"second lieutenant?"

"The only 343 who beat me was a second lieutenant?"

Cross was blinded, and then directly lost consciousness under the heavy blow of the second lieutenant Walding!

What awaits him will be a public execution for everyone!

"The bloody hand pirates have been successfully eliminated, and the next target, the Hammer Pirates..."

The second lieutenant of the Naval Headquarters of Varding called in several recruits to the cheers of the countless people in the town, and then looked at the bounty in his hand, and controlled the latest mass-produced small patrol steel warship of Varding!

At an astonishing speed, we drove to the next target!

In the surrounding waters of the Kingdom of Vardin, hundreds of these small patrol ships are constantly cleaning the pirates who are looting frantically!

Vardin's sphere of influence is constantly expanding!

Good news kept coming, and a large number of heads or seriously injured bodies of pirates who had done all kinds of crimes were also transported to Vardin!

Inside the Vardin Palace, with a faint smile on his face, Saga gently raised his head to look at Alabasta in the distance, and said lightly,

"What a decisive concession!"

"That guy Im, doesn't even care about the face of the World Government?"

"Or does she have enough confidence to take back everything she lost one day in the future?"

"However, the Walding Navy is just the beginning!"

In the secret truce signed by Saga and the World Government!

Vardin is free to form the Vardin Navy, and the Vardin Navy can freely navigate all sea areas within the world government's ruled area, and has the right to enforce the law against pirates, just the first article!

The most important part of Saga's proposal is that the world government will acquiesce to Vardin and annex the descendants of Zengjin's twenty kings, the world ruled by the Nafirutali family.

One of the government's allies, the superpower on the great route, Alabasta. ?

Chapter [*]: Walding's World Conscription

The establishment of Vardin's navy is not only to enhance Vardin's influence in the whole world, but also to curb the madness of sea pirates and protect those ordinary people who will be integrated into Vardin sooner or later!

The law enforcement power of the Vardin Navy in the area under the rule of the World Government and the right to build naval bases will lay the most solid foundation for Vardin to control and rule the entire world in the future!

When the tentacles of the Vardin Navy penetrated into the four seas, when countless ordinary people are accustomed to the protection of the Vardin Navy, the rule of Vardin will also become a matter of course!

But these very important foundations of the future, the Vardin Navy and Vardin's vision - compared to the Alabasta to be annexed - are still not worth mentioning.

In fact, the development of Varding has gradually fallen into a bottleneck!

The annexation of Alabasta is the best way to break through the development bottleneck of Vardin today!

Even if the World Government did not directly order the seizure of a large number of refugee transport ships leading to the Kingdom of Vardin, and ordered all World Government member countries not to allow their population to flow to Vardin easily, the population flow in Vardin has already begun to become extremely slow!

The vast majority of ordinary people in the pirate world live in dire straits-heat!

But after Walding gradually gathered millions of refugees from all over the world who lived the hardest life!

The remaining refugees, although life is still hard!

However, unless they are in a desperate situation, no one will easily board an unfamiliar merchant ship and sail on the extremely dangerous sea for at least a few months, just to board the legendary heaven on earth!

Vardin is only a legend in most of the kingdoms of the four seas.

And this legend is still being smeared by the world government like Germa 66!

Saga is willing to pay the ferry ticket for all refugees who are willing to go to Vardin, but not all refugees who are about to die are willing to go to Vardin.

The population is undoubtedly the key to the growth of Sajia's national strength.

Varding, with a population of [*] million, has now gradually reached - reached - a limit of development!

In the future, whether it is the growth of population or land, it will only become more - more difficult!

The uninhabited island near Varding has been basically transported by the golden lion controlled by Hei Tong, and it will only take more time to increase the territory of Varding.

And even if the black pupil is kept busy for a year, it can only increase the area of ​​Walding by hundreds of thousands of square kilometers!

The golden lion can only control a land of thousands of square kilometers at most at one time!

As for one-time control of tens of thousands of square kilometers?

If tens of thousands of square kilometers are crowded with people, it is enough to stand on nearly [*] million people, and if the golden lion can control tens of thousands of square kilometers at one time!

The whole world has long been completely ruled by the golden lion!

The area of ​​more than [*] square kilometers is enough to allow Walding to accommodate tens of millions of people again.

But Saga has despised the area of ​​more than [*] square kilometers and the growth of the population of up to [*] million this year.

Too slow, still too slow!

The whole wood sea wishes the world to become a land area of ​​hundreds of millions of square kilometers and a population of more than two billion to one billion. How long does it take Walding to absorb it little by little?

