
"Could it be that the legend above the sea is going to attack the king of the strongest kingdom in the world now?"

Kizuna said with a smile,

"Thank you so much for that!"

After Kizaru finished speaking, he was just about to wait for a good show, but the next moment, Pluto Rayleigh suddenly turned his head to look at Kiwi, and said embarrassingly,

"Although that guy killed the benefactor who once saved my life, I almost forgot,"

"I seem to be still a wanted pirate!"

"Hey, Saga, I remember Xiaoba's hatred, but now,"

"Are we going to rush out together?"

"There are more and more navies!"

"It's really troublesome!"

Pluto Rayleigh looked at the navy that was still coming in from a distance, and temporarily put down his hostility to Saga.

In any case, he didn't want to help the navy against a guy who had just killed several Draconians.

Xiao Ba's grievances, he will find out about Saga in the future.

Even though Pluto Rayleigh knows very well that he is alone, if he doesn't seize the opportunity now, he can't be the opponent of many strong men in Varding!

"Rush out now?"

"Sorry, I didn't think about leaving now.

Saga smiled and said seriously to Hades Rayleigh,

"I still have some things to do,"

"I won't leave until things are done!"

"But if you don't leave, I think the navy and the guardians of the Tianlong people won't mind taking off your head!"

"After all, in the face of the turbulent sea, they desperately need the heads of some big men to calm the storm that is about to set off!"

Saga said in a pointed way.

After listening to it, Pluto Rayleigh gave Saga a deep-deep look, and then jumped away without hesitation!

"General Yellow Monkey?..."

Kanmu stopped the navies from attacking Rayleigh, and let the Admiral Kizaru leave Rayleigh, and a rear admiral of the Navy headquarters stationed in the Chambord Islands was puzzled.

The Draconians died in the Chambord Islands.

In any case, his major general in charge of the Chambord Islands will be implicated.

But if it is possible to capture or kill the thug King Saga of Vardin who killed the dragon people, and the legendary pirate Hades Rayleigh together here.

The major general stationed in the Chambord Islands feels that he can still have a little chance in the future!

"Our target has never been Raleigh!"

"Let him quietly become a legend on the sea

"Or, do you want us to face the attacks of the two sea legends at the same time?"

Kizaru saw through the mind of the major general stationed in Chambord, put away his frivolous expression, and tapped.

Before the Warring States period and the others had arrived, facing the Hades Rayleigh and Saga at the same time, Kizaru didn't want to fight like this!

What's more, Huang Yuan always felt that something was wrong with Saga's situation!

Saga is too calm.

It seems that he deliberately killed the Tianlong people, and then waited for the elites of the Navy headquarters and the Tianlong people to surround and kill him!

The yellow monkey guessed right!

Before the teleportation was drawn, Saga just wanted to instruct Hassan to silently kill the members of the Slave Chamber of Commerce in the Chambord Islands and all those who dared to sell the citizens of the future Valdin Kingdom into slaves. Shock the whole sea!

But after drawing teleportation.

Saga directly formulated this big plan to use the body as bait to mobilize the naval headquarters and the elites of the world government to dispatch at the same time!

Even if he didn't meet the Roswald Saint family, Saga planned to make some big noises in the Chambord Islands.

But I happened to come across some rubbish, and Saga cleaned them up by the way!

"Is it Saga, the king of the strongest kingdom in the world?"

"You can't escape!"

Marshal Sengoku and more than ten lieutenant admirals of the navy headquarters suddenly appeared in front of Saga and Weak Hassan, and surrounded Saga and Weak Hassan!

And behind the Warring States and those lieutenant generals of the Navy headquarters, countless elites of the navy, like the tide, came from all directions!

"Thugs who dare to kill God must be put to death!"

One of the trump cards of the Tianlong people, Jin, the strongest spear of the Tianlong people, led some cpOs, and also fell directly from the sky.

