But this time, Mr. Yimu did not directly cut it with his sword, but picked it up gently, and then looked deeply at the map of Vardin Kingdom, thoughtfully!

In fact, Lord Yimu can basically be sure that the Pluto cannons that appear in the future are all fake!

The wind will tell Lord Im all that he wants-to know.

What really made Mr. Yim decide to end the war was the huge mirror that made the dozens of Hades cannons suddenly appear, and the teleportation ability that Saga showed before!

Saga, who has controlled the golden lion and Charlotte Bray, can launch a deadly attack on any corner of the world anytime, anywhere, without being noticed by anyone!

The Holy Land Mary Joa may be able to block the attacks of the Pluto cannons several times in time with the power of the silver dragon fruit!

But what about the foundation of the Holy Land, the Red Earth Continent?

There is only one silver dragon, and it is impossible to protect the Red Clay Continent if it protects Mary Joa.

With the power of Hades, if you keep bombarding!

It is only a matter of time before the Red Earth Continent is completely destroyed!

Without the foundation, the so-called Holy Land Mary Joa will surely fall.

The most important thing is that the Red Earth Continent is not just the foundation of the Holy Land Mary Joa!

Lord Yimu looked at the red earth continent that divided the four seas and the whole world, and a long-lost dignified flashed in his eyes,



"When I end the so-called prophecy and completely extinguish the so-called lights,"

"Let's cut the whole world again!"

"The power of God is something mortals can never imagine!"

As for the possible attacks and revenge that Vardin may carry out at that time?

Lord Im didn't take it to heart at all.

Whether it is the Tianlong people, the world government, or even the whole world, in the eyes of Lord Yimu, none of them are worth mentioning!

Lord Im, who has survived alone for hundreds of years, has long since lost his humanity!

The sudden attack on the Holy Land Mary Joa made no waves in the world at all.

It was as if several terrifying beams of light and floating islands suddenly appeared over the Holy Land Mariejoa, all of which were just phantoms.

Under the full control of the world government and the navy, even Morgans, one of the kings of the dark world, did not take real photos, and under the dual threats of the world government-government and the navy, he could only dare to Sidekick!

Saga's attack was too sudden, and the Holy Land Mary Joa, the news bird did not dare to hover on it for a long time.

It seems that the incident that the Holy Land Mary Joa was attacked by Vardin did not happen!

But on the second day!

An announcement from the Cosmos World Government - Pudong Development!

But it directly shocked everyone in the pirate world.

"Is the world government-government kidding?"


"Is this day really going to change?"

Inside the Navy Bendong, Garp's chin with Erlang's legs crossed was about to fall to the ground in surprise.

As for the Admiral Warring States, his face was ashen, and his eyes were filled with deep concern!

In the entire pirate world, there are countless people whose jaws dropped like Garp at this moment.The storm that the pirates are about to set off seems to be unstoppable because of this announcement!enter.

Chapter [*] The Ten-Day War

"Big news, big news, the world government announced that the person who killed the world nobles in the Chambord Islands was not the king of the world's strongest kingdom, Saga, but a fake pirate who took the imitation fruit, intending to set off the world government and Vaal. The war between Ding!"

"The world government has now announced that all bounties in the Valdin Kingdom will be cancelled, and the war with Valdin will be truce, and a bounty of one billion is offered to the unknown pirate who pretended to be the king of the world's strongest kingdom, Saga, killed the world's noble dragon, and intended to destroy the world. Bailey!"

Countless news birds spread the news all over the sea!

"Hahaha, stop the bounty, stop the war?"

"It's only been ten days since the start of the war!"

"Is the world government joking about war?"

"However, if someone pretended to be the king of the strongest kingdom in the world and deliberately killed the nobles of the world and then tried to provoke a war with Vardin and the world government, there seems to be no problem with the truce.

"It would be the best to not be able to fight!"

A large number of "August [*]" ordinary people who are not very clear about the cause and effect of this war that shocked the world believed the news issued by the world government!

In their view, the news announcements issued by the world government cannot lie!

