"It's the naval base I told you to clean!"


"Yi Ke Whitebeard!"


Marco Ace and others were moved...

The Whitebeard Pirates also soon burst into a large number of cheerful laughter!

As for the ancient weapon Pluto that Vardin showed in the Ten Day War with the World Government?

Whitebeard didn't care at all.

What Whitebeard cherishes most will always be his family, not some so-called ancient weapon!

Moreover, even if it is the ancient weapon Pluto, in front of Whitebeard's awakened Zhenzhen Fruit, Whitebeard will never think that he will lose!

The kings of darkness were terrified, and the four emperors of the new world also made their own moves. After the news announcement was issued by the world government, the seven warriors of the kings dispersed one after another!

Only the baroque work agency 4.0 senior agent mr.2 under the command of Sand Crocodile Crocodile, Mr. Von Krei, was trembling all over, and his eyes were about to pop out of their sockets.

"Billion Baileys..."

"But I didn't pretend to be the king of the strongest kingdom in the world!"

"I am innocent…"

As a person with the ability to imitate fruit, the demon von Klei suddenly felt that he was under a lot of pressure!

The news bird quickly spread the announcement of the world government all over the world, and then the ordinary pirates with the largest number in the pirate world went completely crazy after seeing this news announcement!

Ordinary pirates will not see the negotiation game between the World Government and the Waldin Kingdom behind this news, as well as the terrifying strength of both sides!

They will only see that the world government is no longer able to rule the whole world again!

Countless pirates began to riot, and the entire sea fell into chaos in an instant.

But at this moment, the strongest kingdom in the world, Varding, who has shocked the world several times, also made his voice to the whole sea at this time! .

Chapter [*] The Walding Declaration

"In order to maintain the tranquility of the entire sea and protect the safety of all human life and property, Walding will form his own new navy,"

"Saga, the king of the Waldin Kingdom, will personally serve as the marshal of the Vardin Navy, and with Esders, the Protector General of the Waldin Kingdom, as the Navy Admiral, a large number of elite soldiers will be selected as the backbone of the navy, and a powerful navy will be quickly established!"

"The navy of the Kingdom of Vardin will spare no effort to fight all evil pirates in the whole world,"

"And in order to deal with the increasingly rampant criminals, the Kingdom of Waldine hereby announces to the world that with extremely favorable treatment, we sincerely invite all the people of justice in the whole world to join the Kingdom of Waldine and protect everyone!"

Saga's declaration once again detonated the sea!

Countless pirates who had already rioted began to slowly curb their arrogance after Saga's declaration spread throughout the world!

But more pirates directly ignored Saga's declaration and still started mad-crazy looting!

Taking advantage of the fact that the navy headquarters recruited a large number of naval elites from the whole world to deal with Vardin, resulting in the emptiness of the navy in the four seas and the first half of the great route, the pirates who have tasted a lot of sweetness will not stop easily. Your own greedy desires!

Man's desires are like rolling stones on a mountain, once they start, they will never stop!

"Kill them, loot this town, all the treasures are ours!"

The blood-handed Cross, who offered a reward of [*] million, laughed wildly!

In just a few days, the blood-handed Kro 28 has taken advantage of the emptiness of the navy, looting several towns and harvesting a lot of treasure!

The treasure he has looted in the past few days is even more than the treasure he has looted in the past year!

"Captain, we already have a lot of treasure, and it's not far from the world's strongest kingdom, Vardin, stop it,"

Thrall, the ship doctor of the Bloody Hand Pirates, offered a reward of [*] million, painstakingly advised!

He is not sympathetic to the towns and residents who are about to be looted by the Bloody Hand Pirates, he is only vaguely disturbed! !

"Close hand?"

"What are you kidding?"

"How many navies does Vardin have?"

"Could it be more powerful than the Admiral who I killed with my own hands?"

"I'm the bloody Cross with a reward of [*] million!"

"Sal, don't be too timid!"

Bloody Hand Cross patted Thrall's shoulder, and then there was a burst of laughter from the entire Bloody Hand Pirates!

Since the Blood Pirates personally defeated a navy lieutenant colonel and led hundreds of navies a few days ago, and the Bloody Cross killed the lieutenant colonel on the spot, the Bloody Pirates instantly became incomparable. swell.

