
The astonishing power shown by Vardin directly surpassed the imagination of the vast majority of ordinary people present!

"Damn, what are the Vardin people doing here?"

"Does it want to help the rebels?"

"Damn, go on like this? There's no way to complete the boss's plan!"

"Anyway, the boss's plan must be completed!"

What Von Krei had to do was to lead the remaining rebels and the king's army to the square in Albana after the king's army and the rebel army had consumed part of it, and then detonated the bombs, which would lead the king's army and the rebel army to the square. Destroy them all!

Of course, before they were all wiped out, the shemale Von Clay wouldn't mind following Crocodile's bad taste and making them completely desperate before they died!

Fight with the belief to save the country, but in the end, the whole country is brought into the abyss step by step!

This is only 4.6 is the real despair.

Cobra, who was pretending to be the ladyboy Von Clay, recognized the ability of the Fluttering Fruit!

Vardin once used the power of the fluttering fruit to add a lot of land to Vardin in a short period of time.

The leader of the rebel army, Kosha, also recognized the origin of the floating island. Kosha's face was solemn. He had never invited Vardin to help.

"Is it here to help Cobra?"

"But, we can't stand it anymore, no one can stop us from saving Alabasta!"

Kosha - always thought that the purpose of the rebel army he led was just to save the country.

There was a flash of determination in the eyes of Von Krei and Kosha at the same time, and they just wanted to order the king's army and the rebel army to ignore the floating island and continue to fight!

The next moment, several figures with a huge mirror inserted directly into the center of the king's army and the rebel army's position!

Then, the mirror floated like water waves, and a large number of soldiers from the Valdin Kingdom appeared directly on the battlefield with uniform steps!

At the same time, above the sky, many powerhouses of Saga and Vardin stepped on the void and walked down step by step!

"I'm here to end this war!"

"Alabasta is up to me to save!"

Saga finished speaking loudly, the next moment,

The sky is moving, the rain is pouring! .

Chapter [*] The approaching truth

The rain was pouring down, and neither the king's army nor the rebel army wanted to take shelter from the rain. Instead, they silently dropped their weapons and just looked up blankly to meet the long-lost rain.

They have no reason to fight.

"The king of the strongest kingdom in the world?"

"And save the whole of Alabasta?"

"Such a miracle is an exaggeration!"

Kosha smiled bitterly, Saga, who can control the rainfall, is undoubtedly the savior of Alabasta today!

On the floating island behind Saga, Nami also has a large number of meteorology doctors, who are trying to control the surrounding weather and attract the arrival of water vapor.

Of course Saga doesn't have the ability to call the wind and the rain!

But Nami and those Ph.D.s in meteorology on Visalia were good enough to keep the rain under control.

"Your Majesty Saga, thank you!"

Saga and the others came to the ground, and Princess Weiwei, who walked directly out of the mirror, was also relieved, and thanked Saga sincerely,

"It's great that Alabasta can be saved anyway!"

"Do you think the drought in Alabasta can be saved by just one rain?"

"Today's rain is just the beginning!"

Saga smiled and said softly to Wei Wei.

There are only 28 rain clouds guided by Nami and many meteorological doctors, which can only cover Albana and some surrounding land!

This has already consumed a lot of water vapor in the sky around Albana in advance.

All Nami and the others can do is to guide the weather!

No matter how amazing the meteorology doctor is, there is no way to conjure water vapor out of thin air.

They are not fruit capable ones.

"No, you have saved Alabasta,"

"Today's rain is the beginning,"

"But also hope!"

"As long as there is hope, Alabasta will always get better - come on!"

Princess Weiwei said sincerely.

With hope, people's heart will no longer be desolate.

Of course she knew that just one rain could not save the whole of Alabasta!

But for Saga, who can control the rain.

After the first rain, will the second rain be far behind?

Vivi and the citizens of Alabasta all understand this.

"Well, you're right,"

"But apart from the rain,"

"There are still some problems that Alabasta also needs to solve!"

