Saga felt that perhaps Varding's work was more suitable for her.

Saving Weiwei was originally part of Saga's plan!

Sand Crocodile Crocodile's Dreamland plan is ahead of schedule and has been changed!

And Saga, also aimed at Crocodile's plan, laid out an upright conspiracy!

Alabasta, Saga is set! ,

But at the same time, Marco and Joze from the Whitebeard Pirates, Charlotte Katekuri and Smoothie from the Pirates, and the Beast Pirates

Drought Jack, Peggy Wan and Ulti of the regiment also quietly rushed to Albana!So.


Chapter [-] I will end this war

On an island in the sky, Saga and his party are quickly rushing to Albana!

Although Saga's teleportation-movement can make Saga and Weiwei and others directly reach the Alabasta palace, but this time Saga is not just to stop the war between the king army and the rebel army in Alabasta. , but to prepare to receive the whole kingdom!

A few people can't take over the huge kingdom of Alabasta!

Princess Vivi looked at the food piled up on the island and the large number of Valdin soldiers waiting, and Ikalem finally realized something, and asked carefully,

"Is His Majesty Saga specially here to save Alabasta?"

There are mountains of food and a large number of soldiers who are ready to fight. No matter how you look at it, they are well prepared.

Princess Weiwei asked carefully. After seeing Saga's mysterious and terrifying strength, as well as the incomparable power of the Waldin Kingdom, Princess Weiwei began to worry that Saga had ulterior motives for Alabasta!

"Perhaps, think? It's not just the Baroque Work Club that wants to occupy Alabasta, but also the Crocodile behind it, as well as the world's strongest kingdom, Vardin!"

Weiwei was extremely worried!

Walding is more terrifying than King Shichibukai Crocodile.

Saga saw Wei Wei's careful thinking, Wei Wei's temptation was too obvious!

Saga smiled at Wei "[-]" Wei and replied directly,

"I really did it specifically to save Alabasta!"

"But correspondingly, after I save this country, Alabasta will also be directly under my rule!"

If it weren't for the rule of Alabasta, even though Alabasta was suffering from drought, out of humanitarian spirit, Saga had the most supplies in Vardin.

If you have enough money, donate some materials appropriately to help the refugees in Alabasta!

As for the others who have gone to great lengths to take care of all Alabasta's citizens?

Saga is not a fool!

The citizens of Varding can't take care of them yet.

"Rule Alabasta?"

"Do you want to steal the entire kingdom like Crocodile?"

Ikalem, who learned from Vivi that Crocodile was behind the Baroque Work Club, and that Crocodile's goal was to steal the entire kingdom of Alabasta, said angrily,

"The king of Alabasta will only be His Majesty Cobra,"

"If you want to steal this kingdom, even if you save my life, I must do my best to stop you!"

"Take my life back!"

Ikalem took a step forward, protected Princess Vivi, and spoke up.

Ikalem's loyalty to the Neferutari family goes beyond his own life.

"Take your life?"

"It's not that boring for me to finally bring you back to life!"

Saga ignored Ikalem who took a step forward, and said directly to Princess Weiwei,

"Is Alabasta the Alabasta of the Neferutali family or the Alabasta of all Alabastas?"

"The Nafirutali family has no way to save this country!"

"But, I can!"

After Saga finished speaking, Ikalem just wanted to continue to say something to defend the Nafirutali family, but Princess Weiwei directly stopped Ikalem and said in a deep voice,

"As long as this country can be saved,"

"Nothing matters!"

"Only the citizens are the whole country!"

"My father thinks so too!"

No matter what it is, being inferior to the king, as a royal family, Alabasta has come to the point of being on the verge of destruction, and Cobra has a great responsibility.

What's more, Wei Wei didn't forget that they are still on the island controlled by Vardin!

Saga heard the words lightly - smiled lightly!

What exactly Kobra thought, to Saga, it doesn't matter anymore!

Cobra now has no choice at all.