Saga didn't make a move, and Hassan stepped forward weakly, waving the Hidden Sword that appeared in his hand at an unknown time, and blocked all the Lan feet slashed by Jin Xiao, the strongest spear of the Tianlong people!

What are you waiting for? "

"Why don't you take it down immediately?"

"Thugs who dare to hurt God are not worthy of continuing to live in this world.

The strongest spear of the Tianlong people, Jin Xiao, had gray hair, but his body was still extremely strong, and he commanded the Warring States and others arrogantly!

As the ace of the Tianlong people, he has already been completely brainwashed!

In his heart, the Tianlong people are the creators of the world and the gods of the whole world.

Even, with his power, in some weak and backward countries, he can also be called a god.

"World government - hidden power of government?"

"What a powerful force!"

Saga looked at the gray hair, and the whole person exuded an incomparable aura, which was comparable to one of the most powerful spears of the Heavenly Dragons, Jin Xiao, one of the trump cards of the S-rank ordinary navy admiral, and said softly!

The world government-government that has ruled the world for [*] years, of course, cannot only have the power of the navy!

Saga didn't forget that above the Admiral of the Navy, there is also a commander of the entire army, Cyborg Kong, and after a few years, the combat power of the cpO Rob Luqi can be directly comparable to that of the Admiral of the Navy.

It is impossible that before Rob Luigi became the cpO, there would be no strong men comparable to the Navy Admiral in the cpO, the strongest spy organization in the hands of the world government!

Although, S-level powerhouses are extremely rare in the entire pirate world.

"Go ahead and capture it!"

"Just with you and the guy by your side, it's impossible to escape!"

"Now surrender, the Kingdom of Vardin may continue to exist!"

Marshal Sengoku took off the cape on his back (Okay Zhao), and the whole person began to emit a strong golden light. General Kizaru and the rest of the lieutenant generals of the Navy headquarters also pulled out their weapons.

Sengoku does not think that Saga has a chance to escape!

But if you can directly make Saga surrender!

Sengoku also didn't want to fight with Saga and weak Hassan.

The battle between the top powerhouses, even if only the aftermath, is enough to kill countless naval elites.

"Besides, Saga is Saga, and Vardin is Vardin!"

"Perhaps changing the king, the war between Vardin and the World Government can also be avoided.

The sea couldn't be more chaotic! "

Warring States secretly thought!

But just after the Warring States period, Jin Xiao, the strongest spear of the Tianlong people, said sharply,


"Dare to hurt the kingdom of God, it is absolutely impossible for it to continue to exist on this sea!"

"This is blasphemy against God!"

"Valdin and this thug who dared to kill God must be completely destroyed!"

This time, the five old stars are determined to destroy Varding completely!

It is related to the death of the Tianlong people. Even if the destruction of Vardin will cause heavy losses to the naval headquarters and the world government, the Five Old Stars can't care about it!

What's more, it may be more beneficial for the five old stars at this time to die in some navies!

After Jin Xiao finished speaking, Zhan Guoqing's face was blue and he closed his eyes. Just as he was about to go all out with Kizaru, Jin Xiao and others to take down Saga, suddenly, the phone bug in Zhan Guoqing's arms rang directly! .


Chapter [*]: Bolu Bolu

Boo Boo!

"What's the call at the critical moment?"

The Warring States Marshal had a blue face and hung up the phone bug!

But the next moment, Bolu Bolu's voice kept ringing again, not only the phone bug in the arms of Warring States, but also the phone bug's rapid-rushing call from Kiabou!

Sengoku's face changed, he and Kizaru looked at each other, glanced at Saga, who seemed to have expected it, and directly answered the phone!

The next moment, a panic-sounding voice sounded,

"This is the bomb rock storage base!"

"Golden lion, the big pirate golden lion suddenly attacked us, we are almost unable to stop, we urgently need support!"

"No, this island is starting to lift off... ah

With a shrill scream, the phone bug in the hands of Warring States suddenly hung up!

"Golden Lion?"

"Also, bomb rock

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