroko and Artoria will continue their hunt for Vardin.

With the Destiny Compass and the mobility of the Golden Lion, it would be a waste to collect some of the world's top Devil Fruits without relying on the Destiny Compass.

"Target fruit, Tuntun fruit and Menmen fruit are likely to have been reborn,"

"I need your help finding them!"

Saga said to Hei Tong in a deep voice.

Vanderdeaken IX became a dead fish, and the target fruit would naturally be reborn on the sea.

The target fruit that can deliver the huge Noah's boat crash-hitting Fishman Island, if developed properly, is also a terrifying and strategically significant devil fruit.

As for Tuntun Fruit and Doormen Fruit?

As early as last month, "Wapol, the king of Mu of the Drum Kingdom, fell to his death in the palace because he was walking carelessly.

Of course, Wapol's death has absolutely nothing to do with the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

When the Seven Ninja Swordsmen went to the Seven Waters to obtain the drawings of Hades, the CP members lurking in the Seven Waters were also the hunting targets of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

In particular, Bruno, the owner of the door fruit in CP, is the key hunting target of the seven people of the ninja sword.

As for the final result of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen?

Of course, cp is completely destroyed.

Although Kalifa looks good, her figure is not bad!

But sorry, Lin Yanyu Yuli, who was in charge of the action, was also a woman.

And the so-called strongest genius of CP in the past [-] years, Rob Luqi with the potential of a general?

Although Saga regretted his potential, as a secret agent cultivated by the World Government since childhood, he also likes Rob Ludge who kills legally.

Although Saga has the confidence to attract Rob Luqi and others through a series of designs, it is too troublesome and too dangerous.

After being betrayed and removed by the World Government, he can still return under the orders of the World Government, and join the cpO, fulfilling all the orders of the Tianlong people without mercy, thinking that the Tianlong people are God Rob Luqi, Sa Jia is not sure that it will be completely recovered in a short period of time.

The brainwashing training carried out by the world government from childhood to adulthood is not fake.

Since it is difficult to recover (it's good), Saga naturally won't keep Rob Luigi to block himself.

In order to obtain Rob Luqi, who had been abandoned by Hades for several years in the capital of seven waters, even if his talent is extraordinary, he still has the combat power close to the elite lieutenant general of the A-class naval headquarters, but the genius ninja among the seven ninja swordsmen Under the A+ Grade Ghost Lantern Full Moon's Double Swords? Fresh Carp, Rob Lu Qi finally died on the spot, adding a lot of energy to Double Swords and Fresh Butterfly.

Rob Luigi is not like the protagonist Luffy who can break through in battle.

The enemy, of course, should be solved as soon as possible when they are weak, and we have to wait until the enemy has developed into a general combat power before trying to find a way to deal with it. That is not to block yourself, is it?

Of course, in order to get rid of Rob Luqi and others, it was also the main reason why the Seven Ninja Swordsmen were exposed in the Seven Waters.

Just by taking Franky away, the Seven Ninja Swordsmen can completely be a silent dragon.

But if you want to get rid of all the CPs by the way, then the movement will not be small.

Black pupil nodded obediently, then formed a hunting duo with Artoria, and started to set off again.

And after the black pupil set off, Saga looked at the Alabasta nationals who had basically recognized his rule, and finally paid attention to the hundreds of thousands of royal troops left by Alabasta who had dug the canal for a whole month and hundreds of thousands more. Wan's rebel army began to streamline and incorporate.

Vardin needs more troops! .

Chapter [-] Reorganization of the world government?

But before the citizens of Alabasta have returned to their hearts, rashly recruiting and arming millions of Alabasta soldiers, even if Saga has enough strength to suppress all dissatisfaction, it is still too dangerous.

Saga didn't want to give those soldiers in Alabasta the automatic rifle, breathing method, and various benefits. He turned around, and the former king's army and the rebel army, who were conscious of their strength, directly joined hands and thought. ? To overthrow - overthrow Saga's rule.

However, under the one-month construction of the canal and the earth-shaking changes that have taken place in Alabasta, Saga believes that the large number of troops left behind can now be basically trusted!

If the citizens can eat well, dress warmly, and see hope in the future, who would be willing to raise their heads to start a rebellion?

The Neferutali family is completely gone.

Although Vivi and Kobra Saga didn't deal with them, they also sent them to Vardin Island along with Kosha, Jackal Gaka, Falcon Bell and others.

Cobra has no idea of ​​regaining the throne again, he is well aware of Vardin's power.

But as long as Cobra and Kosha remained in Alabasta for a day, those who had served Cobra and Kosha would always have other ideas.

