After Saga finished speaking, in front of the hurried Warring States and others, he opened the way with the cannon of Hades, smashed the storm that had not yet fully formed in front of him, and flew away!

Knife 7X Knife 7|

Take a break and run, it's really exciting!

Saga yawned amid the growing storm.

He didn't want to stay in the Holy Land Marijoa and be besieged by the elites of Lord Im, the Navy Headquarters, and the World Government-Government!

The storm set off by the Heavenly King was enough to completely tear the floating island controlled by the Golden Lion to shreds!

"However, when the golden lion and Roger were about to unify the sea and the storm that they encountered in the battle to reach the top of One Piece, was it really just a natural storm?"

Saga thought to herself.

The Flying Sky Pirates in their heyday were completely overwhelmed by the Roger Pirates!

And Saga, if I remember correctly!

In the Roger Pirates, in addition to Roger, the peak-peak powerhouse close to the SS level, the right arm of One Piece, the vice-captain Pluto Rayleigh, the left hand Spark Jabba, and Douglas Barrett can all be It is a top-level powerhouse in the sea that is comparable to an S-class general!

The rest of the members of the S emperor's deputy level are definitely not in the minority!

But such combat power was still beaten by the Flying Sky Pirates in their heyday.

What kind of terrifying power does the Flying Sky Pirates once owned by the Golden Lion possess?

And how could the terrifyingly powerful Flying Sky Pirates be easily destroyed under an ordinary storm!

"So, the four emperors are even stronger than the current four emperors. In the eyes of Lord Yimu, are they just lights that can be extinguished easily?"

"However, Varding is not the Four Emperors..."

Sarah is so confident!

The floating island controlled by the golden lion is also riding the wind and waves in the air, moving forward.

Vardin showed the terrifying power of Pluto, failed to destroy the Holy Land Mariejoa, and exposed some information about Lord Im and the King of Heaven! All of them were livid, and they looked at each other from the Warring States Period and the King Qiwuhai who rushed to the sea! .

Chapter [*] The upcoming pirate storm

"Ah, is this the power of Hades?"

"This is terrifying!"

The figure of the yellow ape suddenly appeared in the air, and the yellow ape who arrived at the battlefield earlier than the Warring States and others, but there was no thought of sacrificing himself and others to block the floating island!

What's more, Kizaru, who heard the last dialogue between Saga and the five old stars with curly hair, felt extremely heavy in his heart at this time.

"Is there any more terrifying existence above the Five Old Stars?"

"Also, Heavenly King!!!"

Kizuna felt the majesty that gradually became gentle on the Holy Land Mary Joa, and lowered his eyes, hiding all the light in his eyes!

With a solemn expression on the Sengoku's face, Vardin swaggeredly attacked the Holy Land Marijoa, and then walked away, no doubt slapped the face of the World Government-Government!

And once such a scandal spreads across the sea, the world government will undoubtedly lose its prestige, and the countless pirates on the sea will also become even more mad as a result!

The chaotic sea and the challenged order will undoubtedly bring more suffering to ordinary people in the pirate world.

Most of the seven warriors under the king were expressionless.

Hawkeye Mihawk was a little regretful, but after seeing the bald-headed five old stars holding the first-generation ghost, the fighting spirit in his eyes ignited again, but after a while, it quickly extinguished!

The five old stars will not be as idle as Shanks, and the eagle-eyed Mihawk will compete with swords!

And forcibly fight with the bald five old stars?

Hawkeye Mihawk hasn't lost his mind yet!

This is the Holy Land Mary Joa!

And it was just bombarded by Vardin, and the loss was not small, the Holy Land Mary Joa!

Wu Laoxing doesn't know what fire is simmering in his heart.

Moonlight Moria regretted not being able to get the corpses and shadows of some strong men, but looking at Vardin, who had completely disappeared in the air, Moria began to secretly doubt,

"Perhaps, compared to the army of zombies, the ancient weapon Pluto can help me avenge Kaido better?"

The sand crocodile Crocodile hid his ambitions deeply in his heart, but Valdin relied on the power of the ancient weapon Pluto to directly hit the holy land of Maryjoa, but this scene of the sand crocodile Crocodile made the ambition in the heart of Crocodile the sand crocodile. getting higher and higher,

"Alabasta's plan must be accelerated!"

"Nicole Robin, I'm running out of patience!"

Boya Hancook looked at the somewhat damaged Holy Land Maryjoa and Vardin, who had left without a hitch, with a smile that could not be concealed on his face, but when he saw a large number of five survivors under the protection of the silver dragon. At the time of the old star, the smile on his face instantly changed to ten thousand years of ice!

The ugly Tianlong people brought back unbearable memories in Boya Hancock's mind.

"D system choked choked choked choked!"

"Holy land, it's been a long time!"

Doflamingo looked at the incompetent and furious Five Old Stars with a livid face in front of him, grabbed a handful of the soil of the Holy Land Mary Joa with a strange smile, and quickly threw it down with disdain.

"Power is really short-lived!"

"Is this world about to change?"

However, what Brother Yueming didn't notice was that Wu Laoxing's eyes were looking at him, suppressing inexplicable anger!

What Saga knows about Im-sama and the secrets of the King!

The Five Old Stars suspect that it is Doflamingo's secret.

If it weren't for the fact that all the seven seas under the king were there at this time, and the world government still needed the power of the seven seas under the king to balance the entire sea and fight against the incomparably powerful Vardin!

The five old stars really want to kill Doflamingo directly now.

Doflamingo, lying down again and shot.

The damaged houses in the Holy Land Mariejoa need to be repaired, and the people who died outside the Holy Land Mariejoa also need to be counted. The Five Old Stars mysteriously disappeared for a while.

After that, I met Sengoku!

Afterwards, the Warring States period turned ashen, led the admirals scoldingly, left the Holy Land Mary Joa directly, and returned to the Navy Headquarters!

The first order given after the Warring States period returned to Marijoa was to disband the large number of naval elites who had finally gathered together!

In front of the Pluto Cannon, the combat power below S rank has basically lost its meaning!

Of course, the main reason why the Warring States period disbanded a large number of naval elites who had finally gathered together was because of the orders of the Five Old Stars!

This war, the war between the World Government and Vardin, is over.

Before the Five Old Stars and the Warring States meet!

In the flower room of Pan Gucheng, the five old stars all knelt in front of Lord Yimu, trembling all over.

"You, let me down

Lord Im said coldly,

Being targeted by dozens of terrifyingly powerful Pluto cannons, even though Lord Yimu has survived for hundreds of years and possesses unimaginable terrifying strength, in front of dozens of Pluto cannons, Yimu is still a little frightened!

Based on her own strength, she has no confidence that she will survive the bombardment of dozens of Hades cannons!

Of course, if Lord Im wanted to run, there was no way that Hades Cannon would catch up.

The five old stars buried their heads even lower, not daring to defend themselves, but the younger five old stars with blond hair said in a low voice at this moment,

"It is impossible for Vardin to forge the main guns on dozens of Hades battleships in a short period of time!"

"What's more, after leaving Pluto, it is unknown whether those cannons can continue to fire,"

"I suspect that the Pluto cannons that appear behind are all fake!

After the blond five old stars finished speaking, the rest of the five old stars' mouths twitched slightly, and secretly cursed an idiot!

Do you really think he's smart?

I really thought that the rest of the five old stars couldn't see it - the Pluto cannons that appeared behind were probably fake?

But what if that were true?

Are they going to take the initiative to put the entire Holy Land Mary Joa and the eight hundred years of the world government's rule, including Lord Im on the gambling table?

They're not really poker players, and they don't have the qualifications to put eight hundred years of world domination on the table!

The only one who can make this decision is Lord Im!

But obviously, Lord Yimu did not appear directly in the end and stopped Vardin and others.

Just hold off Saga and others for a few more minutes!

The initial awakening of the king is enough to completely destroy most of Vardin's combat power, including those Hades cannons.

"Have you seen the drawings of Hades?"

After the blond five old stars finished speaking, the heads of the other five old stars were directly pressed against the ground, and Lord Yimu's faint voice-sound also began to reverberate among the flowers!

The blond Five Old Stars broke out in cold sweat. After he finished impulsive, he looked at the reactions of the other Five Old Stars and suddenly realized something!

"Or did you build Pluto yourself?"

Lord Yimu's voice didn't have the slightest emotion-color, but in the words, there was a kind of aloof indifference!

Lord Yimu is not angry, how can ordinary people be worthy of the anger of the gods above?

Lord Yimu just glanced coldly at the blond Five Old Stars who were soaked with sweat and trembling, and then secretly made up his mind to change to another Five Old Stars in a few days.

"It's time for this war to end!"

"Go and talk to Vardin!"

"Didn't the king of Vardin want to be high in the sky?"

"Then give this sky to him!"

...for flowers....

"One day, they will understand who is the real king of the sky!"

Lord Yimu finished speaking coldly, directly ignoring the five old stars who were kneeling on the ground, and quietly walked into the secret room!

In the secret room, next to a huge straw hat, the map of the Kingdom of Vardin was quietly erected!

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