Saga doesn't want to spend decades to completely rule the pirate world!

Varding must be developed even faster!

And after getting the ability to teleport.

The annexation plan of Alabasta was directly put on the agenda by Saga!

In any case, it is impossible for the world government to watch Vardin annex Alabasta!

Even the world government - the Nafirutali family in Alabasta - has always been unhappy.

But anyone can steal Alabasta, but Vardin absolutely cannot!

The world government - the government does not want Varding to continue to grow!

Of course, this was before Vardin hit the Holy Land Mariagio!

After hitting the Holy Land Mary Joa.

Anyway, Vardin has grown up, and it seems that there is no problem in throwing the quagmire of Alabasta to Vardin.

Moreover, in the end, Lord Yimu will completely liquidate the entire world, including Walding, when the so-called light is lit.

Alabasta is a big quagmire.

At least for the royal family, it is difficult to get any benefits!

As a superpower on the great route, the dignified royal family of Alabasta, the descendants of the two-ten kings that have been passed down for thousands of years, Princess Weiwei can't even get a billion baileys a year later!

Most of the wealth of the Nafirutali family was spent on helping the citizens of Alabasta!

The drought in Alabasta is not just because of sand crocodiles!

Throughout Alabasta, long before Weiwei was young and Yuba was not even built, there were already signs of drought in some areas!

"The Sludge Pond as the World Government Thinks" II,"

"But it is the fundamental place I value the most!"

Saga said confidently.

Alabasta is too big, comparable to the land area of ​​Australia in the previous life, and a population of tens of millions, if it can be annexed smoothly!

As long as we can solve the problem of Alabasta's current drought, and find a way to turn the desert of Alabasta into fertile land!

Not to mention tens of millions of people!

Alabasta is even enough to feed everyone in the entire pirate world!

Alabasta is full of deserts, but there are not a lot of steep mountains.

Deserts are mostly flat.

After deserts become fertile fields, plains are most capable of cultivating population.

Or even in a short time, Saga still can't control more population!

But if tens of millions of Alabasta's nationals are swallowed by Saga!

The monthly national strength they can provide for Saga may soon make the monthly national strength that Saga harvest directly exceed one million.

If there is one or two S-level lottery draws every month, it will not be long before Saga can push the whole world even without the help of the ancient weapon Pluto.

"But before the annexation of Alabasta, I was very curious, how many people could be attracted by the World Conscription that I announced one step ahead of the World Government-Government!"

"In other words, how many strong people can be attracted to Varding today?"

Although Vardin's current strength has become extremely powerful, if you count the blood of the dragon, even if he can't solve the confusion in his heart, he has successfully broken through to S's Artoria and is rapidly becoming stronger, and now he is completely physical. The weak Hassan who also has the power of s.

Vardin now has a total of six people with more than s combat power, the golden lion controlled by black pupil, the protector of the country, Esdes, the celestial body Saga with Cong Yunya, and Jiguoyuanyi, Arturia and Weak. Angry Hassan!

But these are far from enough!

The world is extremely vast.

Even most of the world's top powerhouses have already joined the world government or the navy or the four emperors and the sequence of their own kingdoms!

But there are always some top powerhouses wandering on the sea, who are still free.

For example, a blind man who was gambling excessively in a casino, but his face became solemn after hearing the Waldin declaration!

There is also a monster who is wandering on Happy Street, disdainful of Vardin's declaration, and has not eaten much for a long time!

Time passed quietly, and a large number of Hassan were silently integrated into Alabasta.

At the same time, Hei Tong controlled the golden lion and turned it into a hard worker. He searched for countless iron ore from the four seas and transported it back to Varding!

The ability of the golden lion fluttering fruit is used for cargo transportation, which is a perfect match.

The transportation capacity of the Golden Lion is much stronger than that of a [*]-ton freighter.

Countless amounts of steel were transported back to Vardin, and then, with the work of Tony Stark and a large number of hard-working Vardin citizens, they were transformed into powerful steel armors and countless guns, ammunition and steel warships!

Of course, the most important thing is the forging of the Pluto battleship and the Pluto cannon.

Most of the dozens of Pluto cannons before are indeed fake!

Either it is a mere appearance, or it is a replica of the mirror fruit, and it is impossible to launch a bombardment that is enough to destroy the world!

But, it won't take long!

The dozens of camouflaged Pluto cannons before will all be turned into real killers, sending out the roar of Vardin to the whole world!

And the ancient weapon Pluto will also reproduce the sea in the hands of Tony Stark!

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