Saga hates trouble.

Cobra indifferently began living a life of seclusion on Walding Island, and fell in love with fishing.

Cobra, who has always lived in Alabasta, has almost never experienced the joy of fishing.

Weiwei and Falcon Bell quietly accompanied Kobra, and Kosha, for Weiwei's sake, also let go of everything and started to live a dull life.

They also know exactly what happened in Alabasta in the past month or so.


As long as the citizens of Alabasta truly enjoy a happy and stable life.

Then everything in the past, in the eyes of Kobra and Kosha, is no longer important.

Kobra and Kosha really have always had a heart to save all the citizens of Alabasta.

Although, they cannot save Alabasta at all with their abilities.

The more than [-] king's army and the more than one million rebel army were disbanded by Sagar and more than half.

Alabasta, which is in ruins, still needs a lot of labor to work.

As for the remaining [-] soldiers who had passed the preliminary assessment of Saga in their abilities and character, they were directly recruited by Saga and became Vardin's current standing army.

°Alabasta had a standing army of [-] people.

The standing army that Vardin had after he ruled St.tin Island and Vardin Island was naturally no less than [-].

What's more, Vardin created his own navy.

Vardin Island has become Vardin's naval headquarters and weapons center. Several small steel warships are launched directly every day. At the same time, every day, there are also a large number of guns and ammunition, which are continuously produced.

Beneath the Walding, Tony's steel factory, is constantly expanding.

The Walding Navy, which has superior weapons and combat power, is of course the best choice to miniaturize the warships and then reduce the number of troops in the case of insufficient personnel.

It takes enough steel and materials to build a large steel warship of the Navy Headquarters to build ten small steel warships.

Each small steel battleship could only carry eight guns and the Waldin Navy had no more than a hundred men.

However, when patrolling the sea area and attacking pirates, ten small steel battleships that were equipped with automatic rifles and high-performance cannons and whose combat power was not weakened, played a much stronger role than the large battleships of the Navy headquarters. .

After Tony upgraded the flintlock pistol commonly used in the pirate world into an automatic rifle, he directly upgraded the cannon of the Walding navy to the top level of the pirate world.

Due to the magnetic field, weather and the subconscious blockade of the world government, the civilization process between islands and islands is completely different.

The backward kingdoms that use cold weapons and the advanced kingdoms that are technologically advanced enough to breed clones, transform humans, etc., exist at the same time.

In the pirate world, some island countries and world governments with a relatively high degree of civilization evolution, their real technological development level is only slightly behind the Blue Star I of the [-]nd century.

Even in some respects, it is slightly more than that.

Relying on the powerful strength of the soldiers and advanced weapons and equipment, the Vardin Navy made a splash in the first half of the great route.

Often a small steel battleship with no more than [-] people on board would dare to chase a large pirate group with nearly [-] people head on.

Of course, in the face of those big pirates with a bounty of more than [-] million or even over [-] million, the Walding Navy will naturally choose to report the information, or gather a large number of small steel warships and the elite Walding Navy to forcibly besiege them, or Apply directly for support from Admiral Vardin.

Among the generals guarding Vardin now, apart from Li Locke and the ghost man Ajin, who are stationed in Alabasta along with Saga, Thor Anilu is guarding outside Vardin.

The lion king Saros, the lion king, and the war ghost Webber, who have become the king of the beasts of the emperor, and the monster monk Ulki, all joined the Valdine navy along with Esdes. position of lieutenant general.

Even among the top ten swordsmen of the pillar country, except for Guo Yuanyi, the other nine swordsmen of the pillar country also joined the Walding Navy after all the members of the Great Advancement of Strength reached at least A-level combat power.

Whether it is Alabasta or Valdin Island, a lot of Hades cannons are placed as defensive weapons, and they have obtained teleportation-mobility ability in Saga. Fighting the Four Emperors does not require a lot of top-level combat power as protection.

Instead, they need to start going out to sea, constantly showing Vardin's strength on the sea, and also in the battle, let them continue to improve.

Staying in Vardin Island and Alabasta for the time being, there is no battle - fighting can help them quickly improve their strength.

The Trial of the Mirror is limited by Bray's (ciaf) strength, and it still cannot play a role in tempering the combat power of A-rank and above.

Twelve super-strength Vice Admirals Vardin, plus the name of the Queen of Ice, Admiral Esdes, who had defeated the Four Emperor Kaido head-on, and in just one or two months, they were easily one after another. Catch several big pirates with a bounty of over [-] million, and show the terrifying combat power of the newly promoted Admiral Fujitora of Walding.


The combat power of the Walding navy shook the entire great route.

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