The flying speed of the floating island controlled by the golden lion is not slow. Very quickly, the capital of Alabasta, the magnificent Albana, appeared directly in front of Saga and others.

But with the arrival of Saga and others, the screams of killing that reached the sky also reached the ears of Saga and others directly!

The millions of rebels who are only a few miles away from Albana are charging in anger!

The battle between the [-] royal army and the millions of rebel armies seems to be unavoidable.

"Your Majesty Saga, we must stop this war!"


Puyu Bull, Lingshen Road C

Yiqian Ika Gao Yinggen did not have the strength to jump directly from the small island in the sky!

Saga nodded, then waved to Hei Tong, who was eating a small cookie beside him, and looked a little cute!

The next moment, a huge island directly broke through the clouds, hovering above the sky of Albana, and laying in front of the king's army and the rebel army.

Saga didn't want the hundreds of thousands of king's army and millions of rebel army to fight - come on!

Those are all young men!

If you train hard, there is a great possibility that all of them will become D-level elites!

There are more than one million D-level elites, how much national strength do you need to provide Saga?

It's not a pain to die on a-one.. Well, it doesn't hurt to die on-a-Saga!

If you die too much, you won't be able to pay!

That's all national power!

"what is that?"

"how is this possible"

The island of Juguan suddenly fell from the sky. Under the shadow of the floating island, the king's army and the rebel army, who were fighting fiercely, all stood on the spot. Millions of rebel troops also stopped directly in front of Albana's gate. Step down!

"Piao Piao fruit?"

"Is it the goddamn Vardin again?"

Crocodile, the sand crocodile hidden in the dark, looked at the floating island that suddenly fell from the sky, his face was ashen, and he said angrily,

"damn it,"

"Cobra, where is the historical text!"

In front of Crocodile Crocodile, the real King Cobra was covered in blood and covered with wounds, but he never revealed any historical text information about Hades to Crocodile!

"Still won't say it?"

"But I'm sorry I don't have enough time. I prepared a special bomb with a diameter of five kilometers in the square in Albana. I can detonate it now!"

"Do you understand it?"

Once the special bomb with an explosion diameter of [-] meters is detonated, even if millions of rebels have not been able to invade the palace, it will be enough to blow up more than half of the king's army who are dedicated to protecting Kobra!


Kobra could no longer remain silent. Facing the torture, Kobra, who always stood up straight, finally chose to bow his head in the face of the lives of hundreds of thousands of royal troops.

"Hurry up, we don't have much time,"

"Albana must be found before the goddamn Vardin gets hold of it!"

Sand Crocodile Crocodile has lost the calm he has always had!

He thought that he could successfully follow the plan, successfully find Pluto, and under the public's attention, he killed the imitation fruit mr. Save everyone, so that you can become the savior of the entire Alabasta, and then successfully ascend the throne of Alabasta!

But now, the sand crocodile Crocodile just wants to find Hades first!

The sudden appearance of Vardin directly disrupted Crocodile's plan...

Seeing that this war may not be fought? It is coming!

No war, no audience, Sand Crocodile's savior plan, how can it be implemented?

The savior plan Sand Crocodile can be temporarily put on hold, the throne of the king of Alabasta, Sand Crocodile can also be temporarily abandoned!

But only the ancient weapon Pluto, the sand crocodile can never give up.

Hades has long become Crocodile's obsession.

Nicole Robin looked at the restless Crocodile, smiled faintly, and held Cobra directly into the underground tomb of Alabasta together with Crocodile.

In the tomb, buried historical texts about the specific location of Hades.

At the entrance of the mausoleum, Crocodile's most loyal subordinates, mr.l Daz Bonis, who is capable of cutting fruit, and mr.l's partner, Paula, who is capable of thorn fruit, were directly guarding the entrance!

The floating island of Varding fell from the sky, and the king's army and the rebel army all stared at the island in the sky, not knowing whether to continue to attack-attack or defend.

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