Charlotte Katakuri frowned slightly, then said in a deep voice,

"It's not just us here!"

"Pluto's news seems likely to be true,"

"But at least, we don't have to leave in a hurry until we see Pluto with our own eyes."

Charlotte Katakuri is ready.

On the other side, Marco looked at Diamond Joze and Foil Bista and smiled shyly.

"It seems to have been discovered, really,"

"I wanted to quietly investigate whether Hades is here!"

"Really, Varding is not easy to deal with!"

"However, perhaps we are very close to the answer!"

Marko and the others looked at mr.l Daz Bonis and Paula who were guarding the entrance of the mausoleum, and the corners of their mouths rose slightly.

As for Drought Jack?

When Saga's arrogance swept Drought Jack, and when Drought Jack noticed Saga, Drought Jack was instantly furious,

"King Vardin?"

"Did you just hurt the boss?"

"Little ones, rush up to me, kill them, and avenge the boss..."

After Drought Jack finished speaking, he rushed forward first!

Behind him, Peggy Wan and Ulti looked at some of Jack's direct subordinates, and looked at each other in dismay.

"That's King Vardin, who can severely damage Kaido's boss?"

"Jack has been - has it always been like this..."?

Chapter [-] is coming

"That's Boss Jack, of course he's always been this fierce!"

Jack's immediate younger brother slandered a few words in his heart, and then helplessly rushed towards Saga with Drought Jack!

The boss has charged himself, as a younger brother, do you still want to hide behind!

Peggywan and Ulti also looked helpless, and their faces were extremely solemn - they started to step forward!

"Brother, don't die!"

Ulti put away the pampering and teasing of Pejiwan in the past, and said in a deep voice!

"I know, old lady, really,"

"Be careful too, that's Vardin!"

Peggy Wan is also concerned and replied!

"Uh, is it Jack the Iron-headed boy?"

"Why is this guy in here?"

"Really, Kaido this guy, why don't you - take good care of him!"

Looking at Drought Jack, who was sulking and roaring while rushing directly over, Saga shook his head, then drew his sword directly, and slashed at Drought Jack with all his strength.

He has no interest in playing with Drought Jack slowly for a long time.

The prison dragon smashed the sky and the earth, and cut a deep-deep crack in the huge square, but the drought Jack, who faced the prison dragon, did not dodge or evade, and roared without fear,

"I'm Drought Jack!"

Then he pulled out the ivory machete, and slashed at the prison dragon Po that Saga cut out, intending to block it!

But the next moment, Drought Jack's tall figure flew out, the ivory scimitars in his hand were all broken, and there was a deep scar on his chest.

Drought Jack bravely rushed up, and then played GG!

Kaido can teach Wang Luffy to be a man with a thunderous gossip, and Saga's full-strength prison dragon break can naturally make Jack lie down.

Peggywan and Ulti caught the Drought Jack who flew out backwards, and watched Drought Jack's rolled eyes and the blood that kept spilling out of his chest.

The expression on his face became more and more solemn.

The younger brother of Jack, who had just charged halfway, really hit Jin Rummy, Holdem and others, and stopped in horror.

The boss just rushed up, and the result was a second move!

This makes it difficult for them, these little brothers.

"Is this the strongest king in the world, who has severely damaged the strength of Kaido's boss?"

"We couldn't have fought..."

Kim Rummy and Holdem's faces - with a lot of cold sweat on their faces and all over - began to shiver!

Peggy Wan and Ulti glanced at Drought Jack, whose wounds had begun to heal gradually, and pushed aside Jin Lamy and the others in front of them, calmly stepped forward, and faced Saga.

"Do you want to avenge Kaido too 々〃?"

Saga looked at Ulti and Pejiwan and asked softly!

Although Uerti and Pejiwan are the best in the real fight, but two years later, Pejiwan, who offered a reward of [-] million, and Uerti, who offered a reward of [-] million, are only the first to enter the A-level. strength.

It can be compared with the elite lieutenant general of the Navy headquarters, but it may not even beat the ghost spider Huoshaoshan and others.

"Avenge Kaido Boss?"

"Kaido, why should we be held responsible for his own suicide? It's really troublesome!"

"Hey, the strongest king in the world,"

"We don't seem to have a reason to fight-fight!"

Urti rudely complained about Kaido's murderous behavior, and said to Saga in a deep voice.

"A reason to fight?"

"Then, what's your reason for coming all the way from Wano to Alabasta?"

"This isn't the new world!"

Saga looked at the puffed Ulti and asked in a condensed voice.

He recognized the familiar auras from before.

That was the scent of Katakuri and Smoothie and the others.

The Pirates, the Beasts Pirates, and others who are not weaker than Katakuri Jack and others came to Alabasta at the same time! This is no small matter.

"Do you think I will tell you the secret that Kaido boss told us to come here to find the ancient weapon Pluto?

Ulti said proudly.

And Peggy Wan covered his head helplessly and pulled Raoulti's arm,

"Sister, you have just exposed

"Uh, is it?"

Ulti suddenly realized, and then strangled Peggy Wan's neck, and said angrily,

"Then why didn't you stop me just now!"

"This is a secret mission personally explained by Kaido boss!"

"You stupid!"

Pejiwan was rolled his eyes by Ultil, and was almost out of breath. Ulti then let go of his hand, and then said indifferently,

"Forget it, anyway, with King Vardin here, it is impossible for us to get the ancient weapon Pluto!"

"That idiot Kaido didn't say that he would meet someone from Vardin here!"


"Xiaoji, take Jack, let's go..."

Ulti made a deep gag - and then directly ordered Peggy Wan and Jin Lamy to bring Drought Jack, who was seriously injured in a coma, and planned to leave like this!

Kaido had one horn broken, one eye was blinded, and Drought Jack was hit hard. Ulti and Peggy Wan never thought of foolishly confronting Vardin and dying.

As for Kaido's mission can't be completed?

Having met the king of Vardin, it is not bad to be alive.

Ulti wasn't really stupid and accidentally exposed the secret that she and others came to Alabasta!

Although Ulti was a bit naturally dumb, they were never fools who grew up with Peggy Wan in the Beast Pirates.

Urti pushed Pejiwan to leave, but Saga wasn't going to let Urti and Pejiwan go!

Saga has not forgotten that in addition to being the king of the Waldin Kingdom, he is also the marshal of the Waldin Navy.

As Admiral Walding, how could he easily let go of a pirate when he saw a pirate?

Although the Four Emperors have long been out of the scope of regular pirates, it may be more appropriate to call them independent kingdoms or vassal warlords.

The reason why some pirates in the Four Emperors are carrying bounties may just be because of their high positions in the Four Emperors.

At least some of the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates, as well as Ulti Pejiwan and other people who grew up in the Beast Pirates, robbed civilians and this kind of thing? They may not have done much. Pass.

How much money can you make by looting civilians?

The goal of the Four Emperors is generally the entire kingdom.

And the war between kingdoms and kingdoms is difficult to measure with popular good and evil.

Well, except for this guy who kills countless brains just for some dessert.

Come here, do you want to leave like this? "

"Valding's naval prison is very empty at the moment, don't you want to go in and have a rest?"

Saga facing Ulti and Pejiwan and others


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