"Unless they are dealt with, Alabasta will never find peace!"

Saga took a deep look at Princess Weiwei, a dim light flashed in her eyes, and then said in a deep voice.

Princess Weiwei is a very smart and decisive person. For a princess of a kingdom that is about to be annexed like Princess Weiwei, cutting down the grass is often her final outcome!

However, since Saga chose to save Weiwei, she never thought about solving all the hidden dangers!

In the face of absolute strength, a little bit of cleverness possessed by Princess Wei-wei is meaningless!

What's more, the most important thing is that from the very beginning, Saga never thought about taking the kingdom of Alabasta by killing Cobra and Princess Vivi by using a knife or secretly.

On the contrary, after Saga annexed Alabasta, Saga planned to treat Cobra and Princess Vivi well!

If Saga just wants to annex the kingdom of Alabasta, then it doesn't matter if Princess Vivi and Cobra die.

But Saga's goal is the whole sea!

Then, in the annexation of Alabasta, Vardin must be upright and under the slogan of saving everyone.

If a kingdom wants to be truly powerful, it still has to be king.

There can be dark tricks, but it is impossible to come to the table.

Saga's heart began to gradually understand.

In this world, except for the characters who are absolutely loyal to Saga's small number of systematic lottery draws!

All the citizens, as well as those sea powerhouses that Saga also wanted to recruit, were all living people.

They have the same heart and also have their own moral standards.

Saga didn't want to have Cobra and Princess Vivi quietly die in Alabasta on the eve of Vardin's annexation of Alabasta.

Tomorrow, Fujitora smiled and said to himself that he wanted to resign. The day after tomorrow, he might have joined Walding's Admiral and the Revolutionary Army, and he directly regarded himself as a pure careerist.

The day after tomorrow, when Saga wanted to annex the remaining kingdoms, the kings of the remaining kingdoms began to resist at all costs...

Of course, if Cobra and Vivi are really ignorant of current affairs.

Anyway, people are killed by pirates in the end.

After Saga finished speaking softly, cold sweat began to appear on the forehead of Feng Kelei, the shemale who pretended to be Kobra.

Now that things have changed, what to do next, the monster Feng Klei is completely stunned...

"Never mind, the boss's plan must be executed,"

"The king of the strongest kingdom in the world?"

"I don't believe it, a special bomb with a diameter of five kilometers can't kill you!"

Shemale Von Klei had never seen the battle of the peak sea powerhouse.

In the first half of the great route, there are generally few top powerhouses fighting.

Von Clay, a shemale who pretended to be Cobra, made up his mind!

Afterwards, a messenger was sent to invite everyone to the square in Albana, where he announced that he would clarify that he was definitely not a devil fruit person, and that he would welcome the arrival of the king of the world's strongest kingdom, Saga, and there with the rebel leader Kou. Sand to negotiate!

"The square in Albana?"

Saga smiled and glanced at the tall bell tower near the square, and the powerful sight and domineering swept over directly, and sure enough, there were two senior agents of the Baroque work club with the strength of only C+ at most!

Even the organization that Sand Crocodile Crocodile has carefully developed, the combat power of B-rank and above is only the top digital agents.

Only, except for the two agents with the most C+ strength above the clock tower!

The three groups near the Alabasta Palace gathered a large number of strong breath feedback, which made Saga directly frown.

"Sand crocodile and the kingdom of Alabasta, it is impossible for so many strong people to appear!"

"Also, there are some breaths that seem a little familiar!"

On the other hand, Chu Zhu had heard and heard snipe all over the place, and a large number of strong men at sea also began to look solemn.

"He's found us, and with them, we can't do Mommy's job,"

"Do you want to retreat?"

Charlotte Smoothie glanced at the floating island that was still floating in the sky, as well as Saga and Esdes in the distance, and they fought back 77 times!

Charlotte Smudge, who has witnessed the battle of Esdes, doesn't think they can successfully take Hades in front of many top powerhouses in the Kingdom of Vardin.

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