Tony's ability in mechanical research, like Vega Punk, also surpassed more than one era today.

Vardin is going from strength to strength, while recruiting for the whole world!

Vardin also started a wave of conscription in his own country once again!

Vardin now has a population of more than eight million, but the army recruited before was only eighty thousand!

According to the ratio of [*] to [*] people raising a soldier in the Pirate World today, Vardin is even enough to quickly expand the number of soldiers to [*], or even higher!

The emergence of high-quality rice has released a lot of labor for Walding!

But Saga did not blindly recruit to the limit of Vardin, if it weren't for Vardin's new patrol scope, which is now about to expand to the Vardin Navy in the first half of the entire Great Route, and plans to quickly annex Alabasta!

Eighty thousand soldiers, Saga already felt that was enough.

Anyway, to deal with the top powerhouses in the sea, ordinary soldiers are useless at all!

The top-level overlord is domineering and come to clear the field!

The combat power below C rank basically all have to get down.

But against ordinary pirates, the number can undoubtedly occupy a great advantage!

Especially when Vardin has the production capacity (money) of fully automatic weapons under the research and development of Tony Stark!

Saga recruited another [*] soldiers in the kingdom of Vardin, turning most of these [*] soldiers into a local garrison, and began to guard Vardin while stepping up their training!

Recruit new recruits directly into the Vardin's Navy to fight countless vicious pirates above the sea, even though Vardin has the best weapons and equipment.

It is undoubtedly a waste of life!

Fighting pirates can let the [*] Walding soldiers who have been trained before go.

The [*] Vardin elites who have experienced expelling wild beasts, hunting and killing beasts, trials of mirrors, and most of the breathing methods have begun to get started, and dealing with ordinary pirates, it is not a problem!

Anyway, no one would dare to attack the homeland of Vardin now!

In other words, Lord Yimu really wants to turn his face and die with Vardin!

It doesn't matter at all whether there are those [*] soldiers.

The top-level battlefield, the combat power below Grade A, has all lost its meaning.

The power of the Varding navy skyrocketed in an instant, and at the same time, countless people with justice or other ideas also rushed to Vardin intermittently and joined the Vardin navy!

The recruitment office of the Walding Navy is overcrowded!

At the same time, the Warding Declaration announced to the world that a blind uncle also quietly stepped into the port of Varding.

The moment he stepped into the port of Varding, a child walking all over the street fell asleep instantly, and then quickly woke up. .

Chapter [*]: Betting on the World

The blind uncle glanced strangely at the child who shook his head, shook his head slightly, and then began to wander around in the Walding!

The overcrowded recruiting office of the Walding Navy did not catch his eye!

On the contrary, the uneven farmland and the happy and confident smiles on the faces of countless citizens in Walding made the blind uncle linger!

Well, the only bad thing is that there are no large casinos in Varding!

"However, is this really bad, or should it be said that it is good?"

Where casinos are prosperous, there are often tragedies for countless ordinary people!

The gambler may occasionally win, but the dealer never loses.

Uncle Blind is a little tangled. Those who like to gamble can't find the casino, which makes Uncle Blind feel a little itchy!

What's more, the delicacies of the Waldin Kingdom that are rumored to be spread from the palace are really tempting.

If there is no casino to let him make a small bet to earn some Bailey, the blind uncle's pocket will be empty!

"What are you looking for, can I help you?"

A hearty voice suddenly came, and the blind uncle replied subconsciously,

"I'm looking for a bet..."

But before the blind uncle finished speaking, the tangled expression on his face instantly became extremely solemn!

The man just now approached him without him noticing.

This is the first time someone has been able to do it since he slaughtered his eyes!

Even though there was no hostility in that person, it didn't cause him to be alert.

The dignified expression on the blind man's face did not affect his hearty voice and continued to sound.

"Are you looking for a casino at 460?"

"Sorry, I don't think casinos are friendly to ordinary people, so I have banned all casinos in Walding!

"But I don't care how many bets between family and friends!"

"All casinos in the Walding country are banned

Uncle Blind set off a turbulent heart, but the expression on his face is still calm!

Even though he was blind, he still couldn't clearly see the face of the person in front of him even though he was extremely domineering!

But such strength still has such rights!

How many people could there be in the Walding territory?

The blind uncle showed a shy smile on his face, just like a student who was addicted to smoking and found a teacher to ask for a cigarette, he was slightly embarrassed.

"So it is,"

"However, things like casinos are really harmful!"

"Forbidden good!,,

Blind 6 Gen uncle Shang said with embarrassment.

He, who has been in the casino for many years, has seen the darkness that breeds in countless casinos!

There are many gamblers who have lost their families and lost themselves and their families!

"I also think it's a good ban!"


"You really don't want to take a gamble?"

Saga looked at the expression in front of him with a weird smile, and said faintly!


"What to bet!"

He smiled and was silent for a moment, then replied softly,

"But I have nothing left!

With a smile, there are only five hundred Baileys left.

Well, buy a few newspapers.

Saga shook his head and said softly,

"Bailey doesn't make sense to me!"

"But your power is the most precious treasure in this world!"

Compared with strength, things like Bailey are simply not worth mentioning!

As long as there is enough power, let alone Bailey, change Bailey into Libe!

"I want to bet with you,"

"Bet if I can change the whole world!"

"change the world?"

"What do you want to change the world into?"

He asked with a smile!

He has seen too many people who have seen his amazing strength come to recruit him under various pretexts!

What's more, can today's Varding really make the whole world a better place?

Changing a world is much harder than changing a country.

"For example, there are no casinos, no pirates, no Tianlong people, everyone can eat well and wear cotton clothes, whether men or women, old people or children, all can travel safely and freely on the sea. world!"

Saga said casually, and at the same time made way for the two children who were laughing and fighting,

"Pay attention to me, kid, be careful not to bump into anyone!"


The two laughing and slapstick children turned their heads and made a face at Saga, and then turned to see their parents' livid faces,

"How many times have I told you, don't run around

The children's original laughter and slaps, accompanied by the sound of spanking, instantly turned into crying and choking!

Saga looked at the two little devils who were beaten and cried, and laughed, then smiled, and said deeply, "Isn't this world supposed to be like this?"

Yi Xiao was silent for a moment, and his incomparably powerful knowledge and domineering saw the voices of too many Varding nationals! At least in Varding, the smiles on the faces of Varding nationals and the hope in their hearts were equally enthusiastic!Varding is different from those stagnant kingdoms around the world, Varding has a vigorous vitality! (cife) "Only in Walding!"

"There are so many dirty and ugly places in this world!"

"It's a blessing not to look at things!"

He replied with a smile.

He wandered the sea for many years, and hardly ever saw a country as beautiful as the Varding!

"Then make the whole world a Vardin!"

"How about you, do you want to bet?"

Sarah replied softly.

And Yixiao fell into a deep silence after Saga finished speaking, and then laughed out loud,

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