But there are some people who know the details of the death of the Heavenly Dragons in the Chambord Archipelago, and that there have been several sky-high beams of light briefly appeared in the sky above the Holy Land Mary Joa, and they disdain the news announcement issued by the World Government!

"What is this kidding?"

"Do you really think we are fools?"

"However, Vardin killed the Draco and hit the Holy Land Mary Joa,"

"The world government has chosen to issue this announcement,"


"Is this sea really going to change?"

"Valding, the strongest kingdom in the world, Varding, this is really scary..."

Because of this news, the kings of the dark world began to be extremely jealous of Vardin, and at the same time, the rest of the kings of the dark world looked at the sea king who had offended Vardin, and gradually became a little weird!

Vardin, who can severely damage the four emperors Kaido, is enough to make the dark kings retreat, but Vardin, who can forcibly subdue the world government, makes the dark kings terrified even if they are [*] miles away from Vardin!

Wandering in the darkness, the dark kings who have a network of connections all over the sea, they are clear about the terrifying power possessed by the world government!

Ocean King Umit, I'm afraid it's over!

After the Ocean King Wucha is finished, the deep ocean current-controlled transport ships and those routes are another piece of attractive fat.

The dark kings have their own actions.

The four emperors who are aloof in the new world are also dignified because of this news announcement issued by the world government!

"Well, well, well,"

"Has Vardin's power surpassed that of the World Government?"

"Bray's fruit ability is so powerful!"

"what a pity,"

"If we could marry Vardin before, this sea is already ours, right?"

"but now,"

"The power of ancient weapons is really terrifying!"

-Laughing out loud, and feeling extremely regretful at the same time, I don't know if I am sorry for the Bree I sent, or I am sorry for not being able to reach a marriage with Vardin before!

But when he said pity on his lips, in his eyes, greed and solemnity were constantly intertwined.

Likes to marry with powerful forces.

But he never thought of marrying a force that could completely swallow up the Pirates!

After Varding's power far exceeded the pirates, the marriage with Vardin was determined to refuse!

But the terrifying power possessed by Vardin never wanted to give up!

In particular, the ancient weapon Pluto exposed by Vardin in the war with the World Government!

Kaido wanted to personally participate in the world's top war between the World Government and Vardin, but the redhead somehow intercepted him on the way!

After a fierce battle and receiving the news that the war is over, Kaido and the red hair all returned to their territory in embarrassment!

"Damn, this is not the top war I want in the world at all!"

"However, is Vardin enough to force the World Government to bow its head?"

"Sure enough, only ancient weapons can create the most top-level war in the world?"

"Little ones, do whatever it takes to find an ancient weapon for me, ahem?!"

"We are the only ones who can change the world!"

Kaido drank the wine in big gulps, ignoring the permanent frostbite on his lungs, and said to the pirates of the Beast Pirates with a big laugh.

And the pirates of the Hundred Beasts Pirates responded one after another!

The red-haired face was solemn, and he grabbed the newsprint in his hand and muttered,

"Is the balance of the sea really about to be broken?"

"The sea that is out of balance will boil completely!"

Like the Warring States, the red hair also saw the wave of pirates that the World Government will set off after this announcement!

The members of the Whitebeard Pirates who had just cleaned up several New World naval bases looked at each other in dismay at the World Government's truce announcement with Vardin.

They had just taken advantage of the large number of naval elites in the New World, and they directly captured several naval bases when there were no generals in charge!

As a result, after only a few days, it was suddenly said that it was a misunderstanding.

Isn't this playing them?

What's more, if the World Government and Vardin truce!

The navy and the world government that have spared their hands, I am afraid the first target is the Whitebeard Pirates...

The first team captain Marco and the second team captain Ace, who instigated the cleaning of several naval bases, looked at Whitebeard with guilt!

They wanted to gain fame for Daddy Whitebeard!

But unexpectedly, it brought disaster to the Whitebeard Pirates.

Whitebeard shook his head lightly, leaned hard on the supremely fast knife in his hand, and the incomparably powerful tyrannical arrogance spewed out, directly shattering the entire sky, and said with a big laugh,

"Cola la la la!"

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