Cross didn't know that he killed only a branch lieutenant colonel, and the hundreds of navies led by the branch lieutenant colonel were also the weak chickens left after drawing away most of the navy elites!

In addition to the naval branch starting with the letter g in the new world, the strength of the generals and colonels of the four seas in the first half of the great route is generally lower than that of the naval headquarters--big class!

The true strength of the dead branch lieutenant colonel also has a C-level rating at most, which is comparable to the lieutenant of the Navy headquarters!

But just when Cross was arrogantly laughing, a small steel battleship carrying dozens of people rushed towards Cross and others at an astonishing speed!


The mercenary navy..."

The ship doctor Thrall of the Bloody Hand Pirates who offered a reward of [*] million looked at the flag of Vardin hanging on the strange battleship with amazing speed and roared in panic!

The anxiety in his heart finally became a reality.

"What's the panic?,

"On the table is the Walding Navy with only a few dozen people!"

"We defeated a whole navy of hundreds of men not long ago,"

"Damn it, the World Government-Government's navy and the Warding's navy are screaming- it's troublesome!"

"Is the country of Varding fed up?"

"I didn't loot their territory,"

"Just a country wants to set up a navy to fight pirates in the whole world, stop joking!"

Bloody Cross looked at the dozens of Valdin navies who were approaching, and sneered,

"Kill them all!"

"Take that battleship from them!"

"I'm going to hang that battleship with the banner of our bloody hands!"

Hundreds of pirate members of the Blood Hand Pirates, under the instigation of Blood Hand Cross, were fearless and launched against the small and strange steel warship of Vardin and dozens of Vardin navies on the steel warship - Charge!

But at the next moment, the sound of dense gunshots rang out one after another!

A large number of pirates from the Bloody Hand Pirates who charged, fell directly into the pool of blood!

The ship doctor Thrall, who offered a bounty of [*] million, barely escaped several rounds of Vardin's navy bullets, but was soon hit in the head by a specially aimed bullet!

"Plundered three towns, killed [*] civilians, and offered a reward of [*] million ship doctor Thrall, successfully killed!"

A second lieutenant Waldin, who put down his sniper rifle, said softly!

Then, looking at the blood-handed Cross, who was already rushing to the front of his eyes, he directly pulled out the saber in his hand and went up to meet him!

"Impossible, impossible,"

"My Bloody Hand Pirates, Thrall, Crema, Snow?."

Bloody Cross looked at the Bloody Pirates, who was the only one left, and shouted loudly, then stared at the second lieutenant Waldin who was approaching him with a look of hatred, and shouted sharply,

"I'm going to kill you all..."

Although the bloody Cross has a robbery nature, he does all kinds of evil.

But he also has a deep friendship with most of the crew in the Bloody Hand Pirates!

But the deep friendship cannot be the reason for them to avoid death!

Cross rushed up, and then, in a staggered moment,

"Breath of water, one move, horizontal slash..."

With a light drink, Cross fell directly into the pool of blood!

Lieutenant Walding waved off the blood on the saber in his hand, and then slowly inserted the saber in his hand into the sheath!

"Impossible, impossible,"

"I am a bloody hand with a reward of [*] million

"Who the hell are you?"

"Is it the general of Vardin?"

Bloody Cross's mouth was bleeding, and he asked in disbelief.

The blood-handed Cross, who easily defeated the lieutenant colonel of the naval branch, took it for granted that the one who could easily defeat him would be the general of the Walding navy!

The second lieutenant of the Varding Navy shook his head slightly after hearing Cross's words, and replied lightly,


"I don't deserve it!"

"I'm just a little ensign in the Warding Navy!"

The Walding Navy had just been formed and the number of people was small.

All Valdin navies, all are the elite of the entire Valdin soldiers!

Except for the generals of the naval branch that start with the letter G in the New World, the strength of the generals of the naval branch is usually one level lower than that of the generals of the naval headquarters. The Walding navy, which has just tens of thousands of people now, the strength of the officers and soldiers below the generals is even higher than that of the naval headquarters. Elites must be one level higher than one level!

The number of people is not enough, the elites come together!

What's more, in front of Vardin's fully upgraded automatic rifle!

Ordinary C-level combat power with a reward of less than [*] million is even enough to forcibly surround and kill with fully automatic rifles and sniper rifles!

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