Jinping's face on Fishman Island was solemn. He was unwilling to take action for the World Government, and he was even more unwilling to fight to protect the Tianlong people, but for Fishman Island, Jinping had no choice now!

What's more, the Kingdom of Vardin has no kindness to Fishman Island!

It's just that Shipin didn't notice that, after Jinbei received a compulsory order from the World Government and learned that the king of the world's strongest kingdom, Saga, killed the Tianlong people and was about to be attacked by the World Government. Behind him, a beautiful mermaid quietly shed tears!

Moriah laughed wildly to harvest all the shadows and corpses of many powerful people in the Valdin Kingdom, while Bartholomew Big Bear was expressionless after receiving the compulsory call-up order!

The transformation of the bear has already begun - started!

On the windless Nine Snake Island, Empress Boya Hancock was noncommittal about the World Government's order after receiving the forced recruitment order from the World Government!

"A man who dares to kill Tianlong people?"

"Oh heh heh, such a man shouldn't die on the sea,"

Boya Hancock bowed his head and smiled,

"Even if it causes the country's demise, it will be forgiven by everyone, because the concubine's body is as beautiful as a fairy!"

Boya Hancock secretly made up his mind!

And just at the time when Qiwu Haiyun moved, the elites of the naval headquarters led by the Admiral Warring States and the ace of the Tianlong people were about to arrive in the Chambord Islands!

In the No. [-] area deep in the Chambord Archipelago, at the entrance of the Human Auction House, Disco, the leader of the Human Auction House, who was robbed by Doflamingo and then hung up the phone decisively, was sweating profusely, and then he seemed to meet the last- Like a life-saving straw, he looked straight at the kiwi!

"You are the admiral of the navy, and he is the thug who brutally killed the world's noble family, the Tianlong people,"

"Shouldn't you take him down immediately!"

"And you, the thugs who dared to kill the world's noble-clan Tianlong people, the Admiral and more naval elites are on the way, don't you know how to escape?

"That is the Admiral and a large number of naval elites.

Disco, the leader of the Human Auction House, roared with some collapse!

The image of Saga was already in his mind and a merchant ship that attacked him a few years ago, rescued a mermaid, and made the dragon people furious.

Pirates got in touch.

He remembered it, and then vaguely realized that Saga was deliberately targeting this human auction house controlled by him, and his face was full of despair!

"What an ugly face!"

Saga looked at the distorted face of the collapsed disco and a lot of trembling around, the nobles and wealthy businessmen who looked like cranes and quails were extremely frightened, and sneered.

Whether it is Disco, the leader of the Human Auction House, or the wealthy aristocrats who bought humans as slaves, in front of the humans who were sold as slaves, they were arrogant and not like humans, but in front of Saga, they recalled themselves as human beings. fear!

This is simply ugly to the extreme!

"Ah, even so, I can't stand by and watch you kill them!"

"I'm an Admiral!"

Kizaru looked at the navy figure looming in the distance, and said helplessly, the light on his fingers suddenly brightened a bit!


"Admiral is really troublesome!"

"So, Hassan, can I trouble you to clean up the trash?"

Saga suddenly reached out and grabbed the scabbard of Cong Yunya, the sword of domineering in the world, and his mind directly locked in and came to Admiral Kizaru!

And Ben Yi - the weak Hassan who has been obediently staying beside Saga, after hearing Saga's order, his face flushed and he nodded hurriedly!

The next moment, a large number of figures suddenly appeared from behind Hassan, and began to ruthlessly slaughter the disco, the thugs of the human auction house, and those rich businessmen and nobles!

The weak Hassan doesn't want to kill people, but the rest of Hassan are mostly bloodthirsty existences!

There were a few drops of cold sweat on the forehead of the yellow monkey, and he stared blankly at the bloody scene in front of him. After being locked by Saga's domineering sword - Cong Yunya, he had no spare energy to rescue the humans who were being mercilessly killed - slaughtered. The rubbish of the auction house and those rich businessmen and nobles who use 773 human beings as playthings.



Disco, the leader of the human auction house, and some wealthy businessmen and nobles with a little strength. The clan sent out a plea for help to the yellow monkey, but often before the words were finished, the sharp Hidden Sword and the elusive Hassan directly cut it off. their throats!

"Ah, after being locked by the attack of the king of the strongest kingdom in the world, I have no spare energy to rescue those nobles and wealthy businessmen. There is nothing I can do? It's right!"

Huang Yuan listened to the cry for help from the wealthy businessmen and nobles and the garbage of the human auction house before they died, and said faintly,

"After all, my mission is just to hold down the strongest king in the world!"

"However, it's really scary!"

Kizaru looked at Hassan, who was beside Saga with his head down and his face full of weakness!

Just when Hassan separated countless figures from behind him, he felt a slight threat of death on Hassan's body-on it!

Fighting head-on, even if Hassan returns all the personalities, it is impossible for him to be Kizaru's opponent!

But if it is an assassination, even if it is only a small gap away from the Four Emperors, and the fruit ability is even more powerful, there is a certain possibility that Hassan will kill him directly!

Qi-san is the strongest assassin in the world who once inherited the title of the old man in the mountains!

But just as Kizaru and Saga were restraining each other, the weak Hassan slaughtered, and a large number of navy figures continued to appear from afar, vaguely surrounding the human auction house, from the depths of the human auction house , in a big hole that was suddenly blasted open!

A down-and-out uncle with white hair and tattered clothes, holding a wine bottle, looked at the Admiral Kizaru who came out of the door, the King Saga of the world's strongest kingdom, and a large number of navies surrounding him, and screamed, The last thug from the Human Auction House who was cleared by Weak Hassan, said faintly,

"This is really, big move!".


Chapter [-] The phone bug that suddenly rings

Hades Rayleigh felt unlucky!

He just sold himself because he didn't have the money to drink and wanted to make some money. As a result, before he was sold, the human auction house became a mess!

I wanted to come out and take a look, but as a result, I ran into the Admiral and a large number of Marines surrounded me.

Hades Rayleigh felt that today might really be his worst day!

"But luckily, isn't the Admiral's target himself?"

Pluto Rayleigh flashed a bright light in his eyes, and then looked directly at Saga!

"Ah, another legend on the sea?"

"Why did you suddenly encounter a sea legend here?

"It's really nerve-racking!"

Kizaru recognized Pluto Rayleigh, raised his hands in a gesture of surrender,

"If support hadn't arrived soon enough,"

"At the same time, facing the legendary pirates, Roger's vice-captain, Pluto Rayleigh, and the king of the world's strongest kingdom, Saga,"

"I'm afraid I can only choose to surrender!"

"It's terrifying

Kizaru said solemnly, and a drop of cold sweat appeared on his face at the same time!

This - once he was straight and a little scared °

The strength is close to that of S Li Ming Shi Li Yaoqi and Saga to join forces. Unless the yellow ape runs away decisively, otherwise, if we really want to fight against two, I am afraid that it will not be long before his yellow monkey will be short of arms and legs!

He doesn't want to lose an eye like Kaido, or lose an arm like Zepha...?

"The king of the strongest kingdom in the world?"

"Is it because you killed the Tianlong people, and at the same time directly killed all the staff of this auction house?"

"Really, let me sell it and steal the buyer's money and then do it,"

Pluto Rayleigh poured out his empty jug, threw it away, and then looked at Saga firmly,

"However, I would love to know!"

"A few months ago, were you the one who killed some murlocs in the East China Sea?"

Sarah nodded.

Aaron's group, including Octopus Xiaoba, were all killed by him with one sword.

And when he beheaded Aaron and others, he did not deliberately conceal his figure.

"It's really you!"

Xuan Wang Leili lowered his head and tightened his body.

"From Xiangxiaqi's slogan", we know that the W-man pirates were wiped out all over the army, and the octopus-man Xiaoba who saved his life also died. I've always wanted to be verified!

We can't just because of some possibilities, Pluto Rayleigh directly hit Vardin and ask the king of the strongest kingdom in the world...

The current Hades Rayleigh is not the deputy captain when the Roger Pirates were still around.

However, in any case, with Saga in sight, Hades Rayleigh had to ask to understand!

"Although men on the sea will have their end,"

"But among the murlocs you killed, one murloc once saved my life!"

Pluto Rayleigh looked at Saga's eyes and said calmly.

Saga nodded again and replied in a deep voice,

"I know Hachi, the octopus, saved your life,"

"But next time, when they show up in front of me, I'll kill them anyway!"

"Like I killed those celestial dragons directly, they are equally damned"?! "

Saga never regretted killing Aaron and Octopus Hachi.

General Kizaru looked strangely at Pluto Rayleigh and Saga in front of him, with big doubts in his small eyes!

"Is that right?"

"But Octopus Hachi's kindness to me makes it impossible for me to turn a blind eye to you anyway!"

"Even if you are the king of the strongest kingdom in the world!"

Hades Rayleigh said